Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1269: Contract as servant

Tangning took the meat that Qi Bohe handed over in one hand, and sat down beside him, and asked, "You little demon, you don't cultivate in the mountains, why did you come here?"

"Grandpa Buddha, I came down the mountain to find you, but the monk has been chasing you down. If you didn't meet Grandpa Buddha today, Yaoyao would have died." She knelt down and bowed respectfully to Tangning. head.

"Thank you, Grandpa Fo, for saving me. If you don't want to repay me, let me accept it!" She blinked and looked expectantly at Tang Ning with a pair of big beautiful eyes.


Tangning was eating the barbecue. Before she swallowed the meat in her mouth, she choked on hearing her words.

Song Tianyou next to him intimately patted his master on the back to help him get along.

Qi Baihe listened to the little demon's words, looked at his master again, and silently ate a piece of meat.

After Tangning passed the air, she asked, "Do you know what it means to promise by body?"

Xiao Taoyao tilted her head and thought for a while: "I just use me to repay you! Grandpa Fo, let me accept it! I will bloom for you and give you peaches."

Hearing this, Tangning laughed: "You can take a look at it."

"Okay!" She got up quickly, turned back, and saw a change in her figure, and a peach blossom appeared in front of them.

Tangning looked at the peach blossom in front of him, smiled, and said, "Okay, let's change it back!"

The light flashed, and the peach blossom changed back to the appearance of a little girl, and came to Tangning's side with a smile: "Grandpa Fo, have you promised to accept me?"

"You can follow, but you have to recognize me as the master." Tangning looked at her and said.

"Okay." She nodded and responded crisply.

Tangning raised her hand, pointed at her forehead with a finger, and muttered softly, and saw a light sink into her forehead, and the contract was concluded.

"This is a master-servant contract. You must remember that from now on, you must not do evil or kill innocent people indiscriminately. Otherwise, as long as I kill and mind together, you will be wiped out." Tangning watched her confess.

"Yes, Yaoyao remembered it." She responded earnestly.

"I teach you a Qi-grabbing technique. You will gather the demon qi in this body so that you will not be chased and killed when you go out." She taught each other with her spiritual knowledge and directly introduced the Qi-grabbing technique into her mind.

"Thank you, Master." Yaoyao thanked him joyfully, and went to the side to practice.

Qi Baihe glanced at the little demon who was cultivating not far away, then looked at his master, hesitated, and still asked: "Master, is it really okay to bring this little demon by your side?"

Monsters have always been unacceptable to immortal cultivators. Although this little monster has just transformed into form, it is still a monster. If you let outsiders know that Master has accepted a little monster as a servant, I'm afraid...

"She is a peach blossom demon, she has just transformed her shape, and her temperament is still like a blank paper. As long as she teaches well, it doesn't hurt." Tangning said unhurriedly, eating with the barbecue.

Seeing this, Qi Baihe didn't speak any more. He wanted to come as Master said. If it is really evil, as long as Master kills and reads together, she can be wiped out. In that case, what is there to worry about?

The next day, the three of them continued on the road, and in the evening, they came to the town where they had agreed to meet with Situ.

"Wow! Master, this human town is really beautiful! A lot of fun!" Yaoyao followed Tang Ning bouncely, looking around excitedly.

Tangning smiled, gave her some money, and said, "Take it, buy whatever you like."

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