Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1272: No harm to life

Hearing what they all said, Qian Fengzhu's face was gloomy, and he didn't say anything, but said: "I'll go and see Fengzhu Yuan." He said, turned around and walked outside.

"Sect Master, you have to persuade Feng Master Qian to avoid getting into trouble with your upper body and injuring your sect." Lan Chengzhi reminded.

Hearing this, the Sect Master looked straight and nodded: "Well, I will tell him about this personally."

"Sect Master, Elder, let's go back first." The other peak masters saluted, and then turned back.

Afterwards, because the Sect Master personally talked with Feng Master Qian, Feng Master Qian did not go out. He just sent a message to the Yuan family. However, after Yuan Jiadang knew that Feng Master Yuan had been abolished, he didn’t even go out. No one was sent, let him stay in the Azure River Sect...

After a few days, Situ and the others rushed to the town agreed with Master Tang. However, they had trouble halfway before they arrived in the town.

"I heard that you are Heavenly Dragon mercenaries? Just such a few people?"

A team of mercenaries came out of the woods on the side and blocked Situ and the others. Obviously, they had been lying in wait here long ago.

Situ took a look at those people, and after secretly evaluating their combat effectiveness, Ye Feibai asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Niu Dali saw these people look unkind, and the warfare factor in his body was already ready to move. He stared at them with a big axe, showing a simple smile: "Yeah! What's wrong with you?"

Seeing those people surrounding them, Situ and the others moved slightly, facing the surroundings, leaning back and preparing to fight at any time.

"I heard that you picked up a bargain, completed the task of Daluoshan, and got a lot of good things? As long as you hand over everything, we will let you pass, otherwise, hum."

The headed mercenary brightened the big knife in his hand, narrowed a pair of cold eyes, and stared at them threateningly.

"Hey, I like the people who come to rob me the most." Niu Dali grinned, staring at them and said: "Looking at what you look like, there should be a lot of treasures on you. If you hand over everything, I We might even spare your lives."

"Forty-five people, we packed five each, it was just right." Yin Qianze squinted his eyes, playing with the long sword in his hand.

"Compared to killing, I think it's better to click on their acupuncture points, strip their clothes and let them stand here for a few hours, how about?" Situ also followed.

"This is a good idea." Su Yanqing agreed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Do it!" Gao Chen said, and the figure had already been swept out, heading towards the mercenaries.

"Hey, this is fun." Niu vigorously put away the **, and the figure flashed out. At the same time, the figures of other people also moved.

They all learned from Master Tang, and their body skills and acupuncture techniques all came from the same line. Since they have made up their minds not to hurt their lives, they naturally don't need to worry too much.

"Brothers, kill them!" After being provoked in this way, the mercenaries were so annoyed that they rushed forward with their swords in their hands, and slashed at the few people. Unexpectedly, the opponent's speed was too fast, clearly in front of them. , But turned behind them in the blink of an eye.


One of them snorted, feeling that his veins were blocked for an instant. He was standing still and unable to move. At that moment, fear and panic rose from the soles of his feet and reached his heart.

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