Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1273: Unobstructed

"One!" Situ smiled evilly, his figure flashed, and he attacked another target.

There are only two Golden Core cultivators in this team, and the rest are foundation-building cultivators. Now that the two sides are fighting, they will stop the Golden Core cultivators first, and the others will not be a problem.

However, during Banzhuxiang's time, each of the mercenaries stood stiff and unable to move. They tried to mobilize their spiritual power to break through, but they couldn't break through the blocked acupuncture path.

"What the **** did you do to us!" one of them shouted angrily, his face turned pale due to the fear of being controlled by others.

"But so."

Ye Feibai clapped his hands and retired, looking at the mercenaries who were spotted by them, and said: "With this strength, I dare to block the way and rob us? I really can't help it."

"Let go of us! Kindly fight with us alone!" a Jindan monk shouted, glaring at Situ and others.

"Sing alone? Just you?" Situ raised the man’s chin with a sword, and said, "You didn’t figure it out. Now you are controlled by us. If we want to kill you, just move your finger. Do you all have to die here?"

Pointing down the sword in his hand, it landed on the golden core mercenary's throat, and said, "You try to shout again?"

Of course, being threatened by such a sharp blade pointed at his throat, that golden core mercenary did not even dare to say a word, and even had to take a breath, fearing that the blade would pierce his throat. Blood splattered on the spot.

"Look at you." Situ snorted softly, and while retracting the sword, he collected all the things on the mercenary.

Others also started to put the cosmic bags and other things on the mercenaries into the space, and then Niu Dali smiled: "Okay, are you going to strip them off now?"

"Why is it so troublesome, that's it."

Ye Feibai chuckled lightly, and with a sharp sword in his hand, he saw a slight sword aura across the mercenary's clothes in front of him. In an instant, he saw a bang, and the mercenary uniform was instantly damaged and scattered all over the ground. The next naked man stood there.

"Tsk tusk, it's really insulting, and I don't know if it will scare people who pass by." Ye Feibai glanced at the man's flushed face and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hurry up and don't delay it too long."

As Su Yanqing said, she also smashed the clothes on the mercenaries with sword energy. The nine of them worked together and only heard a banging sound. After a while, they saw naked men standing there stiffly. , One by one flushed, embarrassed.

"Even if it's a lesson we taught you this time, if you meet us in the future, it's best to avoid it, otherwise, you will kill it once!" Situ warned with a cold voice, then looked at a few others and left quickly.

When the wind blew gently and brushed over the bodies of the mercenaries, they only felt cold and swish all over their bodies. The uncovered exposure made them feel ashamed and nervous, hoping that no one was there. Passing here at this time, of course, they obviously have extravagant expectations...


A woman’s scream passed between their ears, and the woman covered her eyes and ran away cursing, but people passed by one after another, every time she saw the dozens of people standing motionless , They were all stunned, and some women couldn't help but secretly took a glance at the men...

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