Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1274: Mo Ye is trapped

"Master, Situ and the others are here." Qi Baihe came to his master's courtyard to report, followed by Situ and the others.

"Teacher." Situ and others called out, and stepped forward to salute.

"Come on!" Tangning was punching in the courtyard. Seeing this, she closed her fist and looked at them, and said, "Let's go to rest first! We will have dinner together tonight and then talk."

"Yes." They replied, and then stepped back.

Qi Bohe was also about to retreat, but he heard the voice of his master.

"Xiaohe, practice with me." Tangning looked at him, moved his steps, struck down and raised his hands.

Qi Baihe was taken aback, and then responded: "Yes." He stepped forward and stepped down, raised his hands and moved his steps, his figure swept forward, his palms attacking his master like a knife.

Tangning waved his hand and attacked as he fended off his attack. The palms and the steps under her feet were combined with each other. When her figure flashed out, Qi Baihe's figure instantly retreated several meters.

"Go on, take a good look." Tangning said, without giving him a chance to catch his breath, and continued to attack.

Seeing that although his master was a training partner, Qi Baihe actually pointed him, and when he played against him, his weakness was broken. When even he stepped forward, he played against him while listening to him.

The two had practiced in the courtyard for a long time, and Qi Baihe was sweating because of this, and finally his master stopped.

"Remember?" Tangning looked at him and asked.

"Thank you, Master, I remembered." Just now, his master opened his move, told him the weakness in the move, and told him how to practice the palm and body skills more integrated, making him impeccable. The original comprehension is high, it can be done at one point, and he has already written down all his master's instructions.

However, he remembered about the acupuncture points and asked: "Master, can I teach my disciples to acupuncture?"

"It's not difficult." Tangning chuckled, approaching him and said: "Human acupuncture points are naturally understood by doctors, but to tap the acupuncture points, it is the control of Qi, like this."

She acted coldly, tapped one of his acupuncture points, making him unable to move, and asked, "Is it unable to move?"

"Yes, it's like the qi pulse is blocked." He said, trying to rush away with spiritual power, but he couldn't.

"Acupuncture points can actually be opened, but you have to have a strong internal force. The stronger the internal force, the less easily the acupuncture points will be unlocked, and there are also unique acupuncture points." She said as she unlocked his acupuncture points. .

"The first thing you have to practice is internal power, until you can get familiar with internal power, and when you can naturally let internal power flow to your fingertips, it's almost the same." She handed him a book and said: "Take it. Practice by yourself and ask me if you don’t understand."

"Thank you, Master." After he saluted, he retreated.

Tangning stretched her waist in the courtyard, and when she looked towards the sky, she couldn't help but think of Mo Ye.

"I don't know what happened to him? With the medicine I gave to defend yourself, there shouldn't be any accidents, right?" She muttered to herself, thinking of the unpleasant expression when Mo Ye left that day, she couldn't help shaking. Shook his head.

"Oh! It's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that cannot be avoided."

What she didn't know was that at this moment, the secret realm changed and the entire secret realm was shaken down. At that critical moment, Mo Ye single-handedly combined the disciples of the sect together with Anyi and Hei. The wind sent out the secret realm together, but he himself was trapped in that secret realm...

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