Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1288: Can you come out


That force shot down Tangning's body. At the same time, Baiyun Gourd carrying Mo Ye was sent to the teleportation formation by Tangning at that moment, and disappeared into the sky with a flash of light.

Seeing that Mo Ye was finally sent out, Tangning, who was suffering from great pain, curled her mouth and revealed a smile. Her figure was not shot down to the ground by that force, but hovered by that force. In the midair, the power of heaven and earth pressed on her body, causing her mouth to overflow with blood, and the whole person seemed to be restrained by something, fixed in the air in a large font.


Formidable power ran through her body, wandering in her veins, the turbulent force expanded the veins in her body, the pain like the bones and veins of the body being broken and cut at the same time, made her look back. Begin to scream.


No one heard or saw Tangning's screams in the secret realm. She alone was the only one to bear the pain of death. Only the screams echoed in the air...

Outside, Baiyun Calabash carrying Mo Ye fell into the formation with the emergence of the light. Due to the power of the teleportation, as soon as Baiyun Calabash came out, Mo Ye threw Mo Ye out and rolled onto the formation.

The Sect Master and several other peak masters who had been guarding outside the formation with anxiety all the time, when they saw that Mo Ye came out, they quickly stepped forward in surprise, and the Sect Master shouted: "Mo Ye!"

Of course, the unconscious Mo Ye didn't respond to them at all, but lay motionless on the ground, while Baiyun Gourd didn't move aside.

The Sect Master quickly stepped forward to help Mo Ye up. At this moment, seeing that only Mo Ye and a gourd came out, but did not see the figure of Master Tang, he couldn't help being stunned: "Where is Master Tang?"

"My master hasn't come out yet. You keep the formation and wait for her, she will definitely come out." Xiao Baiyun's tender voice came out of the gourd with a hint of crying, and he worried that these people would leave with Mo Ye directly. , Regardless of its owner.

"Master Tang is still inside?" Sect Master was shocked, and immediately said to the peak masters: "I will send Mo Ye back for treatment first. You are still guarding here, Master Tang has not come out, you must not leave!"


The eight peak masters nodded in response. Then Master Tang wanted Mo Ye to go in alone to rescue people. Naturally, they couldn't just leave them alone. If they just leave, I am afraid that no one can reopen after the formation is closed. At that time, Master Tang would definitely not be able to come out. Right now, they could only guard here and wait for Master Tang to come out.

Seeing that they sent Mo Ye for treatment, Baiyun Gourd couldn't help much when they saw it. He flew into the air with a slam, planning to go back to Situ and the others, and let them come to the sect to guard, just in case. .

The eight peak masters guarding saw the gourd flying away, and then they reacted, with a slightly shocked expression on their faces: "Why did the gourd speak just now? Isn't that a flying machine? How can it speak?"

"It should be a superb fairy, and it's a gourd that gives birth to wit."

One of them said, seeing the white cloud gourd go into the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help but said, "I don't know where the gourd flew?"

"You said, can Master Tang still come out?" One of the peak masters couldn't help but look at the others and asked, of course, the only response to him was the silence of the people...

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