Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1289: Terrifying

At the same time, in the secret realm, Tangning was caught in the air by the air current in a big font, bearing the power of the Dao that day, under the powerful attack, she passed out in a coma, and her clothes It was also broken under the attack of that power, and it was no longer known where it was scattered. Drops of sweat leaked from the forehead, and the blood in the mouth was also overflowing.

"Tang Tang! Tang Tang!"

Xiao Hei's voice passed into Tang Ning's divine consciousness, and she called out, trying to wake her up, but she hung her head as if she had lost all vitality. There was no response and no movement.

"Tang Tang! Tang Tang, wake up! Wake up!"

Tangning, who was in a coma, only felt a scream in her mind, which made the soul she was about to leave once again settled. She closed her eyes and couldn't open them, because the weight of her eyelids made her unable to go. Open your eyes.

Like a flame burning in her body, the veins of her whole body were forcibly rushed in and flowed by that powerful force, which made every inch of her veins burst into pieces.

At this moment, she did not open her eyes. If she did, she could see the floating and veins of her red body with powerful force. The skin of her body seemed to be broken tightly. Dao's blood was all over his skin, and some even ooze out, looking terrifying.

However, when the power continued to be injected into Tangning, trying to destroy her, a dazzling light burst out of her.

That powerful and dazzling light soared into the sky, shrouded her whole person in it, and the moment the power of merit appeared on her body, protecting her whole person, this is near the cracked secret world. Among them, there was an ancient voice that seemed to come from outside.

"There is a difference between the spirit and the soul, but the merits are added. This son is already terrifying before he grows, and he must not be allowed to survive!"

The low and majestic voice echoed in the entire sky like a bell drum. Every word contained extremely powerful power of heaven and earth. Every word fell on Tangning like a heavy hammer.


A mouthful of blood spurted out again. Because of the impact of the sound, or because of the power of the body protector, Tangning slowly woke up, but when she gritted her teeth and raised her head to look towards the sky, she did not She didn't see the existence of anyone from the sky, but that voice, she firmly believed and was convinced that she would not hear it wrong!

"You, yes, what, person?" Tangning asked every single word, her eyes falling deeply on the sky.

"I am not a human being, I am a god!" The voice came again, falling into Tangning's ears, carrying a powerful force of pressure and oppressive shock.


A cold chuckle came from Tangning's mouth, and a soft chuckle showed her rebelliousness and contempt.

"What are you!" The **** outside the sky asked in a deep voice, his voice falling from the sky like a muffled thunder.

Tang Ning looked at the sky, and although her cold voice was weak, she heard every word, with determination and bloodthirsty force.

"If the sky blocks me, I will rebel! If God blocks me, I will punish it!"

The ending sound clip fell heavily with a cold murderous intent, and her hands were slowly tightened into fists at this moment. The moment her fists were clenched, her figure moved...

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