Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1451: Sumitomo Yamanaka

"Huh? Who are you? I haven't seen it before." Taoyao also looked at her curiously and asked.

"I am Shen Xingyue."

"I'm Taoyao, you can call me Yaoyao."

"Did you grow the peach blossoms in front of you? Why are you so amazing? And it is not the blooming season, and the peach blossoms are all blooming. They are really beautiful." Thinking of the peach blossoms in front, Yue'er smiled with excitement. meaning.

"Yeah, I planted it. I am a peach blossom essence. I let the peach blossom bloom as soon as it blooms, and it will not thank you." She said proudly, and took out one from her sleeve. Peach came and handed it forward: "I'll eat it for you."

"You gave birth to this?" Yue'er looked at her in surprise and asked.

When the people nearby heard this, their mouths twitched.

Taoyao also froze for a moment, shook her head and nodded, and said, "These are the peaches that grow on the peach tree, the peaches that I let them grow."

"Wow! You're so amazing!" Shen Xingyue stared at her with his eyes full of light, with a curious look on her face: "You obviously look just like us, you actually have peaches! What a great!"

"Hehe." Although it seemed a little strange to hear her words, but the meaning seemed to be complimenting her, so she stretched out her hand, took out a big peach and handed it to her: "Give you one more."

"Do you want it? I still have one." Tao Yao looked at Situ and the others, and was about to give them peaches, so she waved their hands.

"No, we won't eat." Several people said with a smile.

"Well then! Are you thirsty? I'll take you to drink tea." She said with a smile, and led them to the peach forest. The group sat down at the stone table in the peach forest and drank tea. Enjoying flowers and chatting.

"Is God you cultivating?" Xingtong asked.

"He was in retreat recently, and he had to wait for him to get out. No one was playing with me lately. I watered the flowers and weeded the weeds every day. Sometimes I would send some peaches to the three fairies." Taoyao Said with a smile.

Ye Feibai looked at this place, and said to Xingtong: "Xingtong, if nothing happens in the mansion, we plan to stay here and practice for a while and wait for Master Tang to return."

"Okay, then I'll go and say hello to the three immortals." Xingtong said with a smile, and gave her the things that she had brought to Taoyao in the space: "These are all for you, and you like to eat them. Snacks, and some useful things."

"Thank you sister Tong." Taoyao said with a smile.

"Then you will take them around for a while and get to know the place. I will first meet some immortals and tell them." Xingtong said with a smile.

"Good." Taoyao replied, and saw her leave first.

"I'll take you around! Besides here, there are also bamboo forests, such as these palaces and pavilions, which were transformed by the master using fairy methods." Taoyao told them, leading them to familiarize themselves with the places in the mountains.

On the other side, after Xingtong went to visit the three immortals, he told them that Situ and the others would stay here and then leave. Although it is already the master's here, the master has confessed that he should not lose courtesy to the three immortals, so he still said hello to them, so as not to encounter any problems in the future.

After staying here for one night, in the early morning of the next day, Xingtong went down the mountain first and went to Tang's house. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Qi Bohe was already in the house.

"Prince Qi." Xingtong called out.

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