Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1452: Her instructions

Qi Bohe nodded and asked: "Where are they?"

"They saw the quiet environment in the medicine gate, so they stayed and practiced inside." Xingtong said.

Hearing this, Qi Baihe paused slightly and asked: "Did you see my senior brother this time? How is his cultivation?"

"When I went, Taoyao said he was practicing in retreat, so I didn't see it, but Taoyao said that he has always been serious and his strength has improved a lot."

Hearing this, Qi Baihe said: "Okay, I see, since they haven't come back, then I will go back to the building, and you will send someone to call me if you have something to do."

"Okay." Xingtong replied, watching him leave before entering.

In the following days, Situ and his group practiced in the medicine gate, while Qi Baihe went back to the building to read the medical books, researching medicines in his spare time, and the days passed quietly in enrichment...

In a blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since Tangning and the others returned to the land of mortals. Situ and others in the land of immortals are looking forward to their return, while at Tang's house in the land of mortals, Tangning is also preparing to leave.

In the other yard, several collateral children who have undergone several trainings have been refreshed, both in strength and temperament, especially the three girls, almost being trained under the sun every day as boys. As a result, the originally fair and smooth skin has turned into a wheaten color, and his bones have become much stronger.

Because the six people have been living together in this other courtyard in the past few months, they have been together for cultivation and dinner, and even if they get close, they have more trust between them that they didn't have before.

On this day, Tangning came to the courtyard and saw several people discussing, so she called out, "Come here all!"

"Young Master." Seeing her, several people ran over and saluted her.

Tangning's gaze fell on them. Because of the convenience of training, the three girls were not wearing dresses, but tight training clothes. Their hair was tied high, plus their wheat-colored skin, and The light in his eyes was different from the past, and the whole person seemed to be full of energy.

"Tomorrow, my grandfather and I are going back to the land of immortals. I will ask you again, do you decide to go with me?" She looked at the six of them and asked.

The six people responded loudly without even thinking: "We will follow the young master! Whether it is life or death in the future, we will not regret it!"

Tangning was not surprised by their answers. She looked at them lightly and said, "Since they all decided to follow me, then I have to tell you a little more."

The six listened carefully, their eyes all falling on her.

"You are all children of the Tang family. No matter who you worship after you arrive in the land of the immortals, you must support each other, you must not kill each other, and you must not kill the innocent or bully the weak. Even if you have powerful strength in the future, you must remember. This point, take you to the land of immortals, so that you can become stronger in the future and become the backers of the Tang family, so that one day you have the ability to protect the family and train the next generation of talents for the family. If I let me I know, in the future, whoever of you takes a crooked path and does evil things that would defeat the Tang family's style, I will never be merciless! You, do you understand?"

Her voice was faint, but there was pressure, and the words echoed in their ears, and finally burned in the hearts of the six, so that they would not dare to forget in the future...

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