Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1480: Two young wolves

Mo Ye stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the Qi family spaceship not far ahead. He saw that all the Qi family members had gone down to fight, dozens of snow wolves and two white bears whose strength was comparable to Jin Dan, the two sides fought, and the wolves howled. The roar of Hexiong accompanied the voice of the Qi family guards from time to time in the night.

The distance between the two spaceships was not far, but the snow wolves did not attack their side, which was somewhat unusual.

He said to Ye Feibai: "Go and ask Qi Bohe what the people underneath have done."

"Yes." Ye Feibai responded, and quickly got off the spacecraft and headed for the spacecraft in front. He passed the melee crowd and directly boarded the Qijia spacecraft.

"Fifth Junior Brother, why are you here?" Qi Baihe looked at him and asked.

"Second Brother, Master asked me to come over and ask you what the people underneath have done." Ye Feibai said in the original words.

Hearing this, Qi Baihe's eyes flickered, watching the scuffle below, he felt strange just now that the snow wolves and the two white bears only attacked their side, but the spaceship on the master's side did not attack. Obviously, it was only aimed at They, then, what did their family members do to make these snow wolves and white bears besiege them like this?

"Uncle San!" He called out, letting the middle-aged man joining the battle below come up.

When Qi Laosan heard the sound, he stepped back, still holding a knife in his hand, and asked: "What's the matter? This snow wolf's offensive power is too strong, I have to help, if you have anything to say, please." He still looked down, worried that others could not stand it.

"Uncle San, when the team was cooking fish soup in the woods in the evening, what was wrong with someone?" Qi Baihe asked calmly.


Oldest Qi was taken aback for a moment: "It doesn't seem to be right? Oh, yes, I heard the two worship elders say that there are snow wolves in the woods. Let the team boil the fish soup and bring them back to the spacecraft to drink, shouldn't it count? "

Ye Feibai and Qi Baihe looked at each other, their eyes fell on the two worship elders below, listening to those snow wolves, howls and bear roars, Qi Baihe's heart moved slightly and asked: "Where are the two worship elders? one?"

"They are the last one at the stern." Qi Laosan said, and saw him stepping inside, following him right now.

Ye Feibai paused and followed. When he came to the last room, Qi Baihe saw that the lock was still closed, so he took out the sword and chopped the lock, and directly pushed the door in.

There are two beds in a small cabin, and two young snow wolves are tied to the corners. The little snow wolves are tied with their four feet, and their mouths are also wrapped in cloth strips, and they only make a whine. A faint cry.

"Hey! It's actually the little snow wolf! When did they catch it back? No wonder those snow wolves besieged us alone!" The Qi family third third gasped.

Qi Baihe's eyes were slightly cold, he stepped forward and took the two little snow wolves and walked out. When he came outside, he stood on the boat and uttered, "Stop it! Get back to the spaceship!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. When they looked back, they saw that he was holding two young wolves with unbearable surprise in his eyes. Especially the two worship elders, their faces changed slightly after the surprise. They glanced at each other, and did not speak with their lips pressed.

The Qi family gradually backed back to the spaceship. The dozens of snow wolves stared at the two young wolves, their mouths howled, and the eyes of the wolf's head were shining fiercely, making a gesture of leaping forward at any time.

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