Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1481: Majesty

Qi Baihe walked down from the spaceship slowly, untied the ropes of the two young wolves, then untied the cloth with the mouth tied, and put the two young wolves back.


The two young wolves raised their heads and screamed, the howling voice with a trace of tremor, the next moment they rushed towards the wolves in front, happily spinning around the wolf.

The wolf stared at Qi Baihe, then raised his head and howled, and saw dozens of snow wolves retreating quickly amid the howling of the wolf, and even the two huge white bears quickly followed away.

"Okay, I'll go back to sleep." Ye Fei said with a white smile, knowing that they have something to deal with and it is inconvenient for him to stay for a long time, so he talked to Qi Baihe and walked to the spaceship not far away.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a bit unpleasant, Qi Laosan shouted: "It's alright, it's alright, let's rest first! Treat the wound if you are injured."

Because the third master of the Qi family was also the person leading the team this time, when the guards heard this, they thought to leave first, but at this moment, the young master's voice came.


Qi Baihe summoned the crowd, his eyes fell on the two worship elders who were about to turn around: "Don't you two have anything to say?"

When the two heard this, they knew they couldn’t avoid it. After looking at each other, they looked back at Qi Baihe: “Young Master, we didn’t do this properly. We saw two little snow wolves playing in the woods. , I wanted to catch it back and be a contract beast for my grandson, unexpectedly..."

"The two are the worship elders of the Qi family. This time they were named by my father to travel with the team. With the qualifications of the two, I should know what I should do and what should not be done." Qi Baihe looked at them negatively. , The voice was faint, but also cold, with the coercion of a superior, people dare not have a hint of presumption.

"Yes, we did not do it right." Being trained like this in front of so many people, the two of them had embarrassment on their faces, but they had to admit their mistakes.

"If the two young wolves are not returned this time, half of the personnel will be lost in this battle, and half of the combat effectiveness will be lost before the trip reaches the destination. Do you think this task can be completed?"

Qi Baihe's deep gaze swept across the crowd, and he spoke again: "The team is one. Any mistake made by any one person will affect the whole team. If you are aware that some team members have done something extraordinary or made any mistakes, immediately It is to report to the superior that this battle tonight can be avoided. I put my words here. From this moment on, if anyone dares to mess up the discipline of the team anymore, it shall be dealt with according to the family law!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in a deep voice, their voices loud and powerful, even Mo Ye and the others heard it.

"Two worship elders." Qi Bohe looked at them both.

"Young Master." Although they were embarrassed, they quickly responded when they heard him call them.

Qi Baihe's eyes fell on the two of them, and he said quietly: "I will punish you to bandage the injured players and be responsible for the night watch tonight. Do you have any objections?"

"We have no objections." The two said immediately, even though they were not angry, they did not dare to show it.

"Go!" He just said, letting everyone go.

Seeing them all dispersed, the two worship elders also went to help the team members bandage, Qi Laosan approached him and said in a low voice: "Bohe, after all, they are worshiping the elders, would you be too embarrassing for them like this? ?"

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