Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1488: Beihai map

"Okay!" Niu Dali listened, his eyes lit up, and said: "I will try to see how many spirit fish can be netted." He said and walked forward.

Zhuo Lan was talking to the people in the net fish. Seeing the cow coming over vigorously, she rolled up her sleeves and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Let me try! I can also fish." Niu Dali said to the man who was pulling the net.

Seeing this, the man glanced at the others, thinking that they were the leader's distinguished guests, one of them said: "Well, you come and try." Then he handed him the fishnet he was pulling.

After Niu Dali took it, seeing other people still pulling the fishing net, he said, "You let go! Let me do it myself."

"Do you come by yourself? This fishing net weighs nearly two hundred catties! It weighs even more when it gets into the water, and how many corners can you take?" One of the guys asked in surprise.

"I'm fine."

Niu Dali said, after letting them all get out of the way, he pulled over the fish net, gathered up and threw it towards the spirit fish in the river, faintly as if he saw a dozen big fish, and happily shouted to Tangning: "Master, I I got a dozen big fish on the net!"

Of course, when he pulled the net to recycle, he found that when the net was put away, more than a dozen big fish were gone, only a few water plants were inside.

"Hahahahaha, Brother Niu, where's the fish?" Yin Qianze laughed and looked at him jokingly: "Don't you say that those water plants are big fish."

"My Mingnet is here! Why is it gone?" Niu Dali said in a puzzled manner. He pulled up the net and saw that the fishnet had broken holes one by one. He immediately opened his eyes and said to those guys: How can the fish net be broken like this? How is it possible to get the net? Even if the net arrives, it all slips away.

Those guys listened for a moment, and then laughed: "It seems you don't know that this spirit fish has very powerful teeth. If the net we pulled up is bitten, they will help us repair it quickly." As he said, he pointed to the women on the side.

"When we took out the aquatic plants and debris, we saw that the broken ones would be repaired, but this spirit fish is not easy to catch, and the net is always bitten." One of the women smiled and stepped forward to pull over the broken one. The fishnet and several other women quickly mended it.

Niu Dali saw this, they did not use needles or threads to repair, but they were repairing with spiritual power, which made him a little bit stunned.


While everyone here was talking and laughing, Qi Baihe came over, bowed to Tangning, and said, "Master, this is a map of Beihai I got from Chief Zhuo." He folded one. Handed him the map paper.

Tangning took a look, then smiled and nodded: "Yes, this map is much more convenient." She looked at Mo Ye next to her and said, "Mo Ye, let's go here for a look tomorrow?" She pointed. A place on the map.

Mo Ye took a look, then responded, "Okay."

"Master, let's go together." Niu vigorously put down the fishing net and ran over.

"Are you not going to fish?" Tangning looked at him playfully.

Niu Dali listened and grinned: "Hey, the spirit fish here are not easy to catch, forget it, wait until you are free and try again."

"All right! Then take a good rest today and leave tomorrow morning." Tangning said, looking at Qi Baihe: "You and your third uncle will go find the Centennial Ice Spirit Fish!"

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