Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 1489: Snow ginseng

"Okay." Qi Bohe nodded in response.

After a few people chatted by the river for a while, they all went back to rest first to prepare for tomorrow's itinerary.

Before dawn the next day, Qi Baihe and the others set off in a group and walked along the glacier river, while Tangning and the others set off after dawn, and the group walked across the ice to the forest covered by trees, watching occasionally sprint out of the snow forest. Song Tianyou is most interested in the little animals.

"Master, how come these little animals won't be frozen to death in such a cold day?" He asked curiously, jumped forward and pulled a branch with snow and ice, let go of it, and saw the branch pressed. The thick snow ice smashed down and landed on the snow in front of him.

"These little animals have adapted to this kind of weather. What's more, they have such thick fur on their bodies, so they are naturally not afraid of cold." Tangning said slowly, looking at the snow forest, there was no grass in the snow, and said : "Where you go deeper, there should be snow ginseng unique to the North."

"Master, there is no grass here. How could there be snow ginseng? Is it possible that this snow ginseng is hidden in the snow?" Niu scratched his head vigorously and asked, he looked around, but didn't see anything.

"Of course it's hidden in the snow. You'll have to dig it for me in a while." Tangning smiled and walked forward, her steps seemed to be on the snow, but in reality there were no prints on her feet and her shoes did not touch the ground. It's OK.

Situ and others at the back listened and responded with a loud laugh. After walking for a long time, they saw Tangning and Mo Ye stop in front of them.

"Is there a snow ginseng in this place?" Yin Qianze looked around curiously, and saw the master beckoning to him.

"Come here, do you see any difference in the snow next to the big tree?" Tangning looked at him and asked.

"This snow seems to be relatively loose, and if you look closely, it seems that there are pores." Yin Qianze looked closer.

"Dig! Dig slowly, dig deeper." Tangning gestured.

Several other people looked around, and saw Yin Qianze digging up the snow directly with his hands, and then slowly digging down. When he digs as deep as the palm of his hand, his fingers seem to touch something, and his face is happy. , Said: "Master, there is something down here, I seem to want to run!"

He immediately dug down with his palm, and dug up with the snow, and saw a fat white snow worm squirming in the handful of white snow.

"It's actually a worm!" Seeing the fat white worm the size of a finger, he immediately lifted his hand, and threw the handful of snow in his hand and the worm together.

"Situ, catch it."

When he heard the voice of his master, Situ didn't think much about it. People had already jumped out and connected with his robe, catching the snow-white fat insect. When he saw the snow-white insect in his robe Situ couldn't help but ask, "Master, this is the snowman ginseng you mentioned, right?"

Tangning chuckled lightly, glanced at them, and said, "This is Snow Ginseng. Don't think it is a bug. Its medicinal value is not less than a century-old ginseng."

She stepped forward, pinched the fat white snow worm with both hands, and said: "It **** the essence of the rhizome of the cedar tree and eats unpolluted snow water, so the whole body is white and the medicine is of high value."

As she said, she held the snow worm and handed it forward, and asked with a smile: "Which one of you want to taste? The raw taste has a little sweetness, and it contains extremely pure spiritual energy inside, which is very nourishing. ."

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