Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 847: Personally guard

Soon after everyone had dispersed, Tang Xiao came to the courtyard again. Seeing that the Night King was still standing in the courtyard, he said: "I really thank the Night King for helping me tonight. It's not too early. I don't know if the Night King will arrive first. Take a break in the guest room!"

"Don't bother, I'll go and see the dean." Mo Ye said.

"Then I will let Qingzhi lead the way for the Night King." Tang Xiao said, instructing the youth behind him: "Take the Night King over."

"Yes." Qingzhi responded with a gesture of request: "Please, the Night King."

"Yeah." Mo Ye replied and nodded towards Tang Xiao before leaving with Qingzhi.

Seeing him out of the yard, Tang Xiao quickly stepped into the room to look at his daughter. He saw that she was still in a coma, and star pupils were guarding him. Then he confessed that she was taking good care of him, then turned around and left the room and went to the front yard Away.

What happened tonight was too sudden. Although everything has calmed down, there are still many things to deal with inside and outside, especially the elders in the house and others. They were all shocked by what happened tonight. Also waiting for an explanation from him!

On the other side of the courtyard, Mo Ye sat in the courtyard after seeing the dean, thinking of everything that happened tonight, a murderous look in his eyes.

If it weren’t for him to come back from the land of immortals, Tangning’s situation tonight can be imagined, but what he didn’t expect was that Nangong Lingyun, a person who said he would put her on the cusp of his heart, would use it at such a moment. It's useless, even the wound on her chest was caused by him and his master!

He wanted to fulfill them, retreat and stay away, but didn't want to put her in a dangerous situation. In that case, he would personally guard her afterwards!

The next morning, Mo Ye came to Tangning's courtyard early, and in the room, Xingtong, who had been taking care of him all night, opened the window to let the morning sun spill in, and saw the master on the bed woke up leisurely.

"Master? Are you awake!"

Seeing her waking up, Xingtong was overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to her side.

Tangning opened her eyes to look at the sunlight that spilled in from the window, squinted her eyes, and when she raised her hand to rub her temples, she pulled the wound on her chest, causing her to take a breath.

"Master, you have an injury on your chest, so you can't move it." Xingtong stepped forward to support her, put a pillow on her back to lean her, and said: "Master, how do you feel now? Is it better?"

"What happened afterwards? I can't remember anymore." She leaned against the bed, raised her other hand and rubbed her temple.

"At that time, the night king appeared to save the master, and then the soul of the magic repair was also destroyed by the night king. The master passed out in a coma, and the night king took the master back..." Xingtong briefly talked about what happened last night.

After hearing her words, Tangning's somewhat confused thoughts gradually cleared up. She remembered Mo Ye who had seen him last night, and she was taken aback, and said, "Why did he suddenly appear?"

"Woke up?"

Pushing the door open, Mo Ye walked in. When he came into the room, he stopped when he saw her sitting on the head of the bed. He did not approach the past, and his deep gaze just fell on as if inadvertently. Her snow-white shaved shoulders exposed outside the quilt, and paused slightly.

Tangning followed his gaze and glanced down at her body. She saw that the quilt slipped down, and she was only wearing a tube top. The sudden spring scene made her eyelids twitch, holding a serious face. The quilt is pulled up to cover the body.

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