Medicinal Immortal

Chapter 848: Still me

"Before you come in, you should knock on the door and make a squeak." Tangning said, eyes on his face, and said, "I'm a big girl anyway, so how can I see people when it spreads out?"

Hearing this, Mo Ye couldn't help laughing, and jokingly said, "Bald girl?" His gaze cast a glance on her bald head, walked to the side and sat down, and said, "You Don’t say you are a woman, I really can’t tell.”

Tangning twitched her mouth, and did not entangle on this topic, but asked, "Didn't you go to the fairyland? Why did you come back suddenly?"

"It's over. I practiced in retreat for a period of time. After I stepped up, I wanted to come back and have a look. Unexpectedly, I ran into you in danger again." Mo Ye flashed his eyes when he heard the sound from the courtyard outside. : "You put on your clothes first, they should come in to see you in a while."

Seeing him sitting there as he said, staring at her unmovingly, Tangning couldn't help asking, "Are you going to sit here and watch me change clothes?"

Hearing this, Mo Ye stood up like a hindsight, and said as usual: "You change it!" After that, he walked out.

Tangning watched him go outside, and then let out a heavy breath, lifted the quilt, and said, "I don't want him to go out yet? What's wrong?"

The star pupil on the side took his coat and stepped forward, "Master, put on your clothes first!"

Outside, Situ and others arrived early. When they entered the yard, they saw that the Night King was there. He was surprised and asked, "Night King, why are you here? Did you not go to rest last night?"

Mo Ye glanced at them and said, "Just came here."

"Oh, Master Tang should be awake? Then let's go in and see Master Tang." He said that he was about to go in, but Mo Ye was blocked.

"What's the matter?" They were startled, looking at him with some doubts.

"She just woke up and was washing her inside. You guys wait a moment."

After listening to this, everyone thought that Master Tang was a woman, and they couldn't just push the door in regardless of this, so they bowed their hands to the Yewang and thanked him, then knocked on the door and shouted.

"Xingtong, let's see Master Tang."

"Come here." Xingtong replied from inside. After helping her master to get dressed, he helped her sit down and then went to open the door.

When the door was opened, everyone walked in. As soon as 30 students squeezed in, the room was suddenly full of people, full of lively feeling.

"Master Tang."

"Master Tang, how are you? Is your health better?"

"Master Tang, is there still bleeding from the wound?"

"Master Tang..."

Listening to their worrying questions, Tangning smiled and raised his hand to indicate: "It's all quiet, I'm fine, just rest for two days."

"Master Tang, I didn't expect you to be such a Master Tang." Situ looked at Master Tang who was sitting on the bed. He was still familiar, but with more feminine air and softer face.

She was wearing aqua-blue clothes, and she had the exquisite figure that a girl should have, but with a bald head, she felt a little strange no matter how she looked at it.

Especially, after knowing that she is a woman, looking at her against a bald head, it looks a little weird.

"I'm still me!" Tangning smiled openly, with a casual and informal look on her face, still the look they were familiar with.

Su Yanqing looked at her and said with a smile: "Master Tang deserves to be Master Tang."

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