Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 44, The End of the Great War

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The first-hand information after the atomic bomb explosion was passed on to the Allied Joint Command. The first reaction of many people was to not believe that there is such a terrible weapon in the world?

The facts are in front of them, and they cannot tolerate their disbelief. The Japanese navy is indeed finished.

The shock is also shocking, Bulgaria does not mean to explain, the unknown is often the most terrifying.

Originally, it was killing monkeys and respecting chickens, so of course the governments of various countries should send people to see it. Anyway, Bulgaria will not take care of the remaining warships of the Japanese army. After the nuclear radiation, humans will not be able to survive on them.

Whoever wants to take advantage of it, let them die, and one death counts as one.



The Tokyo government received the news that the Holy Alliance announced the complete annihilation of the main force of the Japanese navy. The first reaction was that it was impossible. Unfortunately, their joint fleet did lose contact.

The Holy Alliance Navy is making great strides, heading straight to the Japanese mainland, and now there is no naval fleet in Japan that is worthy of a battle.


This is impossible. In history, after two nuclear bombs hit the mainland, the Soviet Union joined the war. They are still working on the national jade plan. If the emperor hadn't persuaded them, they may have persisted for a long time.

Radicals occupy the dominant government, preferring to believe that the combined fleet encountered an accident at sea, rather than admit that Bulgaria has such a powerful weapon.

"Judging from the current situation, the United Fleet is already in dire straits, and the Japanese islands are poor in resources, making it difficult to hold on.

I propose to immigrate to the mainland as much as possible while preparing for the home defense war, and move the capital to ****! "

... (10,000 words omitted)

The Japanese have Japanese plans, and Bulgaria also has a Bulgarian combat plan. As the monkey used to kill monkeys and respect chickens, the ending is destined to be tragic.

On June 21, 1941, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued another announcement ordering the Japanese government to surrender unconditionally.

Otherwise, starting from July 1, one city in Japan will be destroyed every day until the Japanese government surrenders.

Out of humanitarian considerations, the Allied forces dropped a large number of leaflets to major cities in Japan, asking the Japanese people to stay away from the cities, and it was none of Ferdinand's business whether they listened or not.

Due to time constraints, the Allied forces had not yet had time to carry out strategic bombing of the Japanese mainland. The situation of the Japanese government at this time was not as severe as it was in August 1945 in history.

In the minds of the Japanese, the announcement issued by the Bulgarian government is almost like farting. They will not give up until they have seen the power of the nuclear bomb with their own eyes.

The final decision-making power returned to Sofia, and Tokyo was ruled out first. In case the Japanese government is taken over, who will come out and surrender?

Can't really bomb all the way and turn Japan into an uninhabited island?

Even Ferdinand couldn't do this kind of thing! The main purpose of using nuclear bombs is to deter and consolidate Bulgaria's hegemony. If it goes all the way, nothing but terror will remain.

History has returned to the original point again, and the first bombing target was placed on Hiroshima, which is Japan's military center and can weaken Japan's war potential.

The headquarters of the Second Army of the Japanese Home Defense Force and the Kure Naval Factory were both established in Hiroshima. The battleships Nagato, Yamato, and the aircraft carriers Akagi and Canglong were all built here.

Time flies by, and the much-anticipated July 1st has arrived. On this sunny day, Hiroshima ushered in the most terrifying mushroom cloud in the world.

With the previous experience, Bulgaria is more fully prepared this time, and has also shot a lot of film and television materials.

Well, in fact, only a fuzzy mushroom cloud was photographed, and there was nothing else. Considering the safety issue, everyone took the photos at high altitudes tens of kilometers away, so the pictures would naturally not be clear.

Hiroshima is even worse than in history. After all, Bulgaria's nuclear technology is more mature. In history, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT explosives.

This time it has at least tripled, and the consequences are naturally more serious.

It is estimated that there will not be many people left in the city, and the affected areas will be even larger.

Affected by the nuclear explosion, the Japanese government immediately increased its air defense efforts. They could not deal with this terrifying weapon, but the plane could be shot down.

Regardless of the reaction of the Japanese government, Bulgaria's strategic nuclear bombing continued. At 3:30 am on July 2, 1941, Bulgaria once again planted a mushroom cloud in Yokohama, Tokyo's outer port.

Anyway, the nuclear bomb is powerful enough, even if there is an error, it doesn't matter, as long as it is dropped in a Japanese city.

According to Ferdinand's thinking, it doesn't matter if there is a mistake and it is thrown to the countryside. It can continue tomorrow. This is the Japanese mainland, and they will not feel better if they throw it anywhere.

Although the explosion happened in the middle of the night, the impact it caused was much greater than the mushroom cloud in Hiroshima yesterday. Yokohama is next door to Tokyo, and the distance between the two sides is only more than 30 kilometers.

Yokohama was hit by a nuclear attack, and the surrounding area of ​​Tokyo was affected. After many people were exposed to nuclear radiation, their skin rotted, their ears were deaf, and their eyes were blind.

The Japanese government most intuitively felt what a weapon of mass destruction is, and let them understand that there are indeed weapons capable of destroying a city in the world.

At this time, the attitudes of many people in the top ranks of the Japanese government have changed, and the financial groups that supported the war behind the scenes have also changed their attention one by one.

Smart people know that this battle can no longer be fought. God knows how many nuclear bombs the enemy still has. Who can guarantee that tomorrow's mushroom cloud will not fall in Tokyo?

Anyway, after the Yokohama nuclear explosion, the Japanese government moved from Tokyo, the city is too fucking dangerous.

On July 2, 1941, the Japanese government sent a negotiating request to the Holy Alliance, which was rejected without a doubt. If it said unconditional surrender, it must surrender unconditionally.

Otherwise, this drama will be in vain. Haven’t you seen that all countries in the pan-international front are trembling now? As the chief director, the Bulgarian government naturally wants to make it a perfect ending.

Isn't it just a nuclear bomb? At this time, there are still many in Bulgaria's warehouse, so it doesn't matter if you throw out a hundred or eighty.

Well, they were thousands of miles away, and they threw it out by themselves, so there was no real pain, and the horror of the nuclear bomb was naturally not as deep as the person involved.

On July 3, 1941, the mushroom cloud descended again. This time it was Kobe's turn to be unlucky. No one would dare to eat the famous Kobe beef in later generations.

The Tokyo government is terrified. The enemy is now catching big cities and bombing them. Destroying a city with one bomb is not a joke.

As long as the mushroom cloud rises, the city will be abolished. The terrible casualties make the Japanese feel desperate. The people who originally supported the Japanese government to launch the war now regret it.

Massive anti-war demonstrations broke out in Tokyo. Countless people took to the streets to demand the government to end the war. Little did they know that they were the most staunch advocates of the war just a few days ago.

"Father, the strategic nuclear bombing is really terrifying!" Little Ferdinand exclaimed

Ferdinand shook his head and said: "No, little Ferdinand. In fact, this is not bad. You can calculate how many casualties have been caused by our strategic nuclear strikes?

If we carried out ordinary strategic bombing, blocked the Japanese for a long time, destroyed their farmland, and then launched a landing operation, how many deaths would this have? "

"Father, I understand. Then the government will promote it like this. We are peace-loving. In order to minimize the casualties caused by the war, we adopt strategic nuclear bombing!" Little Ferdinand said excitedly

Sure enough, everyone has learned badly. In the short term, fewer people died, but the aftereffects of the nuclear bombing are too strong, right?

Of course, Bulgaria will naturally not say this question. The number of casualties in this strategic nuclear bombing was only hundreds of thousands, and it may exceed one million in the future, but in the case of conventional wars, the number of casualties may exceed tens of millions.

What's more important is that all the dead are Japanese now, and there are no casualties on the Allied side. If anyone dares to make a fuss, let them be cannon fodder in the next battle.

Time flies, and in the next few days, Nagasaki, Daban, Kyoto, and Nagoya all felt the power of the mushroom cloud.

The Japanese government finally couldn't hold on anymore. These seven cities were scrapped, and Bulgaria had no intention of stopping. Who knows how many nuclear bombs they still have?

Especially in the next three days, Bulgaria threw three bombs in every city in a frenzy. It seemed that the previous blasting was not thorough enough, and this time it wanted to achieve full coverage.

The three big cities with a population of more than one million disappeared, and there was no possibility of recovery from the infighting for decades.

On July 7, 1941, a coup took place in the Tokyo government, and the government dominated by radicals was overthrown. As soon as the coup succeeded, the Japanese emperor immediately surrendered by telegram.

The following things are easy to handle, and everyone is frightened. At this time, no one dares to wrestle with Bulgaria.

Without sending troops from the Holy Alliance, other members of the Pan-International Front announced their surrender and surrendered.

They have seen the tragedy of Japan, and Bulgaria dropped fourteen nuclear bombs one after another, causing millions of casualties to Japan, and the economic loss is even more immeasurable.

No one wants to follow in the footsteps of the Japanese. Anyway, they are just doing logistics in this world war, and they are helping the British to wave the flag by the way.

If they didn't take up arms and went to the front line, even if they were held accountable, they could only be accomplices at best, and at worst, they would cede land and pay compensation.

Even the main culprit, the British, was let go, let alone them.

With the surrender of the Japanese government, the world war came to an end, and the new international order was being formed, and Ferdinand didn't bother to ask the following questions.

The overall situation has been decided, and no one should think about making a comeback at this time. If it weren't for his intervention, perhaps the nuclear bombs in the future would have been saved.

After Yokohama was bombed, the Japanese would not be able to hold on anymore, and they would surrender no matter whether there was a nuclear strike or not.

You must know that at this time, the navy of the Holy Alliance has completed the blockade of the Japanese mainland, and they have no choice.

After being angry, Ferdinand's mood improved a lot. It is estimated that in the next century, Bulgaria's world hegemony will be stable.

As long as future generations do not die and the Bulgarian Empire does not collapse from within, Bulgaria's hegemony will not be overthrown in the era when human beings are still in the global village.


The Allied Forces of the Holy Alliance Expedition became busy again. The Emperor of Japan ordered to surrender, but there are still many diehards, all of whom need to be wiped out by the Allied Forces. It will not end in a short time.

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