Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 45, Sofia Peace Conference

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War has never been the goal. After the war is over, it is natural to deal with the aftermath, or to say that it is to sit in a row and share the fruit.

First of all, the issue of war criminals is the best solution. If someone sues the International Court of Justice, it accepts the case, whether it is a country or an individual, and there is no retroactive time limit. Sentencing will be carried out if there is evidence.

This may have been the longest trial in history. From the second half of 1941 to 1956, people were sent to the guillotine one after another.

The trial of war criminals is probably the most harmonious. There is no conflict of interest between the governments of various countries, so naturally there are no conflicts, except for the defeated countries.


On August 1, 1941, under the leadership of the Bulgarian government, the Holy Alliance held an enlarged meeting in Sofia.

On the issue of how to deal with the defeated countries, everyone has reached an agreement. Generally speaking, there are the following points:

1. Disarm all countries, and prohibit the development of all military industries, including countries that only make soy sauce;

2. Severely punish war criminals;

3. Pay war reparations;

4. Confiscate all colonies of the defeated country.

Everyone has no doubts about the first two items. Everyone knows that it is undoubtedly in the common interest of everyone to attack competitors and prohibit these countries from developing their military.

The amount of war reparations has become the subject of disputes among countries, and almost every victorious country has issued a list of huge reparations that they think is reasonable.

According to the total economic output of the defeated countries, it is estimated that it will take almost a hundred years to make them not eat or drink.

However, all countries have enough reasons, which caused little Ferdinand a headache. This compensation standard was formulated with the participation of Bulgaria.

For example, for the death of civilians, according to the death of ordinary people, the compensation ranges from 200,000 Levas to 10 million Levas per person according to the actual situation. (Technical talents have higher compensation standards)

Soldiers killed in battle range from 300,000 Levas to 30 million Levas according to their military rank. Those who are nobles also need to be added according to their titles. The minimum starting point is 3 million Levas.

If you die, you have to pay, and if you survive, you still have to pay. This is even more difficult to calculate. Compensation for all medical expenses, nutrition expenses, lost work expenses...

Well, basically there is no way to calculate this, and the countries participating in the war can't figure it out themselves. Only God knows where the data comes from.

According to this standard, the casualties of the Holy Alliance in this world war were as high as tens of millions, and finally received a casualty compensation of 18.42 trillion levs.

This number is the result of everyone's rigorous review. There is no way. In fact, there are so many casualties, especially civilian casualties accounted for 72%.

That's right, the casualty pensions are different in different countries. This time, everyone decisively unified the standard, and took the Bulgarian casualty pension standard as the unified standard for calculating war reparations.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for the defeated country to give this figure, and Lev's gold content is not low. This figure is equivalent to more than five million tons of gold.

What the hell?

This can buy the earth, how can the defeated country afford it?

In addition to casualties, damage to buildings, the consumption of war, and the impact on the economies of various countries still cost money.

In short, in the end, the total amount of compensation requested by various countries is as high as 29.86 trillion levs (equivalent to 8.743 million tons of gold).

It is said that this number is still the result of a 50% discount. Little Ferdinand immediately understood that this was everyone's problem for Bulgaria.

It is not easy to be the world's boss. These conflicts must be resolved by them. Whether they can distribute the war reparations will directly affect Bulgaria's international reputation.

There is no doubt that this number must be cut down, which requires a country-by-country negotiation to squeeze out all the moisture that may exist in it.

"Your Majesty, just make a comprehensive calculation!" Tolsky suggested

The so-called comprehensive calculation,

In fact, the more important thing is to look at strength. A powerful country will naturally contribute more in this war, and of course it will get more spoils.

At first, the Bulgarian government wanted to break this pattern of distribution according to strength, thereby limiting the strength of several major European countries and establishing prestige among small countries.

Now it is obviously a failure, people are all profit-seeking, everyone is unwilling to make concessions, and finally returned to the essence of the world - the jungle of the jungle!

Little Ferdinand sighed helplessly and nodded again. Anyway, Bulgaria has the biggest fist now, and if you speak with strength, you may gain even more.


On September 12, 1941, the seventh meeting of the Sofia Conference was held, and the heads of state gathered together for the final high-level meeting.

"Gentlemen, the world war is over, but we are still arguing about the post-war issue, which has seriously affected the prosperity and stability of the world!" Tolsky said seriously

As the head of the world's only superpower, Tolsky's deterrence is naturally not small, but this is not enough to make everyone make concessions.

"Dear Prime Minister, do you have any good suggestions?"

Hawaii Prime Minister Toms was the first to react and asked very cooperatively.

This has irritated many people. Don’t think flattering is useless. For small countries, they are dependent on big countries in international politics.

As long as the relationship is established, unexpected gains can be obtained in many cases, such as the attitude tendency in international disputes, which is enough to make people unhappy with each other.

Tolsky nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "In principle, all the territories of the victorious countries can be recovered unconditionally, and disputed areas should be handled in accordance with international practice.

The amount of indemnity paid by the defeated country is determined according to the actual situation, and the countries then receive the indemnity according to the corresponding proportion.

The colonies of the defeated countries, as the spoils of our Holy Alliance, are distributed according to the actual contribution of everyone.

The nation that has contributed to this anti-imperialist war can be allowed to establish an independent state, and all countries must recognize it! "

There have been no major changes in other places, but the total amount of war reparations has been limited, and compensation must be paid according to actual payment capabilities.

At the same time, the colonies were separated from the war reparations, and they were only treated as spoils of war, and each country received a corresponding share according to its performance on the battlefield.

There is no doubt that the greatest benefit of this war lies in the colonies. As for the war indemnity, although the amount is huge, it must be paid back by others.

Everyone has no objection to the new plan proposed by Bulgaria. For many countries, it is enough to get back to the mainland unconditionally and get a war indemnity.

Not every country has the strength to carve up colonies. For example, the Dutch said that taking back their colonies is enough, and they will choke to death if they take more.

Luxembourg even announced the abandonment of the colonies. They don't even have a navy. What kind of colonists?

The real power to carve up is Bulgaria, West Russia, Austria-Hungary, and France. The remaining East Russia can expand in Central Asia, and Hawaii can acquire several islands in the Pacific Ocean...

Anyway, except for the four big countries, the rest are not worth mentioning, and can only be divided into leftovers.

The three main defeated countries, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom, that is, the British colonies can be divided up, and the other two are poor ghosts.

Although the British Empire has many colonies, not all areas can be divided up. Many of them are hard bones, and they cannot be gnawed without spending money.

For example: the three countries in North America can be skipped, nationalism has been awakened, and everyone in North America does not have the influence of the British, so they can only spend money to buy peace.

Another example: African colonies can also be ignored. This is a territory that Bulgaria has won alone, and it was directly divided into Bulgaria.

The rest are the British American colonies, including: Canada, Belize, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Grenada, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda.

British Oceania Colonies: Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Nauru, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Papua New Guinea, Fiji , Barbados, Kiribati

British Colonies in Asia: India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Burma.

The British European colonies no longer exist, the island of Ireland has become an independent country, the Strait of Gibraltar has returned to the Spaniards, and Cyprus and Malta are in the hands of Bulgaria.

The only disputed area is presumably Sicily, which is currently occupied by Bulgaria and claimed by the Italians.

The war reparations are okay, the previous seven meetings have already been discussed, and basically the proportions of each country can be determined accordingly.

"Mr. Tolski, how is the total amount of war reparations determined?" the French President asked with concern

After thinking for a while, Tolsky replied: "Considering the actual situation, I suggest that the war indemnity be paid at a rate of 1% to 15% of the fiscal revenue of the defeated country. Define different compensation standards.

We can extend the payment time a little bit, and we have to draw 10% of the war indemnity to form the United Nations to maintain world peace.

After the establishment of the United Nations, in principle, any country is prohibited from creating conflicts and launching wars for no reason, and prohibiting any aggressive wars from happening! "

"Is the amount of war indemnity too low? I'm afraid it won't be able to make up for everyone's war losses in a hundred years!" The Prime Minister of Western Russia said with a frown

"This war is a disaster for all countries. After the war, it will take a long time for everyone to recover their economies. The situation of the defeated countries is even worse. It is difficult for them to come up with a large amount of war reparations!" Thor Ski thought for a while and said

As for making up for everyone's losses, if it's just direct economic losses, it's okay. If casualties and indirect losses are added, then even if all the fiscal revenue of the defeated country is taken away, it will not be enough to pay interest.

Tolski's proposal to extend the payment time was originally for the purpose of making peace. Anyway, Bulgaria does not intend to continue to claim war reparations, so why bother so much.

"Then let's hold a special economic meeting later, let's leave this issue to professionals for discussion!" the Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary suggested




Even if this problem is over, everyone is a person of status, and there are still a lot of things to deal with in the country, so there is not so much time to argue.

"As regards the distribution of colonies, Bulgaria will follow the prior commitment that the colonies in British Asia will not participate in the division, but we want to obtain the main rights and interests of the colonies in British North America and Oceania!" Tolsky said straight to the point

"No problem, Mr. Tolsky. Your country's compliance with its commitments is worthy of recognition and should be compensated!" The French President said quickly

Then the Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary and the Prime Minister of West Russia also expressed their support. For them, Bulgaria gave up the Indian region, so there would be one less competitor.

Oceania is okay. Australia was abolished by the Japanese, but the Americas are different. Canada, the largest territory, has no loss. If you want to get the land, it depends on whether people agree or not.

In this period, Canada's national power is not much weaker than that of a medium-sized country. If you want to move their core territory, prepare to fight!

The colonies divided by the Sofia Conference now require the governments of various countries to send troops to take them, and the allied forces will not do voluntary labor for them.

Tolsky said with a slight smile: "In that case, then I will not be polite.

Bulgaria in the Americas would get Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Jamaica, Grenada, the Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, and parts of Canada.

Oceania we want to get: Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Nauru, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Barbados, Kiribati, and parts of Australia.

In the territories of Canada and Australia, we will personally negotiate with them! "

Don't look at the large area delineated by Bulgaria. In fact, the area of ​​these islands is not large. For example: Tuvalu is only 26 square kilometers, Nauru is 21.1 square kilometers, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 389 square kilometers, and Barbados is 431 square kilometers... …

Except for New Papua New Guinea, these islands add up to less than 200,000 square kilometers and have a total population of no more than 300,000.

The overall economic value is not high, so it goes without saying that the strategic value cannot be lowered, otherwise Torkis would not have said it so carelessly.

Even Torchis gave up Guyana on the South American continent, which was the second largest British colony on the American continent after Canada.

Undoubtedly, Tolski's proposal was passed. Neither the Austro-Hungarian Empire nor Western Russia has a sphere of strength in Oceania and the Americas. Concentrating their forces on competing for the Indian region is the best option.

The only people with colonies in the Americas are the French. Bulgaria gave up Guyana, which is disputed by Britain and France, obviously showing their favor.

. m.

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