Meet The Leader

Chapter 1016: Western Chu royal family

PS: Thanks for the reward of 40,000 starting point coins, the savior of the Internet-addicted girl

Regarding Ye Shaonan, it was difficult for Chu Xiu to describe him.

Although he came from the No. 1 sect of the Demon Dao, and he single-handedly brought the Moon Worship Cult to its current peak, but in fact, Ye Shaonan did not have too many people in the Dao of Demons. Anyway, in Chu Xiu's opinion , Ye Shaonan is not vicious enough, nor despicable enough.

Of course, he will not be indecisive in his actions, the kindness of women.

In his actions, he has always implemented various plans with absolute rationality as the leader of the Moon Worship Cult.

But in terms of being a human being, he is not a leader, not a devil. If Chu Xiu insisted, Ye Shaonan should be just a warrior, a pure warrior, or when it comes to his realm, he is already a well-deserved powerhouse.

Ye Shaonan is not a martial idiot, but he is tireless in the pursuit of strength. It is because of this that he can successfully cultivate the Heart Sutra and become the number one person in the world of magic.

It is difficult to be an opponent with such a person, because the opponent has no weaknesses, and unless you can beat the opponent in strength, you cannot defeat the opponent.

But it is much easier to be an ally with such a person, because as long as you don't play tricks and put the interests of all parties on the surface, Ye Shaonan will naturally make the most suitable choice for the Moon Worship Cult.

Chu Xiu had expected it before he came to Western Chu. As long as he said everything clearly, with Ye Shaonan's character, he should naturally know how to choose.

But at this time Ye Shaonan said again: "The Moon Worship Church will make a move, but the Moon Worship Cult will not come out of Western Chu."

Xiang Chong couldn't help but change his face when he heard the words, what's the point of not leaving Xi Chu? What's the difference between you agreeing and not agreeing?

But then Ye Shaonan said again: "Similarly, none of the orthodox sects in the land of Western Chu will leave Western Chu."

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "It's enough that the Moon Worship Cult can do this. I'm grateful."

Xiang Chong touched his head, and then he knew what Ye Shaonan meant.

There are a lot of sects in the land of Western Chu, and the Tianshi Mansion alone is the biggest threat, and there are also Zhanwangjianhu and Fengyunjianzhong.

This time, although it was provoked by Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect, it was in the name of killing demons. It was hard to guarantee that other sects of the right way would not take action. This is also the reason why Chu Xiu forced Daguang Temple to make Chengruo.

As long as the Moon Worship Cult can stop the righteous martial arts forces in the land of Western Chu this time, for Chu Xiu, it has already helped him a lot.

Chu Xiu said again at this time: "By the way, this time I came to Xichu, not only to ask the Moon Worship Cult to take action, but also to contact the Xichu royal family.

I also want to inquire about the relationship between the Western Chu Royal Family and the Moon Worship Cult, and which side will the other party stand on? "

The two sides have decided to join forces at this time, and Donghuang Taiyi and the high priest of the Moon Worship Sect have a better attitude towards Chu Xiu and the two.

Hearing the words of the East Huangtai, he said, "The Western Chu Royal Family? This is somewhat uncertain.

You also know the situation in the land of Western Chu. The rivers and lakes are chaotic and the power of the imperial court is very weak. It is even weak to the point where the imperial court is no longer able to speak in the entire land of Western Chu, and even we are often asked to ask us. On the head, help with some affairs of the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, the relationship between the Western Chu Royal Family and the Western Chu Rivers and Lakes is actually not that tense. It should be said that they have a good relationship with each other.

The Qin Tianjian of the Western Chu royal family was a Taoist priest in the Tianshifu. Every year the emperor would go to the Tianshifu to offer sacrifices to the heavens and pray for blessings. If it wasn’t for the fear of offending me for worshipping the moon, the Western Chu royal family would probably be willing to make the Tianshifu the state religion.

But in the same way, those who worship the moon also have some privileges in the land of Western Chu, and many of the imperial doctors in the palace are my disciples. "

Chu Xiu looked a little weird and said, "A disciple of the Moon Worship Sect should be an imperial physician?"

The high priest of the Moon Worship Sect on the side smiled and said: "Master Chu, don't be blind, you need to know that Gu can kill people, and it can also save people.

The way of life and death is in the heart, whether to kill or save others, it all depends on how you want to use it. "

Dong Huangtai waved his hands in disdain and said: "Okay, don't talk about your useless theories."

After saying a word from the high priest, the East Huangtai turned his head to Chu Xiu and said: "If you want to find the Western Chu royal family, Master Chu, I can go with you here.

The Western Chu royal family will still sell me to worship the moon to teach a face, of course, how to talk about it depends on you. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Then it would be troublesome for Lord Dong Huangtai."

After the discussion, Chu Xiu and the others did not delay, and directly followed Dong Huang Taiyi to the capital of Western Chu, Jiangdu City.

As the weakest of the Three Kingdoms, Jiangdu City is indeed inferior to Daliang City of Eastern Qi and Yanjing City of Beiyan.

Although Jiangdu City is also a capital city, it is not too bad, but compared with the above two, it is much smaller.

Dong Huang Taiyi said that he still has some face in the Western Chu royal family, and this is really not a boast.

He had just entered the city when someone reported the news, and before Chu Xiu and the others walked into the imperial city, a short and stout old man in brocade clothes greeted him with a smile: "Master Dong Huangtai. But I haven't been to Jiangdu City for a long time. How can I come here today?

Since you're here, don't rush to leave. It just so happened that the people under my command recently caught a colorful golden pheasant in the Shiwanda Mountain. "

This chubby old man seemed funny, but Chu Xiu could sense that the other party was also in the realm of real fire refining.

Of course, if you don't have the realm of real fire refining gods, you wouldn't dare to set up friendship with Donghuang Taiyi here and call them brothers.

At this time, the chubby old man saw Chu Xiu, and his eyes narrowed subconsciously, apparently recognizing who Chu Xiu was, but he said, "Who are these two?"

Donghuang Taiyi said indifferently: "Now I am the first person in the younger generation of the demon lineage, the head of Zhenwu Hall, Lord Chu Xiuchu, who is in charge of Beiyan Jianghu, haven't you heard of it?

As for the other, he is the owner of the Beiyan royal family's worship hall, and is also the king of Zhenbei, Xiang Chongxiang, the prince of Beiyan. "

Donghuang Taiyi pointed at the squat old man again and said, "This is the general of the Langya Army of Western Chu, Yu Wenfu, the 'Jade-faced Flying Dragon'."

Hearing this name, the expressions of Chu Xiu and Xiang Chong became extremely strange.

The Langya Army and the others knew that it was the strongest army in the Western Chu army, equivalent to the level of the Five Army of the Zhenguo in Beiyan. Of course, there were five of the five army of the Zhenguo, while there was only one Langya Army in the Western Chu.

But who would have thought that this seemingly funny pudgy old man turned out to be the general of the Langya Army. This image is too bad, right?

The most important thing is that the other party's nickname turned out to be Jade-faced Flying Dragon, which is very funny.

Feilong can, but what if the opponent's speed is very fast, after all, body does not mean speed.

But what the **** is jade noodles? Can it be called jade noodles just like this?

Yu Wenfu didn't care about Chu Xiu and Xiang Chong's eyes at this time, he just rubbed his hands awkwardly and said, "Do you want to see Your Majesty?"

Dong Huangtai rolled his eyes and said, "If you don't see Your Majesty, what are we doing all the way to Jiangdu City?"

Yuwen replied with a hahaha: "Your Majesty has been a little tired recently, and it's been a little inconvenient recently.

Why don't you do it like this, all of you first go to my mansion to stay for one night, I will clean up the dust for you, and go to see Your Majesty after the announcement tomorrow. "

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi's eyes suddenly darkened: "Yu Wenfu, you and I are old friends, you can fool others, but now you still want to fool me?

Don't play those tricks with me, what the **** is your majesty doing? "

Yu Wenfu patted his thigh and smiled bitterly: "Don't throw fire at me, I'm forced to help myself.

Right now, the people in Tianshi Mansion, Zhanwangjianhu and Fengyunjianzhong are all there. If you go in again, won't you fight? I can only take you away first. "

Hearing Yu Wenfu's words, Chu Xiu and Xiang Chong looked at each other, and their hearts sank.

There are many smart people in this arena, and what they can think of, others can also think of.

The Tianshi Mansion and other forces are in Western Chu, even if they think of it late, they will be the first to go.

Donghuang Taiyi sneered: "Oh? It's all here, it's lively enough, how about just bring us?

Brother Yuwen, don't We will give you Xichu a face, but we will do it in the imperial city. "

Hearing what Donghuang Taiyi said, Yu Wenfu had to take them into the imperial city.

The people of the righteous way and Xichu do not want to offend, and the people of the demonic way, they naturally do not want to offend.

At this time, in the palace hall, a middle-aged man in a dragon robe sat on the top, and three people sat on the bottom.

One of them was the senior Qing from the Tianshi Mansion, and Xuanlongzi was standing beside him.

In fact, this time Tianshi Mansion did not want to get involved in this matter, but the noise on the Dongqi side is getting bigger and bigger. Tianshi Mansion is one of the three major gates, and the other two have already played the elimination. The banner of the Demon Guard Road, if their Tianshi Mansion doesn't even move at all, that's not good.

The other two were Yan Zhi from Fengyun Sword Tomb and Shen Baochen from Si Wang Jianlu.

The purpose of their coming here is very simple, just to test the attitude of the Western Chu royal family.

If the Western Chu court is with them righteously, they will naturally be even more powerful.

But on the other hand, if the Western Chu court has the intention of being with the devil, then they must kill this idea as soon as possible.

Meng Yunsheng, the Emperor of Western Chu, was a middle-aged man with a refined face.

Among the emperors of the Three Kingdoms, Meng Yunsheng is definitely not the most mediocre one, and he also has the same ambition as Xiang Long.

It's just a pity that Beiyan still has some background, and with their national strength in Western Chu, even if Meng Yunsheng is ambitious and his ability is strong, but the innate conditions are here, he is unable to return to the sky.

Now that it can guarantee the inheritance of the Western Chu Dynasty, it is already the protection of the ancestors.


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