Meet The Leader

Chapter 1017: Respect first

PS: Thanks to the book friend Yue Baba for the reward of 20,000 starting coins

Meng Yunsheng had a headache at this time.

Originally, this matter was just a dispute between rivers and lakes. As the Emperor of Western Chu, he could not participate in such a matter.

However, there is still Dong Qi joining, which makes him very entangled, especially now that people from these three factions are still here asking him what his attitude is, how does he know what his attitude should be?

So Meng Yunsheng had to perfunctory: "I know the intention of the three of you, but this kind of thing still needs to be discussed in a long-term way. Why don't the three of you go to rest for a while, and after the negotiation is finished, I will come back to inform the three of you. What do you think?"

Shen Baochen said indifferently: "Your Majesty, does this kind of thing still need to be considered in the long run? We just want to know whether Your Majesty wants to stand on our side of the righteous path or on the side of the devil's path. That's enough.

We also believe that His Majesty will be able to make the most correct choice. "

Before Meng Yunsheng spoke, Dong Huang Taiyi's voice snorted coldly: "It is right to be on your side, otherwise it is wrong?

Shen Baochen, let you say everything, what else did the others say? You are not forcing His Majesty to choose, but forcing His Majesty to choose! "

Seeing that Taiyi Donghuang and Chu Xiu walked into the hall, several people present suddenly frowned.

The reaction from Mo Dao's side was not too slow, and they came to Xi Chu so quickly.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Everyone, this matter can actually have nothing to do with the three.

Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect disregard the people of the world and start a national war. When the time comes, life will be ruined. They will carry this cause and effect. Do you want to rush to carry it now? "

Shen Baochen shook his head and said, "Chu Xiu, you are the one who really ignores the world.

Do you really think the whole world doesn't know about the things you did in Beiyan?

Wanton killing, suppressing dissidents, the entire Beiyan rivers and lakes are trembling under your butcher knife, this huge Beiyan has become a devil's nest!

Today's life is ruined, in exchange for the future peace. "

Chu Xiu sneered: "It's a joke! You are not from Beiyan, why do you want to complain for those martial arts forces in Beiyan?

If I didn't take care of them, they would attack and kill each other, and maybe more people would die than I killed!

Once the hero draws his sword, it is another ten years of tribulation.

You are all heroes, and you all want to be heroes, but as everyone knows, it is you heroes who claim to be righteous who have brought disaster to the common people! "

The senior Qing from Longhu Mountain stood up and said lightly, "The lonely yin does not grow, and the only yang does not grow.

Chu Xiu, you are also proficient in my Taoist martial arts, so you should know what this sentence means.

There is a need for a balance between the righteous and the devil, and now your devil is beautiful enough.

In several battles between righteous and demons, it is your demons who have the upper hand.

In the primitive devil's cave, it's your devil's way who gets the benefits.

If you let you continue, will you still plan to go to Kunlun Mountains and re-establish the Demon Sect in the future? "

Chu Xiu looked at the sleepy-eyed Senior Qing and wanted to say yes.

But before he could speak, Dong Huang Taiyi sneered: "It's a fart!

Old Taoist priest, before you were forced to seal the mountain for a year by the sect master, and now you still have the face to intervene in these matters. Another day, the sect master will go to your Longhu Mountain again, will you be honest? "

Senior Qing's sleepy eyes suddenly widened, revealing a hint of coldness: "East Emperor Taiyi, do you really think that my Tianshi Mansion is afraid of your ability to worship the moon?

The last time Laotian Shi didn't want to die, so when he started, he had already left his feelings and didn't fight recklessly. Do you really think that Ye Shaonan is the number one in the world? "

Donghuang Taiyi sneered and said, "So what? The sect leader has a long history, and the magic power is unparalleled. You are only supported by the two old men in Longhu Mountain. When you two old men are all braided, I will kill you sooner or later. Tianshifu, let you Dragon Tiger Mountain become Snake Cat Mountain!"

Also in Western Chu, as the Tianshi Mansion with the strongest righteous path, and the Moon Worship Cult with the strongest magic path, the grievances and grievances between the two sides cannot be said, so Donghuang Taiyi's mouth has nothing to do with it. of courtesy.

Meng Yunsheng over there saw that the two sides seemed to be fighting, he quickly persuaded him to stop: "Two, calm down, if you have something to say!"

However, his presence as an emperor was extremely low, and the people on both sides did not listen to him at all.

Senior Na Qing directly threw away the cane in his hand, lightning flashed all over his body, and a dharma image of the True Sovereign of Thor appeared vaguely behind him.

"Donghuang Taiyi! You are courting death! Daoist, I will give you three points of face, but you really dare to open a dyeing workshop? Even if I get my braids up one day, I will pull you down together!"

As soon as the words fell, Senior Qing rushed towards Dong Huangtai, with the Zixiao Divine Thunder in his hand shining, where did that power look like someone who was about to sink into the ground?

Dong Huangtai sneered: "Then I will send you off first!"

The boundless black demonic flames rose, and the power of the Burning Heaven Treasure Mirror had been brought into full play by Donghuang Taiyi. Even though the damage he suffered from consuming qi and blood in the original demon cave had not been completely repaired, it did not affect his combat power at this time. .

Although the two fought, they were restrained. Instead of bombing Meng Yuncheng's palace, they swept out of the palace and fought fiercely outside.

Xuan Longzi looked at Chu Xiu at this time, and he said casually: "Master Chu is now famous in the world, but the last time you and I played against each other, I haven't had enough fun, and this time it happened that you and I both stepped into the real fire. Realm, I would like to experience the true strength of Master Chu!"

In the past, Xuan Longzi had played against Chu Xiu once, but at that time Chu Xiu was only half-step into the real alchemy realm, and he was in the real alchemy realm. .

Now that he has stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm not long ago, Chu Xiu has come from behind, stepping into the real fire refining spirit realm earlier than him.

Xuan Longzi was not jealous, but he was very interested in Chu Xiu.

As his voice fell, Xuan Longzi rushed towards Chu Xiu as soon as he moved, and his figure turned into an electric light, and the speed was extremely fast.

In the past, when Chu Xiu faced the terrifying speed of Xuanlongzi, he couldn't even see the other party's figure with the Heavenly Seeing Qi technique, but now, Chu Xiu directly no matter what speed or speed, the fire of world-annihilation condensed around him. , a slap slammed out, and Xuan Longzi was directly fanned out.

The thunder light exploded, and the thunder light around Xuan Longzi condensed into a liquid that surrounded his body, extinguishing the world-annihilating fire like maggots attached to bones.

Although he suffered a loss, Xuan Longzi still laughed loudly: "Haha! Happy!"

With a loud roar, Xuan Longzi rushed towards Chu Xiu again, and the two hit the outside of the hall again.

Shen Baochen and Yan Zhi looked at each other, there was a fight over there, of course they couldn't be idle, so they all came to kill Xiang Chong.

In fact, they do not know who Xiang Chong is.

As the prince of Beiyan, and the head of the imperial consecration hall, Xiang Chong is very famous in Beiyan, but he is just a nameless person when he comes out of Beiyan.

It's just that in Shen Baochen and Yan Zhi's view, no matter who the other party is, people like Chu Xiu and Dong Huang Taiyi who are so close must be demon murderers.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Chong frantically resisted and cursed in secret.

I haven't said a word since I came in, so why should I be beaten?

The most important thing is that Donghuang Taiyi and Chu Xiu are one-on-one. How can it be a siege if it is my side? Do you want to make a face?

Several people have been fighting outside the palace, and the power has directly attracted all the masters and powerhouses in the palace, but unfortunately, no one dared to go up and fight.

The strength of Xichu is not strong. The strongest of the entire Xichu royal family, or the Xichu court, is only Yu Wenfu, an ordinary real fire refining spirit, which is similar to Xiang Chong's level, and cannot be compared with him at all. Compared with Chu Xiu or Dong Huang Taiyi and others.

At this time, everyone in the field has already fought a few tricks. Although it is chaotic, they can still see who has the upper hand and who has the disadvantage.

The East Emperor Taiyi was obviously at a disadvantage.

Senior Qing Longhushan looks like he is going to die no matter what, but his strength is extremely amazing, his strength is unfathomable, and the subtlety of his shots is accumulated through countless fights. .

In addition, Donghuang Taiyi is not in a good position because of the injury of burning blood essence, so he is already at a disadvantage at this time.

On Chu Xiu's side, he has the upper hand.

Xuan Longzi is one of the most amazing talents among the Tianshifu backbone If it weren't for his often crazy personality, maybe the person in charge of the Tianshifu at this time would be him.

After stepping into the realm of real fire refining, Xuan Longzi's own strength is even more amazing, and his speed is extremely fast. His body shape can even be truly transformed into the thunder of heaven and earth. The Five Thunders Dharma rolled down like a thunderstorm, and the power was simply astonishing.

But no matter how amazing the power is, it can't match the ultimate power.

The damage to the Wuer Tiandao was too serious. To use the Xieyue Saber, it was necessary to rely on the demons to suppress the spirit. The time was too short, so Chu Xiu simply shook Xuanlongzi with his physical body.

No matter how fast Xuan Longzi was, as long as he got caught in the scorching flames of the world-annihilation around Chu Xiu, he would immediately retreat and use his own strength to counteract the power of the world-annihilating flames.

And as long as Chu Xiu punched him, Xuan Longzi had to use all his strength to resist.

After all, he had just stepped into the realm of real fire, and he was completely suppressed by Chu Xiu on top of his strength.

The most unfortunate one is actually Xiang Chong's side, he really can't hold it anymore.

Although Yan Zhi has also stepped into the realm of real fire, he is very talented, and since he was a child, he has integrated the magic weapon Yan Zhi, and his strength is definitely not weak among the five swordsmen.

And Shen Baochen was even more terrifying. The sect master of Zanwangjianlu was in his prime, and he was still very young. It could even be said that among the five sword sects, he had the most hope of entering the realm of heaven and earth.

And relying on some foreign objects, Shen Baochen can even directly fight with the existence of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm. At this time, it is much easier to deal with Xiang Chong who does not have the Nine Dragon Seal.

Under the joint attack, after a few moves, Xiang Chong had already been beaten and vomited blood.


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