Meet The Leader

Chapter 1018: decision making

A full seven powerhouses in the real fire refining spirit realm fought fiercely in the Western Chu Palace. Even though they had all restrained their strength, they still beat the entire palace formation to a pulp.

Meng Yunsheng couldn't take it anymore, and he shouted angrily, "Stop! Stop it all for me!"

This is the palace of Xichu, and he is the emperor of Xichu. As a result, these people are here, and they fight in front of him. Is there any king law? Have you ignored him yet? This is too bullying!

Meng Yunsheng was the emperor after all, and the two groups of people present were asking for him. Seeing that Meng Yunsheng was really angry at this time, the two sides had to stop.

Xiang Chong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that both Shen Baochen and Yan Zhi had retreated.

In the fight, he is easy to explain here.

At this time, Yu Wenfu was staring at Dong Huang Taiyi.

I believe in your evil!

Fang Cai who said not to do it?

Donghuang Taiyi felt Yu Wenfu's gaze, he shrugged and pointed at Senior Qing opposite, meaning that I only promise not to do anything, but the old man on the other side insists on making trouble for me, so I can't just let it go, right?

Meng Yunsheng let out a long sigh and said, "I said everyone, can't you just say something if you have something to say? What do you have to do?

I, Xichu, are a small country. You have to force me to stand in line. I don't know what to do about this. "

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said: "I also know that this makes Your Majesty very embarrassed, so I will not make any promises to Your Majesty. I will only ask Your Majesty a few questions."

Meng Yunsheng was stunned and said, "Master Chu, please speak."

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "There are two main lines of righteousness and demons, your Majesty don't need to think about the matter of Jianghu, Jianghu is Jianghu, Chaotang is Chaotang, and for the time being, we don't need to mix them up.

I only ask Your Majesty, regardless of the righteous demons, if Eastern Qi attacks Beiyan, whether Western Chu will help or not. "

Meng Yunsheng immediately said: "Help! Of course, help, lips are dead and teeth are cold. If Beiyan is destroyed, with the power of my Western Chu, within three months, 100% of the country will be destroyed."

Meng Yunsheng is still very strong about his own strength. Beiyan sometimes calls himself Dayan, and Dongqi sometimes calls himself Daqi, but only Xichu, both internally and externally, calls himself Xichu. They have never said that they are Da Chu or anything, because they know that Xi Chu's strength really can't be regarded as such a big character.

Chu Xiu asked again: "Then may I ask, Your Majesty, you have dealt with Dong Qi for so many years, do you think Dong Qi will be controlled by Jianghu forces?"

Meng Yunsheng thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Of course it is impossible, as the overlord of the Central Plains, the Eastern Qi court and the Eastern Qi royal family are definitely not weak.

And Master Chu, it's a bad thing to say, don't think that you are now the supreme martial artist in Beiyan, commanding the rivers and lakes of Beiyan, but in the court of Beiyan, you shouldn't say anything, right?

You can support the direct line of the Xiang royal family to the throne, but you don't want to support a collateral line to the throne.

Only when what you do does not touch the bottom line of the Beiyan court, but is in line with the interests of the other party, will there be no conflict between the two of you.

Otherwise, the Beiyan Royal Family would not let power fall into the hands of outsiders even if the fish died and the net was broken. "

Hearing Meng Yunsheng say this, Xiang Chong couldn't help but puff out his chest.

As an emperor, Meng Yunsheng saw these things clearly, even better than Xiang Chong.

Chu Xiu helped Xiang Li seize the throne this time, within the scope of the rules, so he was able to succeed and gain the approval of the entire Beiyan court.

But if he does not follow the rules and supports a person who is not qualified to ascend to the throne at all, or an outsider ascends the throne, then he will definitely be attacked by the entire Beiyan royal family and court, and even the fish will die.

After he finished speaking, Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Since this is the case, why is Your Majesty still hesitating? Has your Majesty not seen the cause and effect of this?"

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Meng Yunsheng's complexion changed slightly, obviously he had thought of something.

Meng Yunsheng is not a mediocre person. On the contrary, he is much smarter than Lu Haochang, and he is also more courageous. It is just that Western Chu is inherently insufficient. Even if it is replaced by a generation of heroic masters like Xiang Long, he will not be able to recover.

Therefore, after thinking about it carefully, Meng Yunsheng understood the meaning of Chu Xiu's words.

When the Eastern Qi attacked the Northern Yan, the Western Chu would never sit idly by, just like the last Three Kingdoms War.

No matter what promises Dong Qi made, Xi Chu would not believe it.

On the contrary, if Beiyan is stronger than Dongqi, it will become the Western Chu gang for Beiyan.

This time, Meng Yunsheng was so hesitant, just because there were not only interests and grievances between the three kingdoms, but also rivers and lakes.

But Chu Xiu's second question was to wake him up. The rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes, and the court is the court. The two can join forces, but they should be viewed separately.

The righteous way of martial arts cannot affect the decision-making of the Eastern Qi court, and now the two sides are joining forces only because they have a common purpose.

The righteous way of martial arts wants to exterminate the demon Chu Xiu, and Dongqi is coveting Beiyan.

If Xi Chu really doesn't intervene this time and let Dong Qi destroy Bei Yan, then Dong Qi will target Xi Chu at the next moment!

As Meng Yunsheng himself said, at that time, Xi Chu would not even be able to last for three months.

Don't look at what these orthodox sect people are talking about right now, they are worried about the common people, and they are afraid of things like life being ruined.

But once Dongqi attacked Western Chu, let's not say whether they would care, even if they really wanted to, would Dongqi listen to them? Will you stop your own **** of the world?

No matter how stupid or idiotic Lu Haochang is, he is only half a step away from being able to dominate the world and accomplish great feats that none of the previous emperors of the Eastern Qi Dynasty have accomplished. Will he stop?

At that time, they have no other way out than surrender.

Never put your future in the hands of others, Meng Yunsheng is still very clear about this.

After a long while, Meng Yunsheng let out a long sigh and said to Senior Qing and others, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I, Xichu, don't want to get involved in the disputes between the rivers and lakes, and I don't want to worry about the grievances between the righteous and the devil.

However, Dongqi is the great enemy of our Western Chu, and I still know the truth, so as long as Dongqi sends troops to Beiyan, I, Western Chu, will also send troops to Dongqi! "

Without waiting for Senior Qing and others to say anything, Meng Yunsheng said solemnly, "Yu Wenfu!"

"The minister is here!"

Yu Wenfu immediately stepped up in front of Meng Yunsheng with a chubby body and extremely fast speed.

"From tomorrow onwards, Langya's army will immediately be mobilized to the border of Eastern Qi, and at the same time, the army of Western Chu will be assembled to send troops to Eastern Qi!"

Hearing what Meng Yunsheng said, Senior Qing and the others all shook their heads.

As the emperor of Western Chu, Meng Yunsheng still has this decisiveness. Once something is firm, it will not change.

Moreover, they are all sects in the land of Western Chu, and they have a good relationship with the court of Western Chu on weekdays. Naturally, they also know the difficulty of Meng Yunsheng.

This time, Meng Yunsheng can't be blamed for choosing to stand on the side of the Demon Dao line. He just chose to stand on Beiyan's side. If you want to blame it, you can only blame Dong Qi for being too strong. Anyone who comes here will feel that this is a threat.

So when they heard Meng Yunsheng's choice, they didn't say anything harsh, they just turned around and left.

Of course, for Chu Xiu and Dong Huang Taiyi and others, they still have no good expressions.

After Senior Qing and the others had all left, Meng Yunsheng turned to Chu Xiu and the others, and said kindly, "Master Chu is the first time to come to Dongqi, so I will order someone to prepare a banquet and entertain you all."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but at the moment, Dongqi has already been crushed by the army, and maybe the fight has already started. Time is running out, and I will go back to support it later."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Meng Yunsheng didn't force it, so he let Chu Xiu and others leave first.

After everyone left, Meng Yunsheng suddenly collapsed on the dragon chair, looking very tired.

"His Majesty!"

Yu Wenfu hurried up to meet him.

Meng Yunsheng covered his head and shook his head: "I'm fine, I just feel a little sad.

There are two fierce battles between the righteous and the devil, and Dongqi and Beiyan are fighting for hegemony. Obviously, it has nothing to do with me in Western Chu, but every time I am implicated in Western Chu's loss of troops and The vitality is greatly damaged.

That Chu Xiu has a saying that is widely circulated in the rivers and lakes. Being in the rivers and lakes and being weak is a sin in itself.

This sentence is equally suitable for me, Xi Chu.

Weakness is a great sin!

I don't ask me, Xichu, to rule the world, I just want me, Xichu, to be able to make everyone face up to it one day, instead of being a foil in the wars one after another, and I don't even have the right to choose whether to fight or not! "

Seeing Meng Yunsheng's excited appearance, Yu Wenfu also sighed.

He is an old man in the court of Western Chu. In his early years, he was born as a giant in the rivers and lakes. When he was seriously injured, he was rescued by the previous emperor when he was traveling. Since then, he has been loyal to the Meng clan of Western Chu.

He watched Meng Yunsheng grow up, and he knew that His Majesty's ability and intelligence were definitely not bad, and he even felt that the other party was no worse than the current hero Xiang Long.

The only difference is that Xiang Long has room to play, while Meng Yunsheng doesn't even have room to play.

But this is also the sadness of being a small country. There is no choice but to go with the flow.

Just like what Chu Xiu said, being weak is a sin, and being able to survive is already a blessing.

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know that Meng Yunsheng was so emotional because of his words in the past.

He didn't have time to delay now, and rushed back to Beiyan with Xiang Chong as quickly as possible.

But before they could get back to Beiyan, the Beiyan military people were waiting for them at the border and sent them news that Dongqi had already started!

And this time, the action is all-round. The border between Dongqi and Beiyan, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and the land of Wei County are all attacking at the same time. Among them, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is almost unable to hold it!


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