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Chapter 1019: Dangerous situation in the punishment hall

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is located in the gap between the Three Kingdoms. Every time the Three Kingdoms war, Guanzhong Punishment Hall is the most unlucky one, but this time, Guanzhong Punishment Hall can be said to have really suffered a disaster.

If it weren't for Chu Xiu's reasons, Dong Qi would not have attacked from the direction of Guanzhong Xingtang. There were many other junctions between the two, as well as Wei County.

But now everyone knows that the nominal head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Yuansheng, is actually a puppet, and the real person in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is Chu Xiu.

Therefore, Guanzhong Punishment Hall was naturally one of the three major offensive sites in the Eastern Qi Dynasty. In less than three days, Guanzhong Punishment Hall had already been occupied by more than half and was pushed to the bottom of Guanzhong City.

At this time, under the Guanzhong City, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses had already surrounded the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in all directions. The number of people in the east of the city was the largest, and a huge chariot stood brightly in the center.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man in battle armor, but holding a wine glass and a mustache. Looking at his appearance, he didn't look like he was here to fight, but he looked like he was here to fight. It's for a play.

However, the origin of this person is not ordinary. He is the general of the Eastern Qi Yulin Army, Nangong Weiyu. Among the strong forces in the Nine Frontiers of the Eastern Qi, the Yulin Army can completely rank among the top three in strength.

The military system of Dongqi is similar to that of Beiyan, except that Beiyan's real fighting power is only the five armies of Zhenguo, while Dongqi is a strong army on the nine sides, and its strength is nearly double that of Beiyan.

Of course, because of the vast territory of the Eastern Qi, this nine-sided strong army is only stationed in the nine important borders of the Eastern Qi. Except for the battle of destroying the country, it is impossible to gather together easily.

Nangong Weiyu and Bei Gong Baili are old enemies, and even the names of the two sides are extremely opposite, as if they were born opponents.

The last time when Dongqi attacked Yan and Chu, Nangong Weiyu suffered some losses in the fight against Beigong Baili. This time he wanted to save some face, but he didn't expect the above to attack Guanzhong. Xingtang, this also made Nangong Weiyu a little unhappy, it was too easy.

There were two people standing beside Nangong at this time, one was Shouzhenzi of Chunyang Daomen, and the other was Helian Changfeng, the head of the White Tiger Hall.

Three real fire-refining powerhouses, plus the entire Yulin army, attacking a Guanzhong punishment hall is enough attention.

Shouzhenzi frowned and said, "General Nangong, can you order a siege? You set up a battle, but you ended up drinking here. What does this mean?"

Nangong Weiyu glanced at Shouzhenzi without speaking, but this scene made Shouzhenzi even more angry.

"General Nangong, what do you mean by that?"

Nangong Weiyu put down the wine glass and snorted coldly, "Does the Taoist have any opinion on me?"

"Of course there is!

The pure Yang Dao sect Pindao came to assist you, the general, but you are here to delay time.

Thunder Clap Fang can take advantage of this gang of demons who are caught off guard and kill them in time, and then drag it down, what if something happens? "

Nangong Weiyu clapped his hands and said, "What the Taoist said really makes sense. Well, you are the general, you are here to command, you are here."

With that said, Nangong Weiyu actually stood up and was about to leave, and Helian Changfeng, who was watching the play, quickly grabbed him and said, "Brother Nangong, Daoist Shouzhenzi doesn't mean that, don't get angry.

People of my generation don’t understand the military formation, so explain it to the Taoist priest, and he can understand it, right? "

Shouzhenzi was also trembling with anger at this time.

He had never seen such a generous person before, he was simply indifferent.

However, for the plan of Chunyang Daomen, he also forcibly held back and did not say a word.

Nangong Weiyu snorted coldly: "If you don't understand, don't give orders blindly, what this officer hates the most is for laymen to guide experts.

I'm not as good as you Taoist priests when it comes to chanting scriptures and drawing talismans, or am I not as good as marching?

Do you know how many people are gathered in the entire Guanzhong City now? Nearly 100,000 warriors in the punishment hall are among them.

We haven't encountered any decent resistance in other places before, and that's because the Guanzhong Punishment Hall has already dispatched the elites from the four places of Guandong, Guannan, Kanxi, and Guanbei to Guanzhong City.

This is close to 100,000 warriors, all of whom have seen blood in their hands. Although they are not in the army, their strength is not weak.

This official is sure to win, but what about after the victory? That's close to 100,000 warriors, not 100,000 pigs. Just rushing up like this, how much will my Yulin Army lose?

These people are the robes of this official. If you don't feel bad, this official still feels bad! "

Helian Changfeng smiled and said: "So it is, but Brother Nangong, you are dragging on like this, but what are your plans?"

Nangong Weiyu narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you heard of Aoying?

You have never felt the pressure of the army, even the strongest person can't support it.

If I shoot directly, the opponent may still rely on blood and courage to fight to the death and cause great losses to my Yulin army.

But when I have exhausted all their blood and courage, and only fear is left, it will be much simpler.

A knife out of its sheath is not scary, but a knife hidden in its sheath is the most scary. "

After hearing Nangong Weiyu's explanation, Helian Changfeng and Shouzhenzi understood what he meant.

In fact, the warriors who came from the rivers and lakes really don't think as much as the warriors who came from the military formation like Nangong Weiyu.

In the deadly battle between sects, even if it is a large sect with more than 20,000 people, the shots are often swarmed, and the fight is the overall strength, but there are not so many twists and turns.

At this time, Shouzhenzi suddenly remembered something, and he suddenly said: "By the way, anyone can die in the Guanzhong execution hall, but it is best to leave Chu Yuansheng alive.

He was bewitched by that Chu Xiu, and he had no choice but to do it. There was nothing wrong with Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but it was the devil of Chu Xiu. "

I have to say that the reputation of the giant Chu Kuangge is still very useful in Jianghu.

Even an old Taoist like Shouzhenzi, he admired Chu Kuangge's deeds extremely.

The so-called giant, although there are many people stronger than him in the arena, but no one has the face to question the title of Chu Kuangge.

Chu Yuansheng, as the only son of Chu Kuangge, even if he was standing on Chu Xiu's side to be their enemy at this time, Shouzhenzi also wanted to save the opponent's life.

Nangong Weiyu murmured and said impatiently, "Okay, I see."

Shouzhenzi didn't understand what Nangong Weiyu was muttering, but Helian Changfeng, who was on the side, heard it. What Nangong Weiyu said was clearly that he was both a **** and an archway.

At this time, everyone in Guanzhong City was as panicked as Nangong Weiyu had expected.

Chu Yuansheng sat on the main seat, he barely kept his composure and said, "Have they not attacked the city yet?"

Guandong's criminal officer Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "No, it seems that they are deliberately trying to drain us, until we lose the last bit of courage to fight."

When Chu Xiu was in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Xiao Yi was the strongest of the four punishment officers. At this time, he had already stepped into the True Pill Realm.

However, compared to the Yu Lin army with the powers like clouds outside, a true core is nothing.

Chu Yuansheng turned his head to another person and said, "Senior Chu, will reinforcements come later?"

It was Chu Wuji who sat down on Chu Yuansheng.

Because Chu Wuji is also in the realm of real fire refining the spirit, and has the strength to sit on one side, when he heard that the Guanzhong punishment hall was besieged, he also took the initiative to come, and Wei Shuya went to Weijun to help.

It's just that he is a warrior who has just been promoted to the real fire realm, but he has to face three existences who have already stepped into the real fire realm. Even if Chu Wuji never thinks he is weaker than anyone, he is now There is no bottom in my heart.

Chu Wuji shook his head and said, "I don't know, the news has already been handed out, it depends on who will be sent from Yanjing City.

Don't be afraid, even if the Beiyan court doesn't send someone, Zhenwutang will. "

Although Chu Wuji said so, but in fact his heart is not sure.

The news has already spread, but there is no communication formation between Guanzhong Xingtang and Beiyan, and they can only rely on manpower to communicate.

So when Beiyan got the news and sent someone over, he couldn't tell whether it was too late.

Chu Yuansheng nodded and said, "Well, even if I stand firm, I have to stand up to the reinforcements. The foundation of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall cannot be destroyed like this!"

People in the world say that Chu Yuansheng is the son of a tiger's father and a Compared with Chu Kuangge, there is really nothing that shines in him, and it can even be said to be extremely mediocre.

But no matter how mediocre Chu Yuansheng was, he was neither a waste nor a villain.

This time Dongqi attacked Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and many people in Guanzhong Punishment Hall were already complaining. It was because of Chu Xiu that they fell into the flames of war.

For this kind of voice, Chu Yuansheng was the first to suppress it.

Although Chu Xiu was actually in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he helped him to the position of the hall master, and the authority he should have was not taken away. The Guanzhong Punishment Hall was even stronger than before.

Chu Xiu never failed him, and naturally he would not fail Chu Xiu. Chu Yuansheng couldn't do such a thing as surrender to survive.

And most importantly, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was left by his father, Chu Kuangge.

This may be Chu Yuansheng's only obsession in his life. His strength is low and his abilities are limited, so he can't protect and strengthen the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but others can.

Therefore, he did not have any resistance to Chu Xiu's actual control of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As long as the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was still there, as long as the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was getting better and better, this would be enough.

But now someone wants to destroy Guanzhong Punishment Hall. No matter how weak Chu Yuansheng's strength is, he is ready to fight with his opponent to the end!

His father was a giant and died for chivalry.

He, Chu Yuansheng, is not worth mentioning, but he is also willing to fight to the death for Guanzhong Punishment!

At this moment, there was a sudden shout of killing outside, Chu Wuji stood up and said solemnly: "Dongqi, attack the city!

Hall Master Chu, you stay here and leave the rest to me! "

Chu Yuansheng shook his head and said, "I want to go out with me too!"


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