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Chapter 1020: Do you also use Fang Tian Hua Ji?

Before Guanzhong, it had experienced wars and was in the place of four battles. Even if it was a city, once a war broke out, it would easily be flattened.

Therefore, after the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was established, it even cost a lot of money to build such a majestic steel city, which is indeed not easy to break.

Seeing that the soldiers under his command could only use the ladder to climb up, Nangong Weiyu held a red-red Fang Tianhua halberd with a scorching aura in his hand. Holding the Fang Tianhua halberd, Nangong Weiyu went straight to the city gate. Come.

The halberd pointed to the sky, and in an instant, the wind and clouds roared in midair, as red and hot as fire.

Suddenly, a halberd fell, and the powerful and hot fluctuations came straight to the city gate. Even if it was a giant steel city, it could not stop the lore blow of the real fire refining **** realm powerhouse!

But at this moment, a strange blade shaped like a crescent moon, which looked like a knife but not a knife, slashed with a dazzling blood-colored moon, and the qi was about to cut the world. With a loud bang, it blocked Nangong Weiyu's A halberd.

Chu Wuji's figure stood at the top of the city, and he sneered: "It's the turn of General Nangong to play in person so soon, isn't it a bit too cheap?"

Nangong Weiyu said lightly: "Chu Wuji, it's you, how can you say that you are also a former Wei royal family, you should stand on my side of Dongqi, why did you stand on Beiyan's side?"

Chu Wuji said coldly, "At the beginning, my country of Wei was on your side of Dongqi, so what happened? Should the country be destroyed or not?

Besides, Xiang Long is already dead, and all those who participated in the battle to destroy our country of Wei are also dead. Now I am not standing on the side of Beiyan, but on the side of the magic way! "

Although the state of Wei was destroyed by Beiyan, in fact, Chu Wuji did not have any favorable impression of Dongqi.

Wei is a small country and can only survive in the cracks.

It's just that Wei Guo chose to stand in Dongqi at the beginning. What happened? Wei State was destroyed, but Dong Qi did not send troops to help, but retreated.

Later, Lu Haochang was even more cowardly, and he didn't want to fight any more, so this matter was over, the only sacrifice was Wei Guo.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if Chu Wuji could have a favorable impression of Dong Qi.

"General Nangong, talk nonsense with this demonic thief, just take action directly."

Shouzhenzi had already walked out of the army and stood beside Nangong Weiyu, as well as Helian Changfeng.

The three stood together and achieved a joint attack. At this moment, Chu Wuji's heart sank.

Dongqi teamed up with Zhengdao martial arts, this strength is indeed a bit amazing, even if it is only a place in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, to facilitate the existence of three real fire refining spirits, it is conceivable that there is pressure in other places. how big.

Facing this kind of offensive, Chu Wuji snorted coldly, but did not flinch. The divine weapon Miaoyue in his hand danced in mid-air, and the **** moonlight swayed out, even with one enemy and three, directly slashing towards the three!

Nangong Weiyu sneered.

'Father Miaoyue' Chu Wuji's reputation in the magic lineage is not small. It should be said that before Chu Xiu appeared, Chu Wuji was the strongest among the new generation of the magic lineage.

However, who is the mediocre among the few present?

The general of the Eastern Qi, the chief hall master of the White Tiger Hall, and the real people of the older generation of Chunyang Daomen, none of them are mediocre!

Helian Changfeng slashed with the sword in his hand, and the white tiger evil spirit gang with killing intent pierced through the void.

Shouzhenzi squeezed the Daoyin in his hand, pure yang qi slaying evil spirits and destroying demons, with immeasurable power.

In the end, the Fang Tianhua halberd in Nangong Weiyu's hand swept away, like opening a mountain.

The three of them joined forces to attack, and Chu Wuji was blown away on the spot, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help spurting out.

In less than three moves between the two sides, Chu Wuji was already severely injured, and even the magic weapon Miaoyue in his hand let out a cry of grief!

Nangong Weiyu shook his head and said, "Fight to the end? Your courage is commendable, but it's still useless."

As Nangong Weiyu's voice fell, the flames floated above the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand, and the hot qi dyed half of the sky red, and the halberd fell, and the fire dragon roared out!

Just as Chu Wuji was about to burn his blood essence and fight again, and he took Chu Yuansheng and the others to withdraw, a whistling sound suddenly came, and wherever the pitch-black arrow passed, even the vitality of the heavens and the earth was exhausted. Silence.

With a loud bang, the arrow landed on the majestic fire dragon. In an instant, the crimson flames above the fire dragon began to go out, and it was replaced by a black world-annihilating fire!

The world-annihilating fire even extended directly along the fire dragon to the Fang Tianhuaji of Nangong Weiyu, his complexion suddenly changed, and the whole body burst into flames.

"Destroy Sanlian City Arrows!"

Chu Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, but Nangong Weiyu and the others all changed their expressions, and their hearts tightened.

Chu Xiu, why is he here? Coming from Yanjing City, his speed is so fast?

In mid-air, Chu Xiu's whole body was flickering with monstrous demonic energy, and he fell down step by step. Looking at Nangong Weiyu, he said coldly, "Just you, you can also use Fang Tian Hua Ji?"

Seeing Chu Xiu's appearance, the entire Guanzhong City suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at the fact that there were still people slandering how Chu Xiu was, bringing the entire Guanzhong into the flames of war and so on.

But now that Chu Xiu appeared, they knew that there was actually only one backbone of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and that was Chu Xiu.

Nangong Weiyu was about to say something with a dark face when Chu Xiu pointed at him and said, "Retreat."


Nangong Weiyu sneered: "Chu Xiu, do you really think you are invincible?

My Yulin Army is tens of thousands of elites, do you think you can solve all of them by yourself? "

Chu Xiu turned his head to Chu Wuji and said, "Lead the entire Guanzhong execution hall and all of them out of the city to fight to the death. These three, I will deal with them."

Chu Wuji nodded and immediately ran back to the city.

This time, Chu Xiu came to Guanzhong Punishment Hall alone, while Xiang Chong returned directly to Yanjing City.

He alone was enough to save the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Xiang Chong was also in charge of the Nine Dragons Seal and could not leave Yanjing City for too long.

On the other hand, when Nangong Weiyu and the other three saw Chu Xiu's gesture of ignoring them, their faces turned black at the same time.

Although the three of them all admit that your Chu Xiu's strength is indeed strong, even in the primitive devil's cave, a full blow can make the Xu Ci of Daguang Temple retreat.

However, the three of them are not unknown. Do you, Chu Xiu, really think that the three of them are settled?

But before the three of them could take action, Chu Xiu had already taken the lead.

The Xieyue Sword was already in his hands, and the power of the inner demon began to suppress the spirit of the Xieyue Sword.

There is only a quarter of an hour, but to solve the three of them, let alone a quarter of an hour, half an hour is enough!

The long knife fell, and a **** crescent moon appeared in the air.

This round of blood-colored crescent moon is very similar to the previous scene when Chu Wuji used the magic weapon Miaoyue, but Chu Xiu's sword contains endless evil power, and the space is even distorted, swallowing the surrounding the power of.

The knife went straight to Nangong Weiyu, and when he felt the power in that knife, Nangong Weiyu's expression suddenly changed.

The Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand swept and danced wildly, and the flame dragon roared across his body, enveloping him like a fire cover.

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth: "Fang Tianhua halberd is a fierce soldier in the battle formation, with the most important imposing manner, the halberd can only be used to attack, not to defend.

Fang Tianhua halberd in your hands is really a shame. "

Nangong Weiyu was the general of the Eastern Qi, and the strength of Yu Lin's army was enough to rank in the top three of the nine-sided strong army, but his Fang Tianhua halberd was really inferior to Lu Fengxian.

Although Lu Fengxian has not yet reached the realm of real fire refining, but when Lu Fengxian reaches the realm of real fire refining, he can completely hang and beat the opponent.

The evil moon knife fell, and the evil power was even constantly swallowing the power of the flame dragon, growing itself.

The swords and halberds collided, and the dazzling blood-colored blade ripped apart the flame dragon directly. Nangong Weiyu suddenly felt an extremely strong force attacking, and he was blasted out.

As a martial artist from the military formation, he still used a fierce weapon such as Fang Tianhuaji. Naturally, Nangong Weiyu had also practiced the body training method.

It's just that no matter how strong Nangong Weiyu's physical body is, he is still stronger than Chu Xiu, who has been refined into a real fire.

At this time, the offensive of Shouzhenzi and Helian Changfeng had also reached Chu Xiu's The pure sun radiated from the sword in Shouzhenzi's hands, like a big sun, dazzling and dazzling.

He has cultivated pure yang qi for a lifetime, and his power has been purified to the extreme. Under pure yang qi, no alien power can be tolerated.

The sword in Helian Changfeng's hand was like opening a mountain and splitting the sea, and that extreme sharpness even tore apart the vitality of heaven and earth.

Yu Jin Fengrui of the Western White Tiger was used to the extreme by him, the shadow of the sword fell, and there was even a blood shadow of a white tiger lingering in the evil spirit of the white tiger.

In an instant, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal in his hand, and the majestic demonic energy and fiery Buddha light all bloomed together, and an evil Dharma image appeared behind him.

On one side is the Great Sun Tathagata Seal, the Dharma is solemn, and the Buddha's light is dazzling.

On one side is the Great Darkness Demon God, who is fierce and angry, and the demonic flames are soaring to the sky.

This dharma image has two sides and four arms, the Great Sun Tathagata squeezes the colorless big mudra, mustard seed sumer, heaven and earth, all shrouded in it, and in an instant, it has smashed Helian Changfeng's white tiger evil spirit. The White Tiger Statue is smashed with a slap!

Da Hei Tian Demon God folded his hands together, and in the three eyes above his head, the endless fire of world-annihilation roared down, and the power was earth-shattering, directly wrapping Shouzhenzi in his world-annihilating fire, swallowing the pure Yang power around him, forcing him to He could only burst out with all his strength, cut through the fire of world extinction with the Dao sword in his hand, and finally escaped.

With just two moves, all three of them were forced to retreat. For a while, Chu Xiu was immeasurable.

And at this moment, the gates of Guanzhong City were also wide open. Under the leadership of Chu Wuji, Xiao Yi and others, a group of warriors from the Guanzhong Execution Hall immediately rushed towards the Yulin Army outside.

In an instant, the scream of killing resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the killing intent surged into the sky.


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