Meet The Leader

Chapter 1022: Aftermath

PS: Thanks to the book friend Lao Na for the reward of 10,000 starting coins at the age of 18 this year

Guanzhong Xingtang suffered a lot of losses in the battle against the Yulin Army, and Chu Wuji also suffered some injuries when he looked at his face.

Chu Xiu handed over a bottle of medicinal herbs and said, "How serious is the injury? What about Elder Wei?"

Chu Wuji took the medicine pill, shook his head and said, "It's not too heavy, Elder Wei should go to Wei County at this time, which is also the main point of Dong Qi's attack.

However, three of the five armies of Dongqi Zhenguo, plus the masters of the royal enshrinement hall, have already been prepared there, and it should be much easier. "

After he finished speaking, Chu Wuji sighed: "I'm afraid your current strength is already infinitely close to Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, right? Real fire refining the gods and real fire refining the body, the two are combined into one, it's really scary, I'm all thinking about giving it a try. went."

Of course, Chu Wuji was just talking about it. He would only try this kind of thing when he lost his mind.

Those who do not have great perseverance in the real fire can not cultivate. Chu Xiu can cultivate successfully, in fact, a large part of it depends on luck.

If others are like him, they will not die after being smashed into scum, and it is also possible to cultivate into a real fire after reshaping their bodies.

"The realm of heaven and earth is not so easy to deal with. When you reach the realm of you and me, step by step, the difference between clouds and mud is not so easy to surpass."

Chu Wuji said: "But in my opinion, you have at least crossed the half-heaven."

After a few words of greetings, Chu Wuji and Chu Xiu entered Guanzhong City directly.

Xiao Yi and others were counting the losses of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and when they saw Chu Xiu coming, they all bowed respectfully.

Chu Yuansheng also saw Chu Xiu, and his expression was still a little embarrassed, because he didn't know how to call Chu Xiu.

Although he knew now that Chu Xiu was using him, Chu Yuansheng didn't really hate Chu Xiu.

After all, his interests have not been damaged, and even his father's position in the past has returned to his hands, and the power of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is even greater than before.

But he was Chu Xiu's eldest brother at the beginning, but now Chu Xiu is no longer the Jianghu head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past, but a giant of magic, who controls the entire Beiyan Wulin.

It can even be said that in the past, when his father was at his peak, there was no current Chu Xiuqiang.

When Chu Kuangge went shopping for the God of Heaven, he only used his own life to seriously injure the God of Luo.

But now Chu Xiu has been able to kill the Heavenly Gate God, this is the gap.

Before Chu Yuansheng could speak, Chu Xiu walked over and cupped his hands and said, "Brother, stay safe? This time, I came late. If I had come earlier, maybe those cities in the Guanzhong Execution Hall would not have to be lost. already."

Seeing that Chu Xiu's attitude towards him was almost the same as before, Chu Yuansheng breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little moved.

"Brother Chu, don't blame yourself, you came just right, in fact, I didn't lose anything in the punishment hall.

We knew before that, with the power of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, to spread the army against the Eastern Qi, it was basically a man's arm to block the car.

Therefore, when we were just overwhelmed by the army in Dongqi, we had already withdrawn all our people, and the cities occupied by Dongqi were just empty cities.

In addition, Dong Qi also wants to completely occupy Guanzhong, so there is no embarrassment for some martial arts forces or others in the city. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "That's good, after the casualties are counted, let's discuss the matter together.

The Imperial Forest Army has retreated, but it does not mean that we are safe. Dongqi, there is not only one Yulin Army. "

After half an hour, all the senior officials of Guanzhong Punishment Hall and Chu Wuji came to the council hall.

Chu Yuansheng wanted Chu Xiu to sit in the main seat, but was rejected by Chu Xiu.

With his current status, he no longer needs to sit on the main seat to gain status and respect.

In fact, with the strength of the current Chu Xiu's control, Guanzhong Punishment Hall is dispensable to him.

Chu Yuansheng had never let him down in the past, so naturally he would not let him down, so as long as he was there for one day, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall would always have the surname Chu.

Secretly, the surname is Chu Xiu, and on the surface, the surname is Chu Yuansheng.

Besides, Chu Xiu also admired Chu Kuangge, Chu Juxia, but it was just admiration, Chu Xiu would be Chu Kuangge all his life.

"How about the casualties here in Guanzhong Punishment Hall?" Chu Xiu asked.

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "With more than 3,000 dead and 10,000 wounded, I don't have an advantage in this kind of military battle."

After speaking, Xiao Yi looked up at Chu Xiu carefully and said, "Sir, can you send reinforcements over to Beiyan?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "It's very difficult, Beiyan's strength is here, and the five armies of Zhenguo have already been dispatched. If they are dispatched, they can only dispatch the guards around Yanjing City and guard the imperial army of the palace."

The faces of the warriors in the execution hall changed.

Without reinforcements, what would they use to guard the punishment hall?

Don't look at the strength before Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but this is a national war! A strong army built with all the strength of a country is simply not something that a Guanzhong execution hall can stop.

However, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Beijing can't recruit reinforcements from here, but we can find a way on Dongqi's side and let Dongqi change its attack target.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not the main place. Wei County has Jiangshan Pavilion at the head, and the junction between Beiyan and Dongqi is also a battleground for both sides. Guanzhong Punishment Hall is actually dispensable for Dongqi. . "

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly and said, "But the question now is, how do we get Dong Qi to change his mind?"

Chu Xiu thought for a while, then knocked on the table and said, "For so many years, Guanzhong Punishment Hall, as the center of the trade between the three countries, must be doing things like smuggling often, right?"

The expressions of Xiao Yi and the others changed slightly, Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "Don't be nervous, when I was in charge of the torture hall in Guanzhong, I used to do this kind of thing a lot. Such a lucrative thing, who can completely avoid it?

You have been in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for longer than me. For so many years, there have been no major figures in the Eastern Qi Dynasty, some royal family members and the like intervening in these smuggling businesses? Can you get in touch with them? "

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, I can be contacted, but my lord, it is the period of the national war between Dongqi and Beiyan. Even if they are contacted, they would not dare to intervene in such matters."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Don't worry, you can just get in touch, as long as the interests are sufficient, it's not that they can't do things like betraying the country.

You just need to contact them according to what I said, and I will not come forward. After all, my identity is sensitive, but I will tell you what to say in secret. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, although Xiao Yi was still puzzled, he had to nod his head in agreement.

The personal connections that Xiao Yi and others have accumulated in the Guanzhong torture hall for so many years are really not simple.

People from Dongqi want to smuggle things to Beiyan and Western Chu. The ordinary small caravans are sneaky, while the large caravans have opened up the relationship between the inspectors, and some extremely sensitive things are to get through their palms. Criminals do.

Therefore, Xiao Yi and the others really knew a lot about some powerful people in the Eastern Qi court.

It's just that at this critical moment, these people don't want to see Xiao Yi, but Chu Xiu's approach is very rude and directly threatens them. If they don't come, he will hand over the evidence of their smuggling over the years to the Eastern Qi court, especially It was the contraband they smuggled to Beiyan.

So although these people were angry, they still came obediently.

Of course, they were not idiots to enter the border of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but found a place where Dongqi and Guanzhong Punishment Hall meet to meet Xiao Yi.

In an inn in a small town, Xiao Yi had already booked the entire inn, and there were several people in fancy clothes sitting across from him, old and young, but all of them had angry expressions on their faces.

One of them said coldly, "Mr. Xiao, this is something you've done inappropriately.

We have cooperated so many times before, and it is not right to buy and sell.

You followed Chu Xiu and Beiyan, but now you are overwhelmed by the army and implicated in us, what is the meaning? "

Xiao Yi knew the identities of these people in front of him. They were all nobles of the Eastern Qi, even the royal family.

For example, the one who was talking in front of him was Lu Changlong, King Huai of the Eastern Qi. He belonged to a collateral royal family. Although he was crowned king, he had no real power, so he spent most of his time making money and enjoying himself.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "Everyone, please calm down, you don't want to see me, and I really have no choice, that's why I thought of such a move.

You should all know the predicament of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall right now. This time, I actually want to ask for your help. "

Lu Changlong and the others hurriedly shook their heads and said, "Come on, Mr. Xiao, it's not like you don't know the details of what I'm waiting for. Are we able to talk about such important matters?"

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "You are all powerful figures in the Eastern Qi Why can't you speak?

Don't worry, everyone, since I am asking for help, I naturally have sincerity in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

After the Guanzhong Punishment Hall returns to calm, I will not take a penny for the things you want to smuggle in the future.

And as long as you promise to help me in the torture hall once, everything here is yours. "

With that said, Xiao Yi directly opened a space secret box, which was filled with mountains of gold and silver jewelry.

Although for warriors, these things are not very useful, but they are also real money.

Chu Xiu wanted to use these things to bribe them, which still made Xiao Yi very distressed.

Seeing these things, Lu Changlong and others were really moved.

But they still shook their heads and said, "Although money is a good thing, right now you are standing on Beiyan's side in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Helping you is like betraying the country. The money for betraying the country is not easy to earn."

At this time, Chu Xiu's voice came from Xiao Yi's ear.

He was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "I ask you a question, do you think that Beiyan can annex Dongqi?"

Everyone present burst into laughter, and Lu Changlong said disdainfully, "I am sitting in the rich and prosperous land in the Central Plains, and heroes and heroes are born in large numbers. Even if His Majesty makes several wrong decisions in succession, the barbarians of Beiyan will not be able to do it. Don't try to swallow my big Qi."

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Since this is the case, why are you all worried about betraying the country? Don't say that this time we shut down the torture hall just to protect ourselves, even if we really want you to betray the country and buy and sell once, Dongqi will not come out. The problem is not?

If that's the case, what's the big deal about selling it once in a while? "


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