Meet The Leader

Chapter 1023: Breaking the game

PS: Thank you for the reward of 10,000 starting coins that disappeared like water.

Chu Xiu has always believed that there are people in the world who can stick to the bottom line of their hearts, but more are the kind of people who even dare to sell their own lives in front of their interests.

These guys even care about their own lives, let alone betraying the country. There are enough benefits. What's the big deal to sell them once in a while?

The words that Chu Xiu asked Xiao Yi to say can be said to point directly to the hearts of these people present.

Anyway, it's just a small favor, and with their influence, they can't influence Dong Qi's real strategy.

Even if Beiyan really won this time, with Beiyan's strength, they would not be able to annex Dongqi. If so, what were they afraid of?

Lv Changlong was the first to laugh and said: "We are also old friends with Master Xiao. If Guanzhong torture hall suffers, it will also affect our future business, right? Well, I will contribute to this matter. "

With Lv Changlong taking the lead, the others also spoke up and took the things given by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall with peace of mind.

Lu Changlong, the honorable and noble people of the Eastern Qi, are either waste royal families who have no real power or talent in martial arts, or some waste princes who have made great achievements when the country was founded, but now they can only eat and wait to die.

They may be useless to let them do business, but they are very good at doing such things.

So after returning to Dongqi, they discussed each other and offered a lot of good things to Lu Haochang in turn.

What does Lu Haochang like? Nothing more than a woman and some rare playthings.

Some presented the stunning beauties they had meticulously cultivated, while others presented the divine bird caught from the 100,000-strong mountain, which was shaped like an owl, with green feathers and red beaks, with a docile personality and a human tongue.

Regarding these things, Lu Haochang refused to come directly. He accepted the things, comforted Nangong Weiyu who had lost the battle, and told him to rest first. The place in the Guanzhong execution hall was simply forgotten.

In fact, Lu Haochang is not an idiot. He has been the emperor for so many years. Although he is mediocre, he is not faint.

These guys suddenly presented him with so many beautiful and exotic treasures. If there was no calculation in it, Lu Haochang would definitely not believe it.

So he had already secretly inquired, these guys had a smuggling business in Guanzhong Punishment Hall before, so he was worried that Guanzhong Punishment Hall would be smashed.

But after learning about it, Lu Haochang didn't point it out or punish them. Instead, he pretended not to know, and happily accepted what they offered and fulfilled their demands.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. As long as the Eastern Qi is stable, what is there to do?

Moreover, if they really cut off their business, they are all poor and clanking. Next time there is a problem, how can they offer themselves so many beautiful women and exotic treasures?

Lu Haochang's seemingly foolish approach actually saved Guanzhong Punishment Hall once, and all the troops of Dongqi Chen Bing around Guanzhong Punishment Hall were withdrawn, which made Guanzhong Punishment Hall finally relieved.

Although the punishment hall in Guanzhong was fine, Chu Xiu was not in a hurry to return to Beiyan.

The outcome of a place cannot determine the direction of the entire battle. In fact, now Chu Xiu is also quite a headache.

The matter has developed to the stage of a national war, and it is no longer something that can be solved by killing one or two people casually.

Even if Chu Xiu was given a chance now, it would be useless to kill Ling Yunzi, the most powerful person in the realm of heaven and earth. interests of all parties.

There is also the Dongqi court, once it starts, let alone a Ling Yunzi dead, even if the entire Chunyang Daomen is destroyed, the Dongqi court will not stop.

National war is not a child's play.

Chu Xiu couldn't sit back and watch Beiyan perish, and he couldn't sit back and watch his own interests suffer losses, so now, he really had to come up with a way to break the game.

After staying in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for two days, Chu Xiu thought about it a lot. Looking around, he really didn't have any strength he could borrow.

In fact, Chu Xiu still has some connections on the rivers and lakes. For example, if he is friendly with Xie Xiaolou, he can definitely pay some price to ask Chen Qingdi's World Alliance to take action.

But it is a pity that a world alliance cannot affect the battle situation. If Chen Qingdi exists in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, it would be better to say.

On Dongqi's side, he can also let the Mo family take action, but the strength of the Shangyang Mo family is basically dispensable.

So I thought about it for a long time. Since I can't find a helper in the Central Plains Martial Arts, why not take a long-term view, such as overseas?

Thinking of overseas places, it is because of Jiangshan Pavilion.

Since ancient times, the overseas martial arts and the Central Plains martial arts are similar, but the exchanges between the two sides are very little.

However, the strength of overseas martial arts may not be as strong as the Central Plains martial arts, but it is definitely not weak.

Overseas places can cultivate existences like Kang Dongming, and Jiangshan Pavilion, which has been hunted down like a bereaved dog at the beginning, also relied on the resources of overseas places, and this has re-emerged.

There is also Zhong Shenxiu, who, strictly speaking, is also an overseas martial artist.

Everyone knows the name of the East China Sea, although everyone does not know whether the so-called East China Sea is an island or what, but since the word East China Sea is added, it must be overseas.

With such a powerful force on the side, why not borrow it?

However, Chu Xiu did not know the situation in overseas places, but some people did, such as the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect.

Although the sixth day Demon Sect is far away in the South China Sea, the South China Sea and the East China Sea are all seas. Chu Xiu believes that they must have some understanding of each other.

Moreover, the sixth day Demon Sect that Chu Xiu went to also wanted to test whether the sixth day Demon Sect would intervene in this matter.

This matter has now turned into a battle between the righteous and the devil, and it has even been implicated in the melee of the Three Kingdoms. The trouble is already quite big.

Both the Ming Demon and the Hidden Demon lineage have already taken action, but the sixth day Demon Sect is a neutral existence.

After instructing Chu Yuansheng and others to continue as usual, but after being careful, Chu Xiu went all the way to the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect located in the land of the South China Sea.

On the sixth day, the Demon Sect was only close to the South China Sea, but it was actually on a strange island next to the South China Sea.

It is strange because the island is surrounded by formations, and ordinary people can't find it even if they want to find it.

Of course, Chu Xiu was not an ordinary person. He wanted to meet the people from the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, and he let out his breath directly in that sea area. After half an hour, Yibo Xun immediately brought someone out to greet him in person.

"Master Chu came, your sect is really lucky for three lives, come and come, enter the sect, first wash the dust for Master Chu and then talk about other things."

Ibzon's attitude was very polite, but there was a hint of falsehood in that politeness.

Chu Xiu said with a half-smile, "Sect Master Yi, you and I are old acquaintances, there is no need to play these fakes, right? You should know why I am here.

You also know that I don't have the energy to go to the banquet now, but Beiyan's eyebrows are about to burn. "

Yi Bo Xun smiled bitterly and said: "Master Chu, it's not that my sixth day Demon Sect doesn't want to help, but we are in the land of the South China Sea.

The land of the South China Sea is close to Nanman, when the news came, do you know who is here? "

Chu Xiu's mind moved: "Rama?"

Yibozun smiled bitterly and said, "It's Rama, my good fellow, the other party couldn't find the sect of my Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, and directly branded a Buddha's seal on the sea. That mighty power is like burning the sky and boiling the sea. Yin evaporated an unknown amount of seawater, and for three whole days, my sixth-day demon sect was shrouded in water mist.

On the sixth day of the Demon Sect, Rama had already come to warn me. If the Demon Sect on the sixth day really took action, it is estimated that before I reach Beiyan, the people of Subhuti Temple will take care of it. . "

Chu Xiu frowned slightly, this is the way the rivers and lakes are now, and the demons are intertwined.

The righteous martial arts in Xichu had the intention to do something, but he was stopped by the Moon Worship Cult.

Here in the south, the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect wanted to help, but was threatened by the Subhuti Temple.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "I know the difficulties of Sect Master Yi, so this time, I don't expect the sixth day Demon Sect to be able to take action. I came to you, Sect Master Yi, because I wanted you to do a little favor."

Hearing that Chu Xiu didn't force him to take action on the sixth day of the Demon Yibo Xun was relieved and asked, "I don't know what Master Chu wants me to do?"

"It's very simple, I want to ask Sect Master Yi to accompany me on a trip to the East China Sea.

There is no hope for the martial arts forces in the Central Plains for the time being, so I want to use the martial arts forces in overseas places to strike a fatal blow in the back of Dongqi.

As long as Dongqi retreats, everything will be solved.

However, I don't know much about the power in overseas places, so I can only come to you for help, Sect Master Yi.

The South China Sea and the East China Sea are all seas. For overseas places, it is only reliable to find someone like Sect Master Yi who is familiar with you.

Yi Bo Xun smiled bitterly and said, "The South China Sea is quite different from the East China Sea, but I have been to the East China Sea a few times, and I don't say I know too much, but it is a general idea. You can go with Master Chu this time.

But Mr. Chu, I still advise you to be cautious. Even if you go to the East China Sea, there is a high possibility that you will come back empty-handed.

Warriors from overseas places rarely get involved in the Central Plains. You want them to come to the Central Plains rashly, or it is difficult to be an enemy of a big country like Dongqi. "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "They didn't come before because they didn't have enough interests.

Jiangshan Pavilion has stayed well overseas, so why do you want to go back to the Central Plains now? Not because there are enough benefits.

Sovereign Yi can just lead the way, I'll take care of everything else.

Even if it is difficult, try it. If you don't try it, how do you know it won't work? "

Since Chu Xiu didn't listen to the advice, he didn't say much, and it was a waste of time.

Overseas martial arts and Central Plains martial arts are basically two regions. Even though Chu Xiu has a great reputation in Central Plains martial arts, it may not work in overseas places.


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