Meet The Leader

Chapter 1024: Overseas martial arts

The land of the East China Sea is very different from the land of the South China Sea. The biggest difference is the number of people.

There are many storms in the South China Sea, the climate is hot, and the environment is harsh, so the forces that can take root in the South China Sea are basically strong, such as the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, so the number of people is naturally much smaller.

In the East China Sea, the climate is pleasant, the world is full of vitality, and there are countless large and small islands. There are civilians and warriors. Even a long time ago, there were people who founded the country in the East China Sea. How long has it been destroyed.

At present, some of the East China Sea forces are in the hands of the Zongmen family, and part of them are in the hands of some individual powerhouses, who control an island and become kings, but they usually don’t last long, and those who can persist for three generations are rare. , and those who persist for more than three generations will naturally become a sect or a family.

Chu Xiu and Yibo Xun went directly to the East China Sea by boat for the sake of speed.

On the sixth day, Demon Sect's boat is blessed with a formation, and the speed in the sea is faster than that of a warrior in the real fire refining realm, and the most important thing is to save energy and not stop.

Otherwise, even if a warrior in the real fire refining **** realm can use the power of heaven and earth for his own use at any time, he will not be able to walk in the sea for a long time.

When approaching the East China Sea, Chu Xiu asked, "Sect Master Yi, who is the strongest and most powerful in the East China Sea right now?"

Yi Bo Xun said: "Master Chu wants to start with the most powerful one? This idea is not bad. There are as many islands in the East China Sea, and so are the forces of all parties. It is better to go from the bottom to the top.

However, the most powerful people in the East China Sea are actually not the most powerful, which is different from the Central Plains. "

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Oh? Why?"

Ipoxon shook his head and said, "I don't know too well, but it's been like this for thousands of years.

It may be because the warriors who were born in the land of the East China Sea saw the endless ocean when they were born.

Therefore, over the years, the most powerful people in the land of the East China Sea are almost all martial and idiot-like characters, and it is difficult to see them easily.

For example, Zhong Shenxiu, the No. 1 master of the world today, is such a person. Everyone only knows that he lives in the deepest part of the East China Sea, but he has never been seen in his life.

And the 'East Sea Sword Saint' Kang Dongming, Master Chu, you should have dealt with him and know his strength, so is this guy. "

Chu Xiu pondered: "So, now, none of the most powerful people in the East China Sea are in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan?"

Ipoxon nodded and said, "Exactly.

Moreover, the land of the East China Sea is also divided into roughly two regions. One is the sea area close to the mainland of Dongqi, called Qingfenghai. There are many islands, and the wind and waves are small, which is more suitable for the survival of common people and warriors.

The deeper sea area is called the Rifted Wind Sea. There are often winds and waves and roars. Smaller islands will be submerged. Only real big islands and warriors with enough strength can survive in it. The environment is even worse than mine. The South China Sea is even more so.

Therefore, Master Chu basically does not need to consider the forces over the Split Wind Sea this time. The forces on the big island over there are self-sufficient, and they are too far away from Dongqi, so they will not easily be moved.

There are many forces in Qingfenghai, and most of them have trade relations with Dongqi, and even some people always travel to and from the Central Plains and overseas places. These people are worth considering. "

"Who is the most powerful person in Qingfenghai?"

"The owner of the supreme island, the fifth master Huo Xingzun of the 'God's Eye'." Yibo Xun didn't even hesitate and spit out the name.

"Strong strength and great power?"

Since the other party dares to name his island as Supreme Island, is he really ready to call himself the master in an overseas place?

At this time, Yibo Xun showed a strange look on his face and said: "Although the other party also has the cultivation of the real fire, but his strength is not too strong, not to mention that he is old now, even if he is young. , also belongs to the mediocre people in the same realm, at least I am not afraid at all.

Moreover, the opponent's forces are strictly speaking, not very strong, there are not many forces that belong to him alone, but the forces indirectly related to him can dominate Qingfenghai. "

Chu Xiu suddenly became interested in this fifth master Huo: "The power composition of overseas places is quite interesting. Such people can also dominate the sea area as big as Qingfenghai?"

Yi Bo Xun said: "The main reason why Huo Xingzun has the power he has today is because of his vision.

Huo Xingzun is nicknamed God's Eye. This God's Eye does not mean that he has practiced any kind of eye-shattering technique, but refers to the way he looks at people, and others call him Huo Wuye, not because he ranks fifth , but because he has five godsons. "

Speaking of which, Yibo Xun sighed and said, "When I heard about this, even I sighed that this Fifth Master Huo is either a great master who is proficient in divination, or there is really some strange treasure in it. The body, his eyes, are simply amazing.

Huo Xingzun's children and grandchildren did not have a complete device, but he received five adopted sons, but all of them were dragons and phoenixes.

His eldest son, 'Jianzhi', Qiu Tianya, is the most powerful swordsman. Fifty years ago, he stepped into the realm of real fire refining and was invincible. If Kang Dongming was born fifty years earlier, this East Sea Sword Saint's The name could not fall on his head.

However, Qiu Tianya is addicted to swords, and he also likes to use martial arts to test the sword. There is no opponent for him in the land of Qingfenghai, so he went to the sea of ​​cracking wind. He heard that he had defeated several island owners of the big island, and finally even went to Looking for Zhong Shenxiu to challenge him, but he has since disappeared. Many people said that even if he did not die in Zhong Shenxiu's hands, he was buried in the boundless sea.

Huo Xingzun's second adopted son is the island owner of Shenbing Island. He is at the pinnacle of the realm of real fire refining the gods. He is known as the first general in the East China Sea. , but to bury the divine soldier.

His third adopted son is the largest fleet in the East China Sea. Fu Longxiao, the owner of the Canglong fleet, is at the pinnacle of True Fire Refinement Realm. In the entire Qingfenghai, only his Canglong fleet can travel to and from the Qingfenghai and Split Wind 100% safely. Between the seas, there has not been a single accident.

His fourth adopted son is named Nalan Hai, and he also has the cultivation of the real fire refining spirit realm, but this is more unfortunate. He had a conflict with Kang Dongming in his early years, and he was cut off by Kang Dongming with a sword. , now living in seclusion on an island. A real fire-refining **** realm martial artist who has lost his legs, although his cultivation is still there, his combat power will be greatly reduced.

As for his fifth adopted son, what you should know, Lord Chu, is the current Jiangshan Pavilion master Zhao Yuanfeng. I heard that he has become the regent of Wei.

When Jiangshan Pavilion first came to overseas places, it was basically a lost dog, and it had conflicts with some overseas forces, including the forces under Huo Wuye.

At that time, Zhao Yuanfeng was still very young, and he was not the person in charge of Jiangshan Pavilion, but he dared to go to the Supreme Island alone to talk to the fifth master Huo, and was valued by the fifth master Huo. When the adopted son.

Jiangshan Pavilion can gain a foothold in overseas places, not only because of Zhao Yuanfeng's own efforts, but also because of Huo Wuye's prestige support. "

Hearing that Yi Bo Xun told him all the details of the fifth master Huo, Chu Xiu was also very surprised, it was simply unheard of.

It's good luck to be able to accept a big man as the adopted son, but if you accept five in a row, if you still talk about luck, the luck of this fifth master Huo is probably going to heaven.

No wonder some people call him God Eye, this ability to see people, it is almost the same as God.

But Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and he said in surprise: "I remember that Kang Dongming seemed to be the guest of Jiangshan Pavilion before, and he abolished the leg of Huo Xingzun's third adopted son, the two sides should have a big hatred. , Jiangshan Pavilion dares to use the other party?"

Yi Bo Xun laughed and said: "Master Chu, you have played against this person Kang Dongming, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in the world, under the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm?"

Chu Xiu nodded, that kind of monster is of course not an exaggeration, this is the only monster he has seen who can clearly enter the world, but does not take the initiative to step in.

Yi Bo Xun spread his hands and said: "In the whole Qingfenghai, Kang Dongming is almost invincible, not to mention the invincibility, Huo Xingzun's five adopted sons are indeed strong, but they have no choice but to have no desires, and the powerful Kang Dongming, Fighting it to the death is simply the most loss-making business.

Moreover, Zhao Yuanfeng is only Huo Xingzun's adopted son, not his own son, so they have no friendship with Nalanhai, the adopted brother.

For a righteous brother who has no friendship, in exchange for a guest who is almost invincible, which is the best deal?

Of course, in the entire Qingfenghai Sea, only Zhao Yuanfeng dared to use Kang Dongming as a guest minister.

Zhao Yuanfeng is Huo Xingzun's fifth adopted son. He may not have so many concerns, but other forces are afraid to offend Nalanhai and Huo Wuye, so even if Kang Dongming takes the initiative to come to the door, they will not dare to use it. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly. Just as they were talking, the giant ship had already arrived in the waters of the East China Sea and headed straight for Haotian Road, the largest island in the East China Sea.

Haotian Island was the largest island in the entire East China Sea, including Qingfenghai and Riftwind Sea. It was like a small piece of land.

Haotian Island is not owned by any faction, everyone can go to the island to trade and live, etc. More than ten famous rivers and lakes in Qingfenghai and major forces have each sent some elites to form an alliance to jointly maintain the basics of Haotian Island. order.

Yibo Xun brought Chu Xiu to Haotian Island first, also to inquire about the news.

After all, he is from the South China Sea. It has been a few years since he came to the East China Sea last time, and he does not know if the situation in the East China Sea has changed.


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