Meet The Leader

Chapter 1025: Happy birthday to Huo 5

As soon as Chu Xiu and Yi Boxun arrived on Haotian Island, they felt the difference between this place and the Central Plains martial arts. The most different thing was not the dress and language, but the atmosphere.

Most of the martial arts in the Central Plains are dominated by sects and aristocratic families, and most of the people who come and go are gangs.

Moreover, in this place in the East China Sea, the sect family is a part, and some islands are only loose alliances, and there are also many loose cultivators traveling between the islands, so this also forms a spectacle, you can almost see some everywhere. The warriors are trading all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth, and even the secrets of the exercises.

Some of the things that are considered to be uninstructable in the Central Plains martial arts are here, as long as you can pay enough price, you can buy them, and news is also possible.

Moreover, these rivers and lakes wind media in overseas places are very unscrupulous.

Fengmanlou will at least pay attention to it, some secret things are only sold to one person, and in overseas places, as long as you can afford the money, they have nothing to say.

Chu Xiu followed Yi Boxun to a long street on Haotian Island, found a shop with a wind media sign, and walked in directly.

There were many people inquiring about all kinds of news. Chu Xiu glanced around and said lightly, "Is there a private room?"

"There are some."

A roe-headed and rat-eyed warrior immediately greeted them, and flattered the two of Chu Xiu into a private room.

He only has the strength of the innate realm, and naturally he can't see the realm of Chu Xiu and Yiboxun.

However, those who work in the field of wind media, regardless of whether they are in martial arts in the Central Plains or overseas, are looking at their eyesight.

Anyway, according to his eyesight, these two are not ordinary people.

"Two, I don't know what news you need?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "In recent years, news of all the major events that have happened in Qingfenghai."

Is that the wind media: "You can embarrass the villain, the Qingfenghai is so big, in the eyes of me and other rivers and lakes wind media, there are big things happening every day, what is the level of this big thing?"

Chu Xiu didn't speak, just took out an ingot of purple gold and threw it on the table.

Seeing the ingot of Zijin, the wind media's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took it into his arms, and he took out a thick book from somewhere and said: "What news do you want, I'm here. Have."

Zijin is absolutely rare in overseas places.

There are very few Zijin mines in overseas places, and even if there are, some of them are under the sea, and it is extremely difficult to mine. Therefore, the purchasing power of Zijin is overseas, but it is much stronger than that in the Central Plains. Chu Xiu’s shot is With such a big hand, let alone asking him to show all the news in recent years, even if it was a hundred years ago, he can find it.

Chu Xiu and Yi Bo Xun looked at it for a while, and they almost understood the situation in overseas places.

Compared with the ups and downs of the Central Plains martial arts in recent years, overseas places are still calm.

Huo Xingzun has a great reputation overseas, and with his few adopted sons, it is not an exaggeration to say that his supreme island is an overseas supreme. Everyone else lives under this kind of power and rules. Can't afford any waves.

Yi Bo Xun closed the booklet and said, "This Fifth Master Huo will have his 380th birthday in a few days. He is also a lively and show-off temperament, and he has a birthday every few years. , called all his adopted sons, and also called all the major forces in the land of Qingfenghai to have a fun.

This time can be said to be the time when the forces of the entire Qingfenghai have gathered the most. On such occasions, if you can get the support of Huo Wuye, Master Chu, it is possible to gather the strength of the entire Qingfenghai. "

Hearing Yiboxun say this, Chu Xiu's expression was a little strange.

This Huo Xingzun is actually three hundred and eighty years old, and there are not many true fire refining **** realm warriors who can live to this age.

Theoretically speaking, a warrior in the real fire refining spirit realm has four hundred years of life, but this is just a theory. Once a warrior in this realm passes the age of two hundred, his body has already begun to decline. I can feel that I am close to running out of oil, and my life is approaching.

Those who are more than 300 years old and have not yet died, and who still have the power of a battle, such as Chunyang Daomen Shouzhenzi, are already very rare.

This Fifth Master Huo is nearly 400 years old, and he can still be so tossed, which is considered a long life.

Yi Bo Xun seemed to see Chu Xiu's doubts, he smiled and said: "Ever since his eldest son Qiu Tianya became famous, he has hardly touched anyone.

Later, he took in four adopted sons in a row. Do you think he still has a chance to fight with others? "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly, which was quite reasonable.

This Fifth Master Huo has been pampered for so long. With his five adopted sons, he can almost walk sideways in the entire Qingfenghai. Without the chance to fight to the death with others, naturally there are not so many secret wounds in his body. Longevity is normal.

But Chu Xiu still felt a little awkward. He was more sensitive to things like birthdays now.

Generally speaking, as long as it is the birthday he attends, there will be basically no good results, and he also doubts whether he is numerology recoil with occasions such as birthday banquets.

But this time, Chu Xiu was really prepared to join forces with people who were looking for a place overseas, not looking for trouble.

So Chu Xiu asked the Jianghu wind media: "Do you know what kind of things Huo Wuye likes? What did your major forces in Qingfenghai give him on birthdays?"

The wind media said with a wry smile: "As Fifth Master Huo, what kind of rare treasures can he not get? Moreover, Fifth Master Huo doesn't devote much attention to martial arts, and he doesn't like the classics of martial arts, so this point, You should ask the villain."

"Then how do you send birthday gifts? Randomly send them?"

The wind media shrugged and said helplessly: "Send whatever you want, of course you have to pick the precious one.

In fact, the martial arts forces in Qingfenghai also have some complaints about Huo Wuye's frequent birthdays.

Although Huo Wuye said, his birthday is just for everyone to have fun together, even if he doesn't send gifts.

But the old man said so, who would dare not give it away? And it's not easy to send.

People give expensive ones, but you can give light ones, but it also depends on the strength of your sect.

Even if a small island owner only sends a pair of calligraphy and painting, Huo Wuye will not be picky, but if you, a big island owner, also send a painting and calligraphy, then Huo Wuye will not say it, but he will not be happy. Then you will be out of luck.

Everyone compares to each other, and that force does not dare to hide their clumsiness. This cost is not ordinary. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "You are here to slander Fifth Master Huo, so you are not afraid of problems?"

The Jianghu wind media smiled and said: "Huo Wuye won't care about a little person like me like an ant.

Moreover, these things are discussed in the whole Qingfenghai, and it is impossible to manage them.

But if the two of you want to participate in Huo Wuye's birthday, you'd better find a way to get an invitation. "

Chu Xiu wondered: "Isn't anyone able to participate in this birthday?"

"Anyone can participate in the birthday party, but do you two know how many forces and how many scattered cultivators are in Qingfenghai?

On the day of the birthday, the entire Supreme Island was crowded, and most of them could only have a feast outside, and they were not qualified to enter the inner house at all.

Only those with less than 1,000 invitations are eligible to enter the inner house and meet Fifth Master Huo. "

Chu Xiu tapped the table and asked, "Then how can I get this invitation?"

That Jianghu wind media said: "This little person can't do anything, the invitations are all sent to the leaders of the major forces, and no one will sell this thing.

However, one invitation card can bring three people. Some loose cultivators are alone, but they will also help their juniors, or sell their places directly. You can give it a try.

Recently, a great-grandson of Huo Wuye issued invitations on Haotian Island. You can also go to him and try your luck to see if you can get a copy.

Of course, it is also very difficult. There are many invitations. Even if that one is the great-grandson of Huo Wuye, he would not dare to mess around. "

Chu Xiu nodded and dragged Epoxun away.

As long as there are eyebrows, is the invitation card not easy to handle?

Chu Xiu first went to the place where the great-grandson of the fifth master Huo was with Yi Boxun.

Haotian Island is jointly managed by major forces, and Supreme Island naturally also has a At this time, in a house, a young man in a brocade robe held a pen and paper and issued invitations one by one.

To be more precise, it should be the people of the major forces who were invited to participate in the birthday party.

In the past, the host should take the initiative to send invitations to the door, but the great-grandson of Huo Wuye may be too lazy to run from house to house, so he stayed on Haotian Island and called everyone to receive the invitations himself. When a person comes, he will make a mark on the list, which is simple and labor-saving.

But even so, he still reprimanded impatiently: "Hurry up, what are you dawdling for? This young master is here waiting to send you invitations on a hot day, and you are still dawdling, Haili The old turtle is quicker than you!"

Hearing this, the faces of the many island masters who were present immediately turned dark, but they all endured that they did not have any seizures.

After all, the other party is the great-grandson of Huo Wuye, or a direct descendant. It is said that he is quite favored by Huo Wuye, but they can't afford to offend them.

But seeing this scene, Chu Xiu shook his head.

Some powerful island owners must have been invited by the high-level officials of Supreme Island, but the strength of everyone present was not bad.

At least among those who came to receive the invitations, there were also a lot of people in the real core realm, and the weakest was also in the realm of harmony between man and nature.

But the great-grandson of Huo Wuye is only in the outer realm.

Although according to the current state of Chu Xiu, the true core can be shot to death with a slap.

But in the eyes of most warriors, the master of the true core is already an unattainable existence. He can establish a sect in the Central Plains martial arts, and he can dominate an island in overseas places, but now it is this young man. Humiliation, this is simply ruining the reputation of Supreme Island.


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