Meet The Leader

Chapter 1026: Demonic

The behavior of Huo Wuye's great-grandson, Yibo Xun also saw it.

He shook his head and said, "That Fifth Master Huo's vision is amazing, but unfortunately his descendants don't have a single one of them.

But there are still five adopted sons, enough to protect the entire Supreme Island. "

Seeing the appearance of Huo Xingzun's great-grandson, Chu Xiu was even more curious about this fifth master Huo.

The vision of the other party is simply amazing, and he has five adopted sons in a row, and each of them is a dragon and a phoenix.

But his method of educating his descendants is a little too mediocre. Judging by this style, it is not even as good as those of the nine great families in the Central Plains.

At this moment, a quarrel suddenly came from outside, and there was even a faint sound of qi bursting.

Chu Xiu and Yi Bo Xun went out to take a look, and it turned out that two true core warriors were fighting fiercely on the street, and a group of people were watching, as if they had become accustomed to this situation.

It should be said that this kind of situation is very common on Haotian Island. This is not the site of one family. Any disputes can be resolved directly on the island.

Of course, both parties involved must control the strength of their own shots, otherwise, someone will take care of the innocent hurt.

The two True Core Realm warriors who are fighting are one old and one young. The young man looks like he is in his early thirties, and his actual age should be less than fifty, so his talent is very good.

However, he obviously just stepped into the real core realm not long ago, and he is worse than the old man on the opposite side, and has already fallen into the disadvantage.

The young warrior said bitterly: "Lin Zongye! In the past, you were hunted down by your enemies like a lost dog. It was my father who saved you and let you join Changxia Island.

Now that my father is dead, you can't wait to come and take my Changxia Island, how shameless are you? It's just a wolf-hearted dog! "

That Lin Zongye sneered: "Xiao Ziqi, don't say how wronged you are, for so many years, Changxia Island can have the size it is now, who did it depend on? It's not me!

You, Young Master Xiao, took the power that I fought, and took the resources I earned and the medicinal pills to practice peacefully in seclusion. Without me, would you have the strength you have now?

Your father has saved my life, and while he is here, I serve him as Lord.

But now that he's gone, why should you be the island owner just because of you? "

The grievance between these two people is very simple, Chu Xiu has already heard it, and it is nothing more than the intrigue of his own family.

This Lin Zongye sought to seize the foundation left by Xiao Ziqi's father, and believed that his contribution was greater than the other party's, and the position of the island owner should belong to him.

On the other hand, Xiao Ziqi thought that the other party was a traitor.

In fact, these two people are both right, people are not for themselves, and they will be destroyed. The conflict of interests is such a thing, how can anyone be right and who is wrong?

Lin Zongye said coldly: "Hand over the invitation, you don't have to go to Fifth Master Huo's birthday, and you don't have to go in the future, so I will do it for you."

Only those in charge of the major forces are qualified to go to the Supreme Island to congratulate Huo Xingzun.

This person used to be Xiao Ziqi's father, but now he has naturally become him, so this invitation also fell on him.

It has to be said that Huo Xingzun's prestige in the entire Qingfenghai land has reached a certain level, and even participating in his birthday has become a symbol of identity.

But this is Chu Xiu, but a move in his heart, invitation?

Xiao Ziqi said coldly: "Dream! Besides, the name of my Xiao family is written on the invitation. Even if you hold the invitation, you will not be able to go to the Supreme Island!"

A strange smile appeared on Lin Zongye's face: "Really? But it is very common for the leader of an island to change. I believe the Huo family will understand these things, right, Mr. Huo?"

The Huo family son who was still posting invitations in the house didn't know when he had already stood on the side and watched the excitement. Hearing this, he just said lazily: "Lao Lin, don't forget to bring me seven when you go to the island. Twelve pearls of bright dust, if you bring something, I will recognize the invitation, but if you don’t have anything, it will be useless if you come here with a hundred invitations.”

When everyone heard it, they immediately knew what was going on.

Lin Zongye's preparations were really comprehensive, and he actually hooked up with the Huo family's son.

Although the name of the invitation is wrong, and it is a little unruly, but with the young master of the Huo family speaking, the disciples of Supreme Island may not necessarily be serious.

At this moment, Xiao Ziqi's heart suddenly became desperate.

Lin Zongye has already calculated everything. Could it be that the foundation left by his father can't be kept like this?

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came: "If I help you solve this old guy, how about you take the two of us with you when you go to the Supreme Island?"

Hearing this voice, everyone present immediately looked at Chu Xiu and Ipoxun subconsciously.

When Chu Xiu and Yibo Xun went to the island, they naturally wouldn't show off their aura of the real fire refining spirit realm in a big way. Instead, they both kept their auras low-key.

However, for people like Xiao Ziqi and Lin Zongye, you can tell at a glance that Chu Xiu and Yi Bo Xun are not simple, because even they can't see the details of these two people.

So Xiao Ziqi didn't even think about the origins of Chu Xiu and others, he said directly: "If you two can help me, I'll give you anything you want!"

Now his family business is about to be taken away, as long as the other party doesn't want his life, he is willing to give anything.

Then Lin Zongye squinted his eyes and said: "People from the Central Plains, this is a dispute in my overseas land, you better not interfere!"

The clothes worn by Chu Xiu and Yiboxun were very different from those of the warriors in overseas places. In addition to their accents, it was easy to be heard that they were from the Central Plains.

Lin Zongye's tone contained fear and threat, but when he saw Chu Xiu's eyes, his heart skipped a beat.

Because of Chu Xiu's eyes, it was as if he was looking at a dead person!

Before Lin Zongye could speak, Chu Xiu had already turned his palm into a knife, and cut out a knife lightly.

A black line of fire condensed out of Chu Xiu's knife. It seemed to be very weak, very small, and it didn't even burst out with any power fluctuations.

But at this moment, the terrifying instinct between life and death made Lin Zongye burst out with all his strength, and even directly burned his blood essence to resist the fragile black line of fire.

However, this is still in vain.

The black flame easily burned through his protective body infuriating, contaminating his body, and instantly burned his whole body into a mass of ashes, leaving no bones behind!

Everyone at the scene fell into silence. They couldn't seem to believe that a Martial Dao master of the true core realm died so easily in the hands of the opponent?

Everyone present couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, even Epoxon.

He is an old man in the devil's way, and he has dealt with both the demons and the demons.

Most of the people in the magic way are paranoid and crazy, no matter what they do, it is not too much.

So when Yibo Xun first met Chu Xiu, he didn't actually feel that Chu Xiu was like a man in the devil's way.

Because Chu Xiu was ruthless, but his opponents were all his enemies.

Moreover, Chu Xiu did not have any dark and peculiar hobbies like other people in the demonic way, nor did he rape, loot, or kill enemies.

But now Yibo Xun can be considered to understand, in the entire demonic way, perhaps he Chu Xiu is the most demonic person!

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him, but because of the invitation, he jumped out to kill, which shows in Chu Xiu's heart what human life represents. footstone.

This is the most terrifying, because you don't know one day, when you Chu Xiu has a conflict of interest relationship, will he kill you so easily.

At this time, in the silence, a discordant voice suddenly sounded: "Hey, you killed Lao Lin, what about the Ming Chen Pearl he promised to my son? Could it be that you supply me?"

The young master of the Huo family was the first to speak, and there was even extreme dissatisfaction in his tone.

Others may be horrified by Chu Xiu's strength, but he is not.

From childhood to adulthood, there were too many strong people around him, and those adopted sons of the ancestors were not the same generation.

Hearing this voice, Chu Xiu frowned, and when he looked over, there was even a sea of ​​corpses and blood in his eyes.

The young master of the Huo family was taken aback and didn't dare to say another word.

But at this moment, an old man who also has the strength of the real fire refining spirit realm came from a distance, and everyone else respectfully called him you and me, Feng Lao.

This is also one of the managers of the current Haotian Island. He was born in a loose cultivator, but his single-generation qualification is very old.

Feng Lao did not speak, but just showed his own momentum, and said lightly: "The strong people from the Central Plains come to my East China Sea, and the people of my East China Sea are warm and hospitable, and they must be treated carefully when they are sure.

However, even if we want to entertain people who kill people as soon as they come up, we dare not! "

As he said that, a strong coercion burst out from Old Feng's body and attacked Chu Xiu.

But then, a powerful coercion that was ten times and a hundred times stronger than that also followed, which immediately made Old Feng's eyes widen.

In less than three breaths, he could no longer bear the power, shook his head and said, "There are talented people in the country, I am an old man."

After speaking, Feng Lao turned around and left, but before leaving, he still said lightly: "I don't have so many rules on Haotian Island, it involves personal grievances, death is death, but don't think about anyone. In my Haotian Island, I want to act recklessly, and in my land in the East China Sea, not everyone can come here!"

Chu Xiu's reputation in the Central Plains martial arts, but in the land of the East China Sea, perhaps it is in the martial artist Feng Lao who has been semi-retired, he has no impression.

But whether it is in the Central Plains or overseas, strength can best prove everything.

It was just that imposing and coercive force that he could feel just now, even if it was at the peak of his youth, I am afraid that he would not be able to stop the three moves of this person in front of him!


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