Meet The Leader

Chapter 1038: Magical inheritance

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As Dugu Yume's ultimate ultimate move, Sanlian City Arrow, now appeared in the hands of an outsider, which surprised Chu Xiu, even horrified.

Wei Shuya had already said that Dugu was the only one left behind by me, and Dugu was the only one left in the illusion.

Anything that Chu Xiu obtained about Dugu Yuyi's martial skills or power should be said to be obtained by various coincidences.

As a result, in overseas places, someone used an arrow to destroy Sanliancheng. How could this make Chu Xiu not shocked?

Because this involves one thing, that is, has the other party found the body of Dugu Weiyi!

Whether Dugu Solitaire is dead or alive is very important to others, and even more important to Chu Xiu.

This is related to who he, Chu Xiu, is!

At this time, Chu Xiu was too lazy to care about what happened to Huo Xingzun, he just wanted to know from Ying's mouth, where did he get this arrow of destroying Sanliancheng.

At this time, Huo Xingzun was yelling: "Ying! Shoot and kill him! Kill this bastard!"

Although it was Huo Xingzun who saved Ying's life, even Huo Xingzun could not guess his background and origin.

All he needs to know is that Ying can be his shadow for the rest of his life for the sake of saving his life, and that's enough.

And at this time, the vibration of the outside world stopped, and there were cracks on the ground, and there were hundreds of puppets made of gold and iron from the ground.

Some of these puppets were holding bows and arrows, while others were holding knives and spears. The arrows with the most pure power of the five elements were shot from the hands of these puppets.

Bai Donglai's complexion suddenly changed: "It's Tianji Island! The predecessor of Supreme Island turned out to be Tianji Island!"

Before, Bai Donglai suspected that the Supreme Island itself was weird, but now it seems that the weirdness is big!

Tianji Island was a large overseas island in ancient times, monopolizing resources from all parties, and making full use of the puppets together. The puppets made with divine weapon materials could even shake the realm of real fire refining.

Later, it was rumored that Tianji Island and others fell into the eyes of the sea. Now it seems that Tianji Island was clearly acquired by Huo Xingzun. I don't know what means he used to dress it up, and it became the current Supreme Island.

These puppets on Tianji Island can still be used. In one-on-one terms, these things can’t even match the warriors of the true core, but at this time, hundreds of puppets are shot together, and the power can already threaten the real fire. The existence of the Divine Refinement Realm exists.

"Do you really think that I have no trump cards for so many years old, so I can only be slaughtered by you?

Over the years, I have had people repair nearly half of the machine puppets. It is worthy of being produced by Tianji Island. The power of each machine puppet is comparable to that of the real core. There are hundreds of machine puppets, even if it is the existence of the heaven and earth Tongxuan realm. Now, the old man is also not afraid! "

Looking at the puppets, Bai Donglai gritted his teeth and said: "Over the years, some people have offered some materials for making magic weapons, as well as things like spirit stones. Even if you can't use them, you still accept them all.

Now it seems that you are simply taking advantage of your birthday to condense materials and reshape these puppets of the Heavenly Secret Sect! "

Huo Xingzun touched the beard on his chin and said proudly, "Have you only thought of it now? It's too late!

The materials and some spirit stones in these puppets might be what you offered! "

In fact, Huo Xingzun was just enjoying himself, but he was not as thoughtful as Bai Donglai imagined.

Huo Xingzun likes birthdays, just because of his personality, he likes to show off.

However, after many birthdays, he also accumulated a variety of materials in his hands, and he could not use them all.

That's why he realized that there seems to be a pile of broken copper and iron buried under his island. He tried to have it repaired, but he did not expect that the repair was successful.

"Give it to me!"

As Huo Xingzun's voice fell, all those puppets rushed towards Bai Donglai and others frantically.

The single strength of these machine puppets is indeed not very good, but there are more ants killing elephants, and so many machine puppets rush together, but it is not so easy to solve.

At this time, Chu Xiu had already started to deal with the mysterious shadow.

The other party is definitely a warrior of the magic lineage. To be precise, all his inheritances come from the Kunlun magic sect!

The aura on the opponent's body, the martial skills when the opponent shot, is definitely the direct line inheritor of the standard Kunlun Demon Sect, and even compared with Chu Xiu, he is more like the heir of the magic line than Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu fought each other and said, "How did you come from your cultivation? What is your relationship with the Kunlun Demon Sect? Do you know my identity? The person who is in charge of the remnants of the Kunlun Demon Sect is me. !"

Chu Xiu said so much, but the shadow didn't seem to hear it.

Seeing this scene, a cold look appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Since you can't ask, then take him down and ask slowly, anyway, there are countless ways to concoct him!

At this moment, Chu Xiu no longer held his hand, and the power of the inner demon began to suppress the power of the Xieyue Saber. The slashing with the demonic energy, the blood moon twisted in the air, and swallowed everything around it.

But at this moment, the surging demonic energy around Ying Zhou's body condensed. As his palm fell, the giant demonic energy hand in mid-air seemed to tear the sky and the earth torn apart. He directly held the blood moon in his hand and pressed it directly on the ground. Boom!

The devil's palm!

Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed sharply.

What the other party used was Dugu Yui's early martial skill Heavenly Devil Palm.

In the original devil's cave, Dugu Wei I once used such a palm to smash the evil human-headed giant tree, leaving traces of the devil's palm. Chu Xiu saw it clearly, and he was absolutely right.

But according to what Lu Jianghe said at the beginning, Dugu Weiwei's Heavenly Devil Palm was just a martial skill used by Dugu Weiwei in the early days.

Now this shadow has even used the Devil's Palm, obviously it has a deep relationship with the Kunlun Devil Sect.

Chu Xiu snorted coldly, the Evil Moon Saber fell again, the void was frozen, and the time and space were stagnant.

Misty Slash fell, instantly separating everything in front of him and heading straight for the shadow.

The demonic energy around Ying Zhou stirred, and the powerful demonic energy affected the surrounding forces, forming a huge demonic energy vortex, which directly tore up all the roof above.

However, under Chu Xiu's misty slash, the vortex of demonic energy was torn apart abruptly, and the violent demonic energy was scattered in all directions.

The next moment, Chu Xiu's whole body of the demons and Buddhas appeared, half of the Great Sun Tathagata's hands squeezed the colorless Dingmumudra to suppress and fell, and the other half of the Dahetian demons were in the third eye above his head, countless jet-black flames of extinction. It spewed out and came towards the shadow.

The Buddha's light was suppressed, and the fire that destroyed the world invaded. Under this kind of power, the shadow was directly wrapped in it, and the aura on his body had been oppressed to the extreme.

Just when Chu Xiu was ready to take him down, the aura around the shadow actually became weaker and weaker. When the aura was sluggish to the extreme, a magical energy soaring to the sky suddenly erupted!

A ghostly figure appeared behind him, hazy, like an ancient demon god.

The most bizarre thing was that the Demon God's chest turned out to be a black black hole, boundless.

As the demon **** phantom hand squeezed the seal, in an instant, countless world-annihilating fires were shrouded in the black hole in his chest and absorbed.

Ying let out a long sigh, and the breath on his body became even more sluggish.

When it comes to the power background, there are really few people in the world who are qualified to compare with Chu Xiu, even him.

The demonic longbow condensed out, and the Mie Sanliancheng arrow shot out directly, heading towards Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed: "Destroy Sanliancheng Arrow? You are too bad!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, he also shot out the Sanliancheng Arrow in his hand.

But the difference is that Ying only shot one arrow, while Chu Xiu shot three arrows in a row!

The first arrow and the two were completely silent, but the second arrow and the third arrow were already coming one after another.

The demon **** phantom behind the shadow hugged the two arrows in his chest as if he was embracing heaven and earth.

In an instant, the two arrows were swallowed up, but his demon **** phantom completely burst and melted.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Let's capture it, you have seen it, I will know the martial arts you know, and if you don't, I will.

On the basis of strength, you have sent me too far, and you will only die if you continue to fight, don't force me to kill you! "

As an existence in the realm of real fire refining the spirit, Ying certainly knew the gap between himself and Chu but he didn't seem to be afraid of this kind of emotion, and even the whole body was still surging with hot demonic energy towards Chu Xiu. attack.

Chu Xiu frowned, killing the other party was easy, but if he killed him, where would he go to ask for clues?

He said to the inner demon in his mind: "This guy is handed over to you, wait for an opportunity to enter his heart to build a fantasy, and dig out the secrets in my heart for me!"

This time, the inner demon hesitated for a while and said, "I will try my best."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Last time you dealt with Xie Yue, didn't you easily dig out the deepest pain in his heart?"

The inner demon made a helpless expression and said: "You humans are the most complex beings, and the power of mood is not based on personal strength, but on the heart.

A person with a strong state of mind, even if he is just an ordinary person, I can't help him, but a person with a weak state of mind, or a person with obvious loopholes, even if he is in the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm, will fall into it and cannot extricate himself.

Last time when Xie Yue was in trouble, the loophole in his mood was too big, so big that it could affect his external performance.

And this guy can tell from his performance that he is definitely the kind of person with an extremely tough mentality. I am not sure whether I will succeed or not. "

"You have to be successful!

Otherwise, what am I doing with this useless piece of trash around me? It's better to throw it to Master Yuan Ji and they will study it slowly! "

After speaking, Chu Xiu didn't care about the demon protesting there, and rushed towards Ying directly.

Although the inner demon secretly scolded Chu Xiu for being shameless, he had no choice but to prepare to act at any time.

It is not human, but it understands the human heart better than anyone else.

What Chu Xiu said was not a threat, he really could do such a thing.


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