Meet The Leader

Chapter 1039: Destroy the Supreme Island

Chu Xiu's strength is much stronger than that of the shadow.

If Chu Xiu really wanted to kill him, he could cut him into two pieces with a single word at this time.

It's just that compared to Huo Xingzun, compared to these messy struggles in the East China Sea, the news about Dugu and me is not as important.

It can be said that from the time he arrived in the East China Sea to the present, Chu Xiu was serious only this time.

Put away the fierce soldiers like the Xie Yue Dao, Chu Xiu's whole body is full of Buddha light, and the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Phase squeezes the Buddha's seal, suppressing the shadow with the powerful and overbearing Buddha's power.

Ying struggled constantly, as if he was not afraid of death at all, and tried his best to kill Chu Xiu.

But at this moment, the power of the inner demon had infiltrated into Ying's body unknowingly.

For a moment, Ying suddenly became sluggish. He touched his head and seemed to remember a lot of things.

He does not belong to Qingfenghai, but is a person from Split Wind Sea, and he is one of the few scattered cultivators in Split Wind Sea.

During a tsunami, the boat he and several of his close friends were in was completely smashed. They burst out with all their strength and walked on the water. Although they rushed out of the tsunami, they lost their way.

On an island that was not marked on the chart, they found a cave that exuded magical energy and went underground.

A group of people entered it, accompanied by demonic energy, accompanied by slaughter, accompanied by all kinds of unparalleled power, one after another fell, and finally he saw what was in it.

Those were two corpses, sitting on the bronze throne. Although they were already dead, the demonic energy was so surging that it was shocking.

He seemed to have taken something from it, and moved something, that piece of memory was already very vague, and all that was left to him was fear, the great fear between life and death!

He didn't even know how he escaped from that place in the end. He forgot a lot of things, his name, and everything, but the only thing he couldn't forget was the things he took out from that place. .

He forgot all the martial arts he practiced in the past, but he learned the martial arts that he took out from there, but the price was that he reversed the magic power, completely lost his way, and was about to be annihilated by flying ashes.

Later, he was rescued by Huo Xingzun. He didn't know who rescued him, but he seemed to remember that when he was very young, a man named Master told him that the kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by springs.

He thought this sentence was funny, but he only remembered this sentence, so he decided to do as it said.

Since then, he has become a shadow, Huo Xingzun's last trump card, guarding his shadow.

That hazy feeling completely dissipated. The next moment, Xie Yue Dao slashed down with the demonic energy that rushed to the sky, and Ying subconsciously shot to resist, but the twisted red moon had already shattered his body-protecting infuriating energy. The evil moon knife pierced straight into his chest.

"Even the memory is gone. Now you are just a walking corpse. If I kill you, it will be a relief for you."

The long knife was pulled out, and Ying's figure fell to the ground with a slam. There was no pain, no hatred in his eyes, and of course there was no relief.

Because now he doesn't know what the concept of death is.

The inner demon did not dig out all the memories of the other party, only some memory fragments, but these things have been able to piece together a complete context.

Before this life, he was a loose cultivator from Split Wind Sea. He encountered a tsunami with a group of brothers and friends, accidentally came to an island, and found the ruins of a demon cave.

Many people died in the ruins. In the end, he was the only one who survived. He also brought out something similar to the exercises. However, he was seriously injured and lost his memory. However, this time, he was lucky, and he was rescued by Huo Xingzun and became his shadow.

No wonder this shadow looks so strange, as if he has no emotion at all, but in fact he has no emotion.

When a person has lost all his memories, is he still that person? Maybe in the eyes of others, as long as he has a skin, he is, but for himself, he is already dead.

But the only pity is that his memory fragments are too fragmented, and some key scenes cannot be clearly seen at all.

For example, the two corpses sitting on the bronze throne couldn't see their faces at all.

Previously, Chu Xiu thought that one of the corpses was Dugu Yume, but when he thought about it carefully, it was a bit wrong.

If Dugu is the only one, then the other person should be Ning Xuanji, but in Ying's memory fragments, those two people are exuding demonic energy.

But none of that matters anymore.

He has already found the approximate location of the place in the memory fragments, and when the matter here is over, he will definitely go there in person.

But right now, Huo Xingzun must be dealt with first.

At this time, when Huo Xingzun saw that Chu Xiu had killed Ying, he was really panicked.

The secret puppets of the Heavenly Secret Sect are his trump card, and the shadow is his trump card.

As a result, one of his hole cards has died, and the other hole card can't last long.

The power of those puppets are extremely precious spiritual stones. Once the spiritual stones are used up, they are immediately a pile of scrap metal.

In terms of battery life, the existence of the real fire refining spirit realm is definitely much stronger than a pile of iron lumps.

Seeing Huo Xingzun's appearance, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head.

This man is dead.

Relying on his own eyes, Huo Xingzun has relied on others all his life.

How many years has he not touched anyone else?

To be more precise, he has almost counted the number of times he has had hands with people since he was young.

Fang Cai and everyone were fighting fiercely. Huo Xingzun had the cultivation of the real fire refining spirit realm, but he didn't even help Ying or Fu Longxiao. In his heart, he had no concept of fighting against others.

Martial arts itself is the way of fighting and killing. A warrior who has forgotten the means of killing is not a waste, what is it?

Seeing Chu Xiu slashing with a knife, Huo Xingzun shouted and immediately sent the sword pill in his hand.

This sword pill was given to Huo Xingzun by Qiu Tianya to save his life, and its power is indeed beyond imagination.

After all, it was made by a strong swordsman in a year.

But no matter how strong Jianwan is, it is only a dead thing, without wisdom.

In other words, even Qiu Tianya didn't expect that his adoptive father would provoke a powerhouse like Chu Xiu.

The endless fire of extinction bloomed, directly wrapping the sword pill in it.

In an instant, ten thousand sword qi burst out from above the sword pill, strangling the world-annihilating fire.

The stickiness of the world-annihilating fire is not ordinary, and Jianwan was entangled in it, unable to escape for a while.

The next moment, the evil moon knife in Chu Xiu's hand fell off and went straight to Huo Xingzun!

Huo Xingzun was in a panic, and his whole body burst into qi, but it was messy, and even Chu Xiu didn't know what he wanted to do.

After so many years, shouldn't he really have forgotten to fight people?

But these are not important anymore. The scarlet evil moon twisted all the power, and the evil moon knife easily penetrated Huo Xingzun's whole body. In an instant, a large amount of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"I said that people who want to be my father never have a good end."

The Xieyue Sword pulled out and threw Huo Xingzun's body aside. At this moment, all the puppets present stopped there, and some even exploded directly.

When repairing these puppets, Huo Xingzun still kept his mind.

These puppets can only be driven by his mark and blood.

As a result, now that he is dead, the mark will naturally be broken.

All these puppets failed, Fu Longxiao's complexion suddenly changed, but it was too late.

Bai Donglai, Kou Shentong and Yi Bo Xun shot together, and in the sudden explosion, Fu Longxiao didn't even have time to burn his blood essence, so he directly killed him on the spot.

The main characters on the Supreme Island are all dead, and the rest are the incompetent warriors of the Huo family.

Bai Dong has not reacted to his arrival. How could his plan be so successful?

After being stunned for a while, Bai Donglai bowed his hands respectfully to Chu Xiu and said, "If there is no Master Chu this time, not only will we not be able to kill Huo Xingzun, but I'm afraid we will all stay there.

If this matter can be successful, Master Chu will definitely take the credit! "

This time, Bai Donglai admitted that he really underestimated Huo Xingzun.

Although he had expected before that Huo Xingzun had been the supreme leader in the Qingfenghai region for so long, there must be some trump cards in his hand, but he never thought that the trump cards would be so strong.

That mysterious man in black was able to truce with Chu for so long, his strength can be said to be quite terrifying.

After all, when Chu Xiu shot to kill Nalanhai and Baili Pobing, he didn't use a few tricks.

In fact, Bai Donglai misunderstood this point.

Although Ying's strength is stronger than Nalanhai and Baili Pobing, it is not as strong as he imagined. It is not difficult for Chu Xiu to kill him.

It's just that Chu Xiu originally wanted to capture him alive and torture him to reveal the news, so he didn't kill him.

If Chu Xiu really killed his heart, Ying also couldn't resist Chu Xiu for so long.

"Mr. Bo is welcome, everyone takes what they need, as long as Mr. Bo doesn't forget the agreement between you and me." Chu Xiu said lightly.

Bai Donglai hurriedly said: "Master Chu, please rest assured, after I have dealt with the remnants of the Supreme Island line, I will immediately start to deal with this matter."

After seeing Chu Xiu's strength, Bai Donglai didn't have the slightest idea of ​​turning back, and he didn't have the qualifications to turn back.

Although they have now killed Huo Xingzun and destroyed the warriors of the Supreme Island, this does not mean that Bai Donglai can become the supreme figure of the entire Qingfenghai.

There is no big mountain on the head, but there will still be many hills emerging.

Right now, he, Kou Shentong and others are one of the strongest people in Qingfenghai. Only when they join hands can their words really work. Otherwise, they will still be fighting each other, and they will be scattered.


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