Meet The Leader

Chapter 1040: Beiyan crisis

The Supreme Island lineage was completely wiped out, and this incident directly caused a great uproar in the entire East China Sea.

In any place, there is a power that has been in control for more than a hundred years, and it is not so easy to overthrow, because this has become a kind of inertia.

But now, this inertia has been broken, and the entire East China Sea has fallen into chaos.

However, Bai Donglai, Kou Shentong and others are now the biggest forces in the entire East China Sea. Under their joint suppression, the entire Qingfenghai Sea has adapted to the new order in a very short time.

As long as it is rivers and lakes, whether it is in the Central Plains or overseas, it is like a pyramid.

Problems at the top of the pyramid are not really a big deal. The real problem is that there are problems at the bottom.

Moreover, Huo Xingzun has dominated Qingfenghai for a hundred years. Apart from the title of his divine eye, Huo Xingzun's reputation is not very good.

Without the blessing of this divine eye, Huo Xingzun is just a mediocre person, with mediocre talent in martial arts and narrow vision, he can only be regarded as a little clever.

Bai Donglai and the others did not hide the details of the destruction of Supreme Island this time.

Besides, most of the people were killed by Chu Xiu, and they didn't dare to hide Chu Xiu's power.

When they learned that Huo Xingzun also died in the hands of Chu Xiu, everyone present shook their heads and sighed, secretly thinking that this is really good luck.

Previously, Huo Xingzun wanted to accept Chu Xiu as his adopted son on his birthday, but everyone had heard about the reversal of both sides.

Now it seems that Huo Xingzun's divine eyes have not failed. Chu Xiu is indeed amazing and brilliant. He almost killed all the high-level combat power of Supreme Island by one person. Killing the real fire and refining the gods is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

But it's a pity that someone who can be seen by your God Huo Xingzun does not mean that he has to join your Huo Xingzun's command, on the contrary, he may be the one who will bury you.

Huo Xingzun started his career with his pair of divine eyes, and in the end, it can be said that he died under his pair of divine eyes, which is fate.

After this matter spread, Bai Donglai summoned everyone to discuss the matter of attacking Dongqi, but it was extremely smooth.

Chu Xiu's power has spread in the land of Qingfenghai, which has greatly increased everyone's confidence in Chu Xiu.

This matter is beneficial to others, as long as they can occupy part of the border area of ​​the Eastern Qi coast, they will be making a lot of money.

After Qingfenghai prepared everything, Chu Xiu didn't have time to delay, and immediately prepared to return to Dongqi.

Before leaving, Bai Donglai and others came to see Chu Xiu in person.

"Don't worry, Master Chu, the forces in the East China Sea have already begun to gather, and when the plan is completed, they will attack the border of the East Qi coast as soon as possible."

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "I believe in Mr. Bo's strength, this cooperation is only the first time, and we may have opportunities to cooperate in the future.

Beiyan still doesn't know what the situation is, so I won't delay, everyone, farewell. "

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiu immediately boarded the ship and left with Yi Bozun.

Seeing Chu Xiu's disappearing figure, Bai Donglai suddenly sighed and said, "Until today, I seem to have realized a truth, why people like Kang Dongming become crazy about martial arts.

Martial arts are as vast and boundless as the East China Sea. I waited for all kinds of calculations, but in fact, it was just like a boat on the sea. It seemed to be stable, but in fact, it couldn’t stand a wave.

Kang Dongming was such a person, and so was Chu Xiu. Under absolute power, even a giant steel ship was actually vulnerable. "

Kou Shentong also sighed and said: "I also understand this principle, everyone wants to see where the end of the sea is, but unfortunately, the deeper the cultivation base, the more afraid of the road ahead.

Before I stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm, I also cultivated into madness, and it took several years to retreat, but now, the time of retreat for more than a year is rare. "

Powerhouses like Bai Donglai and Kou Shentong, who can achieve the realm of real fire, naturally have talent and perseverance.

At this time, most of their time was spent drilling camp forces instead of cultivating martial arts. This was not because they were slack, but because of fear.

As Bai Donglai said, martial arts is like this boundless sea, and no one knows where the boundaries are.

When they just practiced martial arts before, they thought that the real pill realm was the limit.

Later, after they arrived at the True Pill Realm, they thought that the True Fire Refining God Realm was a strong person.

But when they reached the real fire refining spirit realm, they discovered that they were only stronger ants in the face of the most powerful people in the realm of heaven and earth.

They can't see the border, so they are afraid, because they don't know what the road ahead is.

A person with a personality like Kang Dongming, and Chu Xiu's dedication to power, only such a person may be qualified to reach the peak.

"Let's go, go back and convene the various forces to come to discuss matters and attack Dongqi as soon as possible.

This Master Chu has a promising future, and it is always right to befriend him now. "

Bai Donglai said this not because he also has magical eyes and is really optimistic about Chu Xiu's future luck, but because Huo Xingzun has already made a negative example.

Befriend Chu Xiu and gain the upper hand. Befriend Chu Xiu, the underworld reports.

At the same time, when Chu Xiu was planning everything overseas, Bei Yan was almost unable to stop it.

The national strength of Dongqi is stronger than that of Beiyan, and the power of the rivers and lakes of Dongqi is also much stronger than that of Beiyan.

In the entire Eastern Qi territory, the Beiyan Daomen and the Righteous Dao forces joined forces, and the pressure almost made the Hidden Demons unable to resist.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall had already retreated, but at the border between Dongqi and Beiyan, Dongqi's nine-sided strong army suddenly overwhelmed seven, almost causing Beiyan's entire line to be defeated.

Beigong Baili is also a ruthless man. He directly pulls out one-tenth of the strength of the entire Zhenguo Fifth Army to fight with the opponent, regardless of casualties in the deadly battle. The blood-refining formation directly killed one of the powerful troops on the nine sides of Dongqi. At the same time, the people on his side were also strangled in the formation. It can be said that he killed a thousand enemies and lost six hundred himself.

The entire blood-refining formation stretched for dozens of miles. The blood in the formation was so **** and its vitality was extinct, forcing the Dongqi side to dare not even press the large army to fight to the death, so they could only attack in small groups, for fear that Bei Gong Baili would continue to fight. Come up with something desperate.

This one is simply a lunatic, the kind that even kills his own people when he gets crazy.

This is the prestige of Bei Gong Baili here, Bei Yan did not mutiny, otherwise, if someone else dared to play like this, it is estimated that he would have already killed himself.

In the military barracks on the border of Beiyan, Xiang Wu was holding a banana in one hand and a defense map in the other, pondering carefully. From time to time, he took a bite of the banana, as if he was biting Dongqi's gang of offal.

At this time, Bei Gong Baili opened the tent and walked in. He changed from the Confucian robe he had been wearing in the Beiyan court before, but wore a scarlet armor. The **** aura seemed to condense into reality. generally.

Seeing Beigong Baili coming in, Xiang Wu handed a banana to it.

Bei Gong Baili shook his head and said, "How's the battle on your side?"

Xiang Wu said solemnly: "Not very optimistic, I have already retreated the line of defense more than ten miles, and I used the power of the terrain to deal with them.

It took a long time to defeat Dong Qi's Flying Bear Army, but the Yulin Army actually followed.

However, that guy Nangong Weiyu seems to be injured, and even his Fang Tianhua halberd is gone. Now he is still fighting with me with an ordinary treasured soldier.

If it wasn't for that old boy running fast, I would have killed him on the spot! "

With that said, Xiang Wu took a hard bite and swallowed the last piece of banana into his stomach.

Bei Gong Baili frowned and said: "The Yulin army is here too? I just killed one of their army here, but they sent another Yulin army in a blink of an eye, doesn't it mean that they are guarding Dongquan now? There is only one army in the border?"

Xiang Wu spread his hands and said, "There's not even an army left, Xichu has already taken action some time ago, Yuwenfu's jade-faced fat dragon brought Langya army Chen Bing to the border of Xichu, but it was only dragging the last army of Dongqi.

The strength of Xichu is too weak, and it is already the ultimate to be able to do this. Otherwise, all the powerful forces on the nine sides will come over, and our pressure will be even Now all the internal and external of Dongqi have been moved. Get up, as long as the imperial city is guarded by experts, what are they afraid of? We can't possibly fly over and kill Lu Haochang, right? "

Fighting to this level is no longer a matter of strategy, but a matter of basic strength.

Dongqi's national strength is too strong, and once he makes a full effort, Beiyan's side can only choose to resist with all his might.

Bei Gong Baili waved his hand and said, "If you can't hold it now, you have to carry it hard until Lu Haochang can't hold it any longer.

The strength of Dongqi is strong, but perhaps God does not allow Dongqi to have the luck to dominate the world, and successive generations of Dongqi emperors are all mediocre.

I, Beiyan, have the determination to fight against the five armies of the country, but Dongqi is so distressed that he even hurts the first army.

If they fight to the end and fail to win Beiyan, the last one to withdraw will definitely be Dongqi. "

The last time Beiyan and Dongqi fought, the result was the same.

In fact, Beiyan doesn't count as a winner, and Dongqi doesn't count as a loser. It's just that Lu Haochang's character is there. He's used to being cautious and doesn't want to gamble too much, so he doesn't continue to shoot, stop the loss in time, and acquiesce Beiyan to tear it down. Wei County, this piece of meat.

Now that several decades have passed, Lu Haochang is already old, and his courage may not be as good as before. Now he only wants to pass on the throne safely and steadily, and it is estimated that he can't bear much setbacks.

Xiang Wu looked to the east, with a rare sad expression on his face: "We can still survive for a while, but what Wei Jun will face is the entire Eastern Qi Zhengdao martial arts forest, plus an attack from Jiangshan Pavilion. , I don't know if it can hold up.

By the way, where did that guy Chu Xiu go? Can this guy be reliable? He is nowhere to be seen at the critical moment, so I won't invite him to eat bananas next time. "


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