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Chapter 1044: The outbreak of Mei Qinglian and Lu Fengxian

On the stalemate battlefield, the hidden demon lineage has already begun to rout.

Compared with the Zhengdao Sect, the Hidden Demon's lineage is simpler and more united.

Zhenwutang guards the forces left by Chu Xiu, and the hidden demons guard the bottom line of the magic way. Xiang Chong of Beiyan and others cannot retreat.

Therefore, they all have the determination to fight to the death, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, not a little determination can restore the decline.

There are too many people on the right side of the sect. You knocked back one, and immediately greeted two more.

Now Mei Qinglian has this feeling.

In fact, she is not very good at this kind of fierce battlefield. Dafa Dafa is bewitching people unconsciously. On this kind of fierce battlefield, the aura of blood is soaring into the sky, and everyone will be unknowingly stained with it. Some evil spirits have some impact on one's own spiritual power, which also causes the effect of the Concubine Dafa to be greatly reduced.

Four True Pill Realm warriors attacked her wildly. Two were pure Yang Daomen warriors. His pure Yang Qi was extremely restrained by Mei Qinglian, while the other two True Pill Realm warriors from Zhengdao Sect attacked wildly. Come, forcing Mei Qinglian's figure to turn into a magic fog, flickering and moving, but she was forced to gradually enter the dead corner by the pure yang qi.

"Witch! Die!"

Seeing that Mei Qinglian had been cornered, the two warriors of the Pure Yang Daomen shouted angrily at the same time, and the pure Yang Gang Qi on the long sword soared, killing evil and subduing demons!

In that instant, Mei Qinglian's mind couldn't help but replay what Lu Jianghe gave her, the experience of the Red Lotus Demon Venerable about the Red Lotus Karmic Fire in the past.

The red lotus karmic fire, refining the mind and refining the spirit, must first endure the scorching of the karmic fire before it can truly temper the red lotus karmic fire to burn others.

At this moment, Mei Qinglian's mind was completely released, and her mental power also drifted away, but it was not attacking the opponent in front of her, but immersed in her own mind.

In an instant, the vision in front of her suddenly came to life, some good and some bad, some things she wanted in her life, and there were things she couldn't ask for in her life.

As a saint of the Yin Demon Sect, in fact, more people once called him a demon girl.

In the past, when the Yin Demon Sect was still there, she could be carefree and use her talent to tease the young heroes in the right way.

That was the happiest time in Mei Qinglian's life, until... the Yin Demon Sect was destroyed.

She is the only survivor of the Yin Demon Sect. She is carrying the inheritance of the Yin Demon Sect and the future of the Yin Demon Sect, but who knows, she is not good at these things at all, but for the sake of responsibility, for the sake of those who died in the past Those elders, even if she is not good at it, she has to carry them and can't let them go.

Therefore, the eccentric saintess of Yin Mozong became the enchanting and charming Mrs. Mei. She hid in the Guanzhong torture hall. Whether it was said that she could bear the burden, or she was lingering, Mei Qinglian at that time had no goals until she Chu Xiu.

I don't know when she started, she didn't have to think about so many things, she just needed to obey Chu Xiu's orders. This kind of life is actually very easy.

"It seems that I have always been a stupid woman."

Mei Qinglian sighed helplessly.

Who said that the saintess of the devil must be insidious and spicy, full of calculations? After so many years, she may really see herself clearly today.

The red lotus karmic fire, refining the mind and refining the spirit, if you can't face your true self, how can you qualify to use the red lotus karmic fire? Just like that Li Qiudi, who was paranoid all his life, but got the red lotus karma in the end. This is not like chance, but more like irony.

The next moment, the dazzling red karmic fire on Mei Qinglian's arms bloomed, and along the pure Yang Gang Qi, it burned all the way into the bodies of the two pure Yang Daomen disciples.

The two of them screamed in an instant, and a large amount of karmic fire bloomed and burned from their seven orifices. In less than a breath, the two of them fell to the ground, completely dead!

The fire of karma refines the heart, it is obvious that they have not survived this level.

The other two warriors of the True Core Realm saw this scene and immediately turned around and fled.

But the next moment, Mei Qinglian waved her hand, and a red lotus bloomed between the eyebrows of the two of them. The boundless red lotus karmic fire surrounded them and devoured it in an instant!

The red lotus karmic fire has no color or appearance. As long as you have karmic obstacles in your heart, no matter where you hide, the red lotus karmic fire will bloom and burn in your heart.

Zhao Yuanfeng, who was being besieged by Jiangshan Pavilion, led Lu Jianghe to take a moment to glance down and saw that Mei Qinglian actually realized the fire of Red Lotus, and he was really shocked.

In the past, the four powerful demons of the Kunlun Demon Sect were strong, and the four of them were almost the best in the same realm from the realm of real fire refining to the realm of heaven and earth.

The Red Lotus Demon Venerable had relied on the red lotus karma to roam the rivers and lakes at the beginning. It was unpredictable and unpredictable.

Previously, Lu Jianghe only saw that Mei Qinglian's mood was somewhat similar to that of the Red Lotus Demon, so with the attitude of giving it a try, he gave her the insight of the Red Lotus Demon, but she did not expect that she would actually practice it.

Of course, Mei Qinglian can only be regarded as half of her practice, because what Lu Jianghe gave her was only insight, not the inheritance of the Red Lotus Demon Venerable.

In the past, the Red Lotus Demon Venerable still had countless secret techniques and ultimate moves that had to be used in conjunction with the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, but now it is definitely useless.

At this time, Lu Jianghe turned his eyes subconsciously again, but when he saw the situation at Lu Fengxian's place, his eyes widened in shock.

If Mei Qinglian's breakthrough is still common sense, then Lu Fengxian is purely a monster, and she simply doesn't play cards according to the routine.

At this time, Lu Fengxian also performed very dazzlingly on the battlefield.

The Demon God Wushuang Ji, which he inherited from Marquis Lu Wen, was originally a martial art that could only play its greatest role on the battle formation.

Divine Soldier Wushuang danced and swept across a piece, and when it fell, the ground shook and the mountains shook, which can be called unparalleled power.

Shui Wu and the other four guarded around Lu Fengxian to prevent someone from attacking Lu Fengxian.

The four of them had also recovered to the real alchemy realm at this time. At this time, they went on the field with Lu Fengxian to kill the enemy.

The five of them joined together, and even the more than ten warriors of the True Core Realm retreated step by step, and they did not dare to challenge them.

As far as Lu Fengxian's powerful halberd is concerned, if they hit it, they will die or be disabled.

In the Jianghu before, Lu Fengxian was somewhat famous, but it can only be said to be a little famous.

Not to mention compared with Chu Xiu, the martial artist of his generation, even Zhang Chengzhen Zongxuan, and Fang Qishao are more famous than him.

Moreover, Lu Fengxian has always been relatively low-key, but as soon as they entered the battlefield this time, they only knew the horror of Lu Fengxian.

Especially this time, after Lu Fengxian read the experience of physical cultivation about Zhanwu Demon Venerable in the past, he has come to an understanding, and he is simply immeasurable on the battlefield.

But his high-profile move also caught the attention of others.

Shouzhenzi broke away from the battle group with Wei Shuya, and let others take action to continue to stop Wei Shuya. He stepped out, came to Lu Fengxian, grabbed with one hand, and suddenly the dazzling pure yang qi burst out. When he came out, he actually directly held the magic weapon Wushuang that Lu Fengxian had smashed in his hand!

Feeling the incomparable force coming, Shouzhenzi's expression changed slightly.

He really didn't expect that a warrior of the true core realm would have this kind of power.

However, there is a big difference. Shouzhenzi is still one of the few senior warriors who has cultivated for more than 300 years and can still maintain his combat effectiveness. In terms of strength, he will completely overwhelm Lu Fengxian.

With a wave of one hand, the powerful pure yang qi burst out, sending Lu Fengxian flying out.

Looking at Lu Fengxian who was retreating several dozen feet, Shouzhenzi stood with his hands behind his back and said slowly, "Lu Fengxian, I have heard of your name.

Although you always mix with that Chu Xiu, you only inherited the practice of the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou, but you are not from the orthodox demon way.

In the past, all your friends were chanting about your loyalty and willingness to cut swords for your friends.

Over the years, you have never done a single evil thing, and I also believe that you are not evil.

However, why did you choose to help the tyrants?

Pure Yang Daomen hate evil, but they don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Lu Fengxian, go back, don't continue to go astray.

There is a saying that the monks said is very reasonable. "

Lu Fengxian shook his head and said, "The Taoist priest is wrong, I have never felt that I have much loyalty, and I have never felt that I am a good person.

When I stepped out of the rivers and I once asked Master, what is a chivalrous man, and whether I want to be a chivalrous man.

Master only told me one sentence, if you think it is right, do it. If you think it's wrong, take care of it.

A hero for the sake of a hero, that's not a real hero.

As long as a person is worthy of his own heart in this life, it is already very difficult.

I, Lu Fengxian, came from a humble background, and I have no interest in governing the country and the world, nor do I have the ability to create peace for everything.

Brother Chu is the devil and it has nothing to do with me. I only know that he is my brother and friend. He saved me and helped me when I was in danger.

If someone treats me well, I will pay him back ten points.

I don't know if the path I'm taking is right or wrong, but today, I don't want to look back, and I'm going to have no shore! "

As Lu Fengxian's voice fell, the magic weapon Wushuang in his hand burst into a dazzling edge, and the Demon God Wushuang halberd was displayed to the extreme by him, opening and closing, and every halberd that fell, seemed to have the power of breaking mountains and breaking rivers. The demonic energy roared violently, and even affected the wind and clouds in the air, and that power was already infinitely close to the real fire refining spirit realm!

Shouzhenzi didn't want to kill a good person by mistake, but Lu Fengxian was obsessed with it, and he had no choice.

He held the Dao Sword in his hand, and with a little light, the subtle pure yang qi was only a tiny bit weaker than the mighty Demon God Wushuang Halberd, but the burst of power sent Lu Fengxian flying again and again.

But at this moment, Shouzhenzi was shocked to discover that every time Lu Fengxian was blown away, the demonic energy whistling in the air became more dignified.

At the end, the devilish energy actually formed a huge tornado and poured into Lu Fengxian's body. Why is this scene so similar to the scene when he broke through the real fire refining the spirit realm?


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