Meet The Leader

Chapter 1045: return

Breaking through the realm before the battle has happened in the rivers and lakes, but most of them happened under the real dan realm.

There are only a handful of people who have made breakthroughs in the battle above the real core realm.

Whether it is condensing martial arts and real pills, or tempering real fire and refining gods, these realms are extremely dangerous, and if something goes wrong, it is easy to fail, resulting in the destruction of the cultivation base.

So 99% of the time, it should be said that as long as there are qualified warriors, they will find a safe place to make a breakthrough.

Not to mention the unstable state at the time of the battle, and the enemy on the side, how could they allow you to break through the realm safely and steadily?

But now Lu Fengxian's state is indeed very similar to the scene when the real fire refines the spirit, the inner power and the real fire temper the primordial spirit, and then the power of heaven and earth is brought in.

But whether Lu Fengxian wanted to break through, Shouzhenzi couldn't ignore it.

As soon as he moved, he rushed towards Lu Fengxian, Shui Wu and others wanted to resist, but Shouzhenzi flew away one by one.

But at this moment, in the huge vortex of devilish energy above Lu Fengxian's head, a hazy phantom appeared faintly.

The phantom was wearing a black armor, and he couldn't see his face clearly, and he could only see the scarlet eyes shining faintly.

Divine Soldier Wushuang was held by the phantom in his hand, and between the sky and the roar, the wind and clouds gathered, and the world changed color!

Demon! Lu Wenhou!

This was the last trace of Marquis Lu Wen left in Lu Fengxian's body. As he stepped into the realm of real fire this time, he completely merged with him.

Others in the real fire refining spirit realm tempered their own primordial spirit, while Lu Fengxian stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm, and also tempered the primordial spirit mark left by Lu Wenhou.

The demon **** phantom smashed down with a halberd, and the monstrous surging demonic energy seemed to tear the earth apart, and the power was immeasurable.

Shouzhenzi's complexion suddenly changed, and he turned from attacking to defending. With his hands, he painted countless pure Yang Dao patterns in the air one after another with pure Yang Qi, condensed into a barrier to stop him.

But the next moment, a halberd fell, and the pure Yang Daowen didn't hold on for even a breath, and it shattered!

Shouzhenzi and even the whole person was blasted out by this halberd, and hit the ground hundreds of feet away, and a huge pothole was blasted out.

Shouzhenzi struggled to get up, coughed with a pale face, and couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood.

The halberd just now was not the power of Lu Fengxian, but the strongest strike left by the imprint of the demon **** Lu Wenhou.

Even if it was just a mark, it was not something Shouzhenzi could easily resist.

At this time, the demonic phantom had begun to twist in the boundless vortex of demonic energy, and finally all poured into Lu Fengxian's body.

In an instant, the power and momentum around Lu Fengxian's body began to sublimate, and finally it soared to the level of the real fire refining the gods, and then stopped.

On the entire battlefield, most of the eyes were attracted by Lu Fengxian.

Before the battle, they stepped into the realm of real fire refining the gods. This kind of thing can be called a spectacle, and they really let them see it.

Holding Fang Tianhua halberd, Lu Fengxian was still a little confused at this moment.

In fact, he didn't plan to step into the real fire refining spirit realm. It should be said that he broke through any realm before because of two words: follow fate.

Practice when you need to practice, rest when you need to rest.

So almost every time he broke through a realm, it was a matter of course.

This time, Shouzhenzi may have put too much pressure on him, which also led Lu Fengxian to step into the realm of real fire refining in this state.

Of course, this is also a good thing. Although there is a real fire refining spirit warrior on the side of the hidden demon lineage, although the situation cannot be reversed, it can still relieve a bit of pressure.

So Lu Fengxian didn't care that he hadn't adapted to his current strength, so he took Fang Tianhua halberd and killed Shouzhenzi again.

On the battlefield, although Mei Qinglian and Lu Fengxian made breakthroughs one after another, it would be very difficult to reverse this kind of battle without the supreme power of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm.

Therefore, the situation has not changed much, and the hidden demon lineage is still at a disadvantage.

Shang Tianliang was almost unable to hold on under Ling Yunzi's pure Yang sword. Wei Shuya was besieged by three warriors who were in the realm of real fire, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

After all, Wei Shuya is not too young. Although his combat power is amazing, the more he consumes it, the greater his disadvantage.

Among those who besieged Wei Shuya, there happened to be Yunmengzi of Chunyang Daomen.

As the head of the six sages of Chunyang Taoist Temple in the past, Yun Mengzi, who was at the peak of his state, would not necessarily lose even if he fought with Wei Shuya one-on-one, but at this time he chose to besiege Wei Shuya with others. In order not to lose too much of their own power.

Eight hundred years ago, there was a melee in the Jianghu Chaotang. This kind of multi-person melee siege was much more than the one-on-one situation. Instead, Yun Mengzi adapted to this fighting style.

Seeing that Wei Shuya was about to take it no longer, a murderous intent appeared in Yun Mengzi's eyes.

Above the long sword in his hand, a slender golden light appeared.

A sword was pointed out, and the pure Yang sword energy condensed strangely into a trace of undetectable sword threads, stabbing Wei Shuya.

Feeling this power, Wei Shuya's complexion suddenly changed.

He wanted to intercept it, but was dragged by the other two people, and he was a step slower, but the sword thread was unusually sharp, directly passing through Wei Shuya's body-protecting infuriating energy, and penetrating into his body.

In an instant, with the sword silk as a guide, endless pure Yang Gangqi penetrated into Wei Shuya's body, and with a bang, he vomited blood and flew away.

Wei Shuya looked at Yun Mengzi with a look of astonishment. Although his martial arts skills were the same as those of the current Chunyang Daomen, his style of play was quite different, and there was even some sinister taste in it.

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Wei Shuya glanced around, even Shang Tianliang, the strongest fighting force on their side, showed an obvious unstoppable trend.

With a sigh, Wei Shuya shouted, "Withdraw!"

Yun Mengzi snorted coldly: "I want to withdraw now, it's too late!"

As his voice fell, the endless pure Yang power condensed on his long sword.

That sword slashed down, and the long and narrow sword light danced in mid-air like a horse training, inspiring the power of heaven and earth, forming a dazzling golden storm, smashing directly towards Wei Shuya!

When it was time to kill, Yun Mengzi didn't hesitate at all. If he didn't, he would kill him as soon as he made a move. He, a Taoist priest of the Pure Yang Daomen, was like an assassin when he shot.

Wei Shuya had said before that he wanted to stay behind and protect the hidden demons for the last time, as if his four brothers were protecting him from leaving on the Nine Heavens Mountain in the past.

He is old today, he can die, but the future of the hidden demon lineage cannot die!

Wei Shuya's face was calm, he shouted to withdraw, but his body was facing Yun Mengzi's mighty sword.

The complicated seals were formed, and the surging demonic energy was condensed behind him.

This is the seal method taught to him by his elder brother in the past, without a name.

Because after using this style of printing desperately, his eldest brother fell directly, and he has not yet given a name.

The demonic energy evoked by this nameless seal method was so powerful that it dyed half of the sky black.

Just when Wei Shuya was only one step away from printing the spell, a piercing whistling sound came.

The black arrow seemed to pass through space, carrying the fire of world extinction, drawing a long trajectory, and slammed directly on Yunmengzi's arrow.

With a bang, the pure yang qi and the power of annihilation canceled each other and exploded, and bursts of terrifying fluctuations erupted.

At this moment, everyone present looked back.

The moment they saw the arrow, they knew that Chu Xiu had finally returned!

For the entire Hidden Demon lineage, to be precise, it should be all the power under Chu Xiu's command, and only he, Chu Xiu, is the only core.

Wei Shuya had prestige and Shang Tianliang had strength, but neither of them could replace Chu Xiu.

Before Chu Xiu appeared, everyone had a tendency to collapse, but when Chu Xiu returned, the trend of collapse was completely reversed, and everyone seemed to have a lot of strength for nothing.

On the other hand, looking at the Zhengdao Sect, a group of people looked at Chu Xiu, but their eyes couldn't help showing a look of panic or even fear.

Chu Xiu's reputation was not given by others, but was killed with countless lives and blood.

It can even be said that the deterrent force that Chu Xiu brings to them is even greater than that of Shang Tianliang, a powerhouse in the realm of Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, even the people in Sword King City, who were watching on the sidelines, were stunned.

They never thought that Chu Xiu just showed a face, and it has already caused such a big impact.

Glancing at the battlefield, although everyone was in a state of embarrassment, there had not been too many casualties. Even Lu Fengxian had broken through to the realm of real fire refining, and Mei Qinglian's aura had also risen sharply.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "I'm sorry everyone, the delay in overseas is a bit long. But looking at everyone's appearance, I'm not too late."

Lu Jianghe said angrily, "It's not too late? If you come later, you can only collect the corpses for us!"

Chu Xiu looked at the people from Chunyang Daomen and other Zhengdao sects, squinted his eyes and said, "Don't worry, even if I want to collect the corpses for you, I will send them down and bury them with you!"

It was like Ling Yunzi and others who were present had dealt with Chu Xiu. They knew that what Chu Xiu said was not cruel, and he could definitely do such a thing.

Yun Mengzi and Han Jiusi met Chu Xiu once, and saw this Chu Xiu, who was well-known in their righteous sect, and was hated by them to the point of gnashing their teeth.

Famous is worse than meeting. Chu Xiu can be said to be more extraordinary than Yun Mengzi and others imagined.

With this momentum alone, they can no longer regard Chu Xiu as a warrior of the younger generation, but a demonic giant who is enough to compete with them!

Yun Mengzi shook his head and said, "You didn't show up before, and I'm still worried about whether you will be able to find the most powerful person in the realm of heaven and earth to change the situation of this battle.

But now it seems that you have no reinforcements and no breakthrough.

Chu Xiu, this is the general trend, you alone can't stop it! "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "The general trend? I have never believed in the general trend. Besides, how do you know, the general trend, who is it?"


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