Meet The Leader

Chapter 1047: 1st

In terms of pulling hatred, Chu Xiu is relatively talented.

Just like now, as long as he stands up, he will immediately become the target of everyone's fire.

Of course, this is exactly what Chu Xiu needs.

The five attacked in unison, but Chu Xiu ignored it and attacked Yun Mengzi first.

Seeing Chu Xiu's actions, Yun Mengzi was about to vomit blood again in depression.

Just now, Chu Xiu came to him. Now that so many people are shooting together, he is obviously the last one. Why beat him?

Yun Mengzi had already experienced Chu Xiu's power, and he didn't want to experience it again.

In front of Hengjian, Yunmengzi squeezed the Dao Seal, and the Dao Yun rune bloomed in front of him in an instant.

Lu Changliu of Zhenwu Sect waved the whisk in his hand, and the extremely pure heaven and earth vitality was sealed into the whisk by him, entwining towards Chu Xiu.

His whisk was left by Ning Xuanji in the past, Dao Yun was born, and the power of the heaven and earth that was drawn was extremely pure, as if the world itself was binding Chu Xiu.

At the same time, Han Jiusi's figure followed closely, and one by one dao patterns were quickly drawn in his hands, circling around him.

Han Jiusi held the sun and the moon in his hands, and the two forces of turbidity condensed in front of him.

Heaven and earth oven, yin and yang fortune.

The power of the two poles reached an extremely delicate balance in his arms. As the power of the Dao pattern flourished, Han Jiusi slammed a seal on Chu Xiu, and the huge furnace condensed by the power of yin and yang that day also came straight to Chu Xiu. , the inner strength is simply shocking.

Both Lu Changliu and Han Jiusi belonged to the true martial arts religion, and they cooperated extremely well at this time.

Lu Changliu has a gentle personality, and belongs to the kind of good-natured man who is well-known in all corners of the world. Even his martial arts attack power is not too strong. On the contrary, it is miraculous to assist him.

In Han Jiusi's era, even Taoist schools were very aggressive, so Han Jiusi was even more aggressive.

But at this time, the two joined forces, and their own martial arts complemented each other, and the power was shocking.

Immediately after, Zhao Yuanfeng dropped his finger, and his finger force penetrated the void, invisible and intangible, but the surrounding air made a violent sonic boom.

Breaking waves refers to dividing water and breaking waves. If this move is performed in the sea, it is enough to shake the waves for several miles.

The elder of the Zhao family also fell with a palm, and the palm force turned into a boundless giant wave, which was extremely powerful.

It was also the first time for Chu Xiu to fight against so many warriors of the same rank in the realm of real fire.

In fact, this kind of siege is even more stressful than facing a martial artist who is stronger than himself alone.

The reason is very simple. When facing one person alone, even if you want to go shopping to the end, your energy only needs to face one person.

However, in the face of the siege of many people, it is inevitable that the energy will be scattered, especially those who besiege you, the strength is not weak, any neglect may lead to defeat.

However, in the face of this situation, Chu Xiu's method of breaking the game is also very simple.

Since the number of people is large, then kill a few more people, until there are few people!

The inner strength of Chu Xiu's body was burning with extreme fire, and at the same time, there was also a black fire that destroyed the world.

A powerful force suddenly erupted, and after breaking free from Lu Changliu's shackles, the world-destroying fire, like a maggot attached to a bone, actually followed the trajectory of his true qi, towards his whisk, and even from his own infection.

The power of the attribute of the fire of destroying the world can be said to be extremely evil, at least Lu Changliu does not want to be contaminated.

Therefore, his figure began to retreat, and the Dao Yun all over his body erupted, resisting this and that world-annihilating fire.

The Xieyue Sword was held in Chu Xiu's hand, and it fell with one knife. The twisted blood moon instantly turned into an extremely sharp bloodline, tearing and cutting everything.

The sword intent of breaking the word was cut out, and almost everything in front of him was cut into two pieces.

Space was divided and time was torn apart. The huge furnace formed by the power of yin and yang on that day was extremely violent and unstable. As long as the Dao pattern laid by Han Jiusi above it melted, it would burst immediately.

But under Chu Xiu's word-shattering knife, the great furnace of heaven and earth was neatly divided into two halves.

Heaven returns to heaven, earth returns to earth, yin returns to yin, and yang returns to yang.

That power seemed to have never existed before, and it dissipated between this world in an instant.

However, Chu Xiu's slashing sword did not stop, and he still slashed towards Han Jiusi.

Han Jiusi held a Dao sword with runes in his hand, and in an instant, ninety-nine-eighty-one runes were quickly pointed out by him with his long sword, and the speed was even comparable to those of the five major sword schools. Strong Swordsman.

However, still useless!

Under Chu Xiu's word-shattering sword intent, the power of that sword was simply invincible.

Ninety-nine eighty-one runes were laid down in an instant, but they were chopped up by Chu Xiu in an instant!

At this moment, the hot pure Yang sword light fell, and Yun Mengzi, who was abandoned by Chu Xiu as the target, shot in time and stopped Han Jiusi.

There was a loud explosion, and Yun Mengzi finally helped Han Jiusi to stop Chu Xiu's sword, but before his sword, which had a gap, was in Chu Xiu's word-breaking sword. down, completely broken into two pieces.

Han Jiusi glanced at Yun Mengzi with lingering fear, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Yun Mengzi's expression was a little complicated. He looked at Chu Xiu, and said with an indescribably complicated expression in his tone: "We, we have miscalculated."

Han Jiusi's expression also changed: "It's a miscalculation."

Their target this time was Chu Xiu, but the place where they miscalculated was also in Chu Xiu.

They didn't expect that Chu Xiu's strength would be so powerful, so powerful that it was unreasonable!

Yun Mengzi gritted his teeth and said, "Procrastinate! Even if you can't win, you have to drag it on!

If we block the hidden demon lineage and block the Beiyan martial arts, the Beiyan court will not last long.

When the Beiyan court was completely defeated, it was the day when Chu Xiu's foundation was destroyed.

At that time, even if they didn't lose here, their foundation in Beiyan will definitely be destroyed, and their vitality will be greatly damaged! "

Han Jiusi also nodded with a calm expression, but he didn't know that there was more than one point in their miscalculation.

At this time, Chu Xiu's breaking word had just cut off Yun Mengzi's blade, and Zhao Yuanfeng's powerful finger had already come to him.

Without dodging or dodging, behind Chu Xiu, the appearance of the Great Darkness Demon appeared suddenly, and in the third eye, the scorching fire of world-annihilation burst out, facing the pointing of the wave-breaking finger.

The two collided, and the scattered fire of the world fell on the ground, and immediately burned the ground into a huge pothole.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's body was ejected like a cannonball. The scorching internal energy around him was burning with real fire, and he smashed it down with a punch, heading straight for the elder of the Zhao family.

No one at the scene expected that Chu Xiu would suddenly change the target.

The power of that punch was even more terrifying. Chu Xiu's figure had already come to the front of the elder Zhao, and a burst of voice suddenly came.

The sky and the earth were shattered, and the solemn fist intent seemed to tear apart the world and the sky.

Not long ago, Chu Xiu used such a punch to kill Baili Pobing, the first battle of the East China Sea.

This Zhao family is not too old, and he looks like he is about to die, and he can't compare with Baili Pobing.

In the eyes of Chu Xiu, what was considered a mighty palm by others was extremely fragile!

Feeling the power of Chu Xiu's punch, the elder Zhao was extremely horrified.

While withdrawing his strength, the elder Zhao clan shouted in horror, "Save me!"

Although Zhao Yuanfeng doesn't like this Zhao clan boss with his old qualifications to press him there on weekdays, but after all, he is a real fire refining spirit powerhouse in his Jiangshan Pavilion, and he is part of his Jiangshan Pavilion's power, so he can't just be like this Watch him die here.

The other people present were the same, and they all rushed towards Chu Xiu.

They have always had no friendship with this Zhao family.

But now they have a common enemy, that is Chu Xiu.

They are all warriors in the realm of real fire, and no one is so short-sighted. At this time, they are still playing the game of fighting each other, letting Chu Xiu defeat them one by one.

However, just when they were about to start, the **** demon magic image that intercepted Zhao Yuanfeng suddenly burst, and a large amount of world-annihilating fire shrouded all of them in an instant!

The infuriating energy consumed by condensing the Dharma can be quite a Suddenly the Dharma was broken, and even Chu Xiu's complexion turned white.

However, these are no longer important. With Chu Xiu's current physical strength, his punch has completely shattered the palm strength and body protection of the Zhao clan elder with pure strength, and shattered one of his arms. Completely blasted into blood fog!

Elder Zhao screamed miserably, and a streamer-like water shadow appeared all over his body. During the explosion, the water vapor filled the air, but it abruptly took out most of the power of Chu Xiu's punch.

After all, it is the existence of the real fire refining **** realm. Although the elder Zhao's own strength is not very good, he still has some trump cards. Otherwise, Chu Xiu's punch will easily kill him directly.

But before he could react, Chu Xiu came to him, grabbed his neck and said coldly: "The overseas land is not enough for your Jiangshan Pavilion to play, and you still want to come to the Central Plains to stir the wind and rain?

The Qing Dynasty has perished, and they still want to restore the country to pretend to be a royal family. They are just a group of broken houses. "

The elders of the Zhao family have not yet realized what Daqing is, and the country name of their Zhao family is not clear. One punch smashed the head of the Zhao family elder, and he threw the headless body aside.

There was an eerie silence over the entire battlefield.

The two sides have been fighting for so long, even Shang Tianliang, who is in the realm of heaven and earth, has been injured, but the existence of the real fire refining spirit realm is the first to fall, and the death is still so miserable.

Seeing that the headless corpse of the elder Zhao was thrown to the ground like a mess of flesh, the warriors of the orthodox sect present suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.


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