Meet The Leader

Chapter 1048: Too much

Even in the eyes of most major martial artists, the existence of the True Fire Refinement Realm is an unattainable powerhouse.

It is normal for a strong person in this realm to die, and it is normal to be killed.

However, like Chu Xiu now, two punches smashed and killed a strong person in the real fire refining **** realm, just like killing a chicken, this scene is too impactful.

Zhao Yuanfeng and others broke through the shackles of the world-destroying fire, and saw that the elder Zhao family was killed by Chu Xiu with a punch, their expressions were extremely gloomy.

Shame, lost it at home!

With five enemies and one, the result is that people still kill one easily. Isn't that shameful enough?

But while embarrassing, they also had to admit that although Chu Xiu was still in the same realm as them, he was in the realm of real fire refining, but in terms of his combat power, he had almost reached the peak of the entire realm.

The current Chu Xiu even made Zhao Yuanfeng think of one person, Donghai Sword Sage Kang Dongming!

The one who used to be his guest, but even he should be treated politely and dare not have the slightest malice.

Invincible in the same rank, the current Chu Xiu is almost qualified to receive this title.


Chu Xiu stretched out a finger, thinking about the next moment, his figure went straight to Yun Mengzi.


Yun Mengzi's complexion suddenly changed.

This time, the four directly attacked together, focusing their strength on one point, and intercepting Chu Xiu at the same time.

The next moment, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal in his hand, and a trace of black energy bloomed from his body and poured into this world, as if he was pulling the most extreme evil thoughts in this world.

The next moment, a voice like ghosts and gods murmured vaguely. At the end, the murmur even turned into a mournful cry. As the voice descended, scarlet blood rain fell, and the hideous demon **** The sky and the earth were torn apart in the void, and a palm fell, and the joint strike of the four was broken in an instant, and the four of them were directly blasted into the ground, leaving only a huge handprint on the ground!

As soon as Mohentian cried out the Great Compassion Mantra, the power was simply earth-shattering, and the four of them couldn't stop it at all.

Chu Xiu's body was burning with the real fire of inner strength and the fire that destroyed the world.

Zhao Yuanfeng rushed up and was blown away by his punch.

Lu Changliu slashed with the Dao sword, but he slashed the magic weapon with one sword.

Han Jiu thought to set up a killing array to suppress it, but it was directly burned to ashes by the fire that destroyed the world.

In the end, Yun Mengzi was left struggling under Chu Xiu's offensive, but without his weapons, Chu Xiu vomited blood after a few tricks.

Yun Mengzi clenched her teeth and did not retreat.

Eight hundred years ago, he was also the same role as a generation of arrogance. At this time, he has just set foot in the rivers and lakes again and set off such a big storm. He does not believe that he will die like this, and he does not believe that he will be defeated like this!

A **** bright sun rose from behind Yun Mengzi.

In the boiling bright sun, scorching blood was surging, like magma.

Seeing that Yun Mengzi was already desperate, Han Jiusi and the others immediately went to the rescue.

At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Zhao Pavilion Master, I gave you a chance before, but you didn't cherish it, and now I will give you another chance to stand in line.

Although I killed the old guy in Jiangshan Pavilion, if I kill him, it is also equivalent to helping you eradicate a waste that is holding you back.

If you go against the water, this place in Wei County is still yours, as long as you leave the country name and come to Yanjing City to apologize, I can protect you Jiangshan Pavilion.

If you are stubborn to the end, you should know the result. Who wins and who loses, and others don’t know, can’t you figure it out?

I gave Huo Xingzun's head. Why, do you want me to go to the East China Sea and bring you all the heads of Baili Pobing, Fu Longxiao, and Nalanhai? "

Listening to Chu Xiu's words, Zhao Yuanfeng's heart was instantly filled with a chill.

If Chu Xiu was able to name all these people, it would prove that his guess was right, and the lineage of Supreme Island is completely gone!

If Huo Wuye and others are still there, even if he is shriveled in the Central Plains, he will be able to return to overseas places to make a comeback.

But now that Fifth Master Huo and others are gone, if he goes back to the East China Sea, is there still a place for him?

And now he is on the side of Dongqi and Zhengdao Martial Arts. If he loses this time, can Wei County still tolerate him?

At that time, the Central Plains overseas, this huge world martial arts, but there is no place for him!

At the moment when Zhao Yuanfeng hesitated, the hesitant expression on his face was already seen by Han Jiusi and others.

Traitors are not very popular no matter where they are.

Zhao Yuanfeng could choose to betray Beiyan once, and naturally he could choose to betray them again. At this time, when they heard Chu Xiu say this, they had no reason not to doubt.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of Han Jiusi and others, Zhao Yuanfeng suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that the other party had begun to doubt himself.

He didn't blame Chu Xiu for provoking dissension. It was true that at the moment they were originally a combination of interests, and there were too many loopholes between them.

Especially for people like Zhao Yuanfeng, there is no righteous devil in his eyes, some are just interests.

Now that the opponent's suspicions have been aroused, Zhao Yuanfeng gritted his teeth and used his Wave Breaking Fingers to attack Han Jiusi directly.

He was also forced to refuse the way, and chose to fight against Chu Xiu, and there was no way to survive. If he chose to go against the water, he could only hope that Chu Xiuhui would choose to keep his word.

"Zhao Yuanfeng! I knew that shameless villains like you are absolutely unreliable!"

Seeing that Zhao Yuanfeng turned against the water, Han Jiusi couldn't help but scolded angrily.

Zhao Yuanfeng gritted his teeth and said, "When you bewitched me, Jiangshan Pavilion, you were talking about hype, saying that you would definitely win, etc. Now? The East Qi coast is about to fall, how long can you hold on?"

Han Jiusi was taken aback for a moment, what coast? Is there something wrong with Dongqi?

He was a martial artist from 800 years ago, and even some of the forces in the rivers and lakes are not fully recognized, let alone the forces in overseas places.

But now that Zhao Yuanfeng has attacked, he has no time to continue questioning.

Seeing that Zhao Yuanfeng successfully turned against the water, Chu Xiu slashed with a knife in his hand, and the misty slash was released. In an instant, the boiling blood-colored Hao Sun behind Yun Mengzi suddenly stopped there.

This blow of Misty Slash freezes time and space, Yun Mengzi roared, and all the energy of qi and blood in his body began to boil and burst. , Only then did he break free from the imprisoning power of Misty Slash.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu abruptly put away his knife gesture, squeezed the seal, and spit out two words at Yun Mengzi: "Goodbye!"

The next moment, countless blood-colored veins erupted from Chu Xiu's body, affecting the blood energy in Yun Mengzi's body.

The power of the Gorefiend Art was exerted to the extreme by Chu Xiu at this moment. In order to break free from Chu Xiu's misty slash, Yun Mengzi had completely exploded the power of his own qi and blood, and even exploded to a level that even he could not control. level.

At this time, being pulled by Chu Xiu's blood demon magic, it was like a bomb that had been ignited. With a bang, the huge blood-colored Hao Sun had exploded before it could attack Chu Xiu. Covered by sunlight, Yun Mengzi was completely blown to pieces in the strength that he had condensed with all his strength!

"the second."

Chu Xiu stretched out two fingers, but quickly retracted them.

Because it's a lot like the 'yeah' gesture when taking a photo, it's a little less serious in this context, although no one here knows what the gesture means.


Ling Yunzi, who was suppressing Shang Tianliang, roared angrily, his eyes were red, obviously he was extremely angry.

In fact, Ling Yunzi has no feelings for the master Yun Mengzi. Although the other party is indeed his own master in terms of seniority, the two sides have nothing to teach him, and even he has a radical personality towards Yun Mengzi. Some dissatisfaction.

However, after all, Yun Mengzi is also a member of his Pure Yang Daomen.

The head of the six sages of this generation of pure Yang Daomen guards died in the hands of Chu Xiu, and the head of the six sages of the guards eight hundred years ago died in the hands of you, Chu Xiu.

Co-authoring my Chunyang Daomen, the head of the six real people who protect the temple, is it for you, Chu Xiu, to kill and play? unacceptable! Bullying people don't bring such bullying, and then let Chu Xiu kill them, they are almost a laughing stock of Chunyang Daomen, and even no one sits in this position for fear of being killed.

Seeing that Chu Xiu successfully angered a supreme power in the realm of Heaven and Earth Shang Tianliang immediately wanted to intercept it.

But this is Chu Xiu, but he said: "Mall owner, let him come over, you can deal with others."

Right now, Shang Tianliang has been hit hard, and Ling Yunzi can't be stopped for a long time.

But if the seriously injured Shang Tianliang was allowed to deal with other warriors in the realm of real fire, it would be much simpler.

As for whether Chu Xiu could stop Ling Yunzi, he really had a certain degree of certainty.

During the overseas trip, Chu Xiu's own realm did not increase, but his understanding of the real fire body refining has improved to a higher level, and his combat power has increased a little.

To put it simply, Chu Xiu is now a little 'drifted', and he thinks that he has the strength to resist the realm of heaven and earth.

Ling Yunzi came with anger, the pure Yang sword in his hand was a little bit, and in an instant, the sword lights of ten thousand swords fell into the air, and a hot breath instantly enveloped Chu Xiu in it.

At this moment, Chu Xiu seemed to be above the great sun, and he couldn't see anything in front of him, only the dazzling pure sunlight!

In the past, before Ling Yunzi stepped into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, Chu Xiu had a battle with him, and he knew Ling Yunzi fairly well.

But today Ling Yunzi made another move, and even Chu Xiu had to admit that compared to the realm of heaven and earth, compared with the realm of real fire refining the gods, it was really the difference between cloud and mud.

From borrowing the power of heaven and earth to controlling heaven and earth, Ling Yunzi completely controls this area.

Chu Xiu let out a low voice, the blood moon bloomed on the evil moon sword, and the word-breaking sword intent came out, smashing everything, the pure sunlight was torn apart, the swords collided, and the terrifying momentum erupted and exploded, with the two at the center, scattered in all directions The knife gang smashed the earth and stone, but it was melted by the hot pure yang gang gas in an instant.

Within a radius of several hundred zhang, it is like a magma hell.


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