Meet The Leader

Chapter 104: Dragon Tiger List

The headquarters of Fengmanlou is located in the most prosperous Dongqi, but there are branches in Xichu and Beiyan, both in the capitals of Beiyan and Xichu, responsible for handling the affairs of these two countries.

The owner of the Beiyan Branch Building, 'Three Eyed God' Qi Yuanli is in his fifties, with a square appearance and a brocade robe, but he is lazy. His favorite thing all day is to hold his purple sand that has been raised for more than 30 years. Hu, while basking in the sun, looked at the information coming from all over Beiyan, like an old man in the twilight.

Qi Yuanli has a slender red mark on his forehead, which looks like a third eye. This is also the origin of his nickname of the Three-eyed God, which means that he can see the wind and grass all over the world with three eyes.

But in fact, the mark on Qi Yuanli's forehead is because he was left with a strong finger when he was fighting with others. The head exploded and the skull almost shattered.

Later, the genius doctor who rescued Qi Yuanli said that it was incredible that Qi Yuanli could survive under such an injury.

It was precisely because of that time that Qi Yuanli always said that he had died once, and he felt what it was like to die, so now he likes to bask in the sun. Only the warm temperature of the sun can make him feel that he is still alive. To live, to be a living person.

Just as Qi Yuanli was squinting his eyes and basking in the sun leisurely, a warrior in his thirties came over and cupped his hands: "Lord, there is a message from Fenruo in Linzhong County, and you need your own instructions."

Qi Yuanli took the information and waved his hand casually: "How many times have I said that, I'm just the deputy landlord, the real landlord isn't here, don't be a jerk."

The martial artist who was full of wind just smiled and didn't answer.

There are no idiots in the field of wind media, they are all people who are like people, so the deputy landlord is not the landlord? If he really shouted one by one, the sub-landlord would probably have heard Qi Yuanli even more harshly.

After taking the information, Qi Yuanli flipped through it, and he said lightly, "Linzhong County actually recommends a martial artist from Jianghu Grassland to join the Dragon Tiger Ranking? It's really interesting."

Fengmanlou's Dragon and Tiger Rankings are only prepared for some young heroes on the rivers and lakes. Because of their background and resources, in fact, 70% of the warriors on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings are from big families.

Only those who were born from childhood and have a solid foundation can make a name for themselves in their youth and make a name for themselves. It is difficult and difficult for a martial artist from a grassy background to get ahead.

It was none other than Chu Xiu recommended by Fengmanlou Fenrui in Linzhongjun.

With Qi Yuanli's knowledge, looking at Chu Xiu's series of astonishing achievements, he couldn't help but sigh. He hadn't seen such a fierce young man for a long time.

Especially the last battle in which Chu Xiu destroyed the Yue family as the Qinglonghui was quite astounding. Taking advantage of the Yue family's flaws in people's hearts, they were finally defeated directly.

"It's not bad that Beiyan Wulin has such an amazing young man, but it's a pity, no one knows if he will still be proud of the world after 20 years, and step from the Dragon and Tiger list to the list. "

Qi Yuanli's sigh was not because he looked down on Chu Xiu, but because Fengmanlou's statistics of young heroes on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings of various generations over the years.

Each generation of the Dragon Tiger List is said to be twenty years, but in fact it is only ten years. In these ten years, these young heroes have either died halfway, or have completely become big figures who have stirred up the situation in the arena, or have been given by newcomers. Squeeze it down, and almost no one can stay on the Dragon Tiger List for 20 years.

There are only 100 people on the Dragon Tiger List in each generation, and among these 100 people, the premature death rate is as high as 40%.

This is a very terrifying number. Every generation of young warriors will die, but the top of the Dragon Tiger Ranking is the fastest.

And among these people who died halfway, those who came from the great faction can be said, after all, they have backers for protection.

The one with the highest mortality rate is someone from a reckless background like Chu Xiu.

Of course, although Chu Xiu was born in the rough, but now he has joined the Qinglong Association, he can be regarded as having the Qinglong Association as a backer. Otherwise, Nie Dongliu of Juyi Village would not revoke his wanted, and the intelligence also said that the Shenwumen The head's daughter, Yan Tingting, was still clamoring to kill the Qinglong Club and killed Chu Xiu, but was locked up by his father.

The martial artist next to him said: "Lord, according to Chu Xiu's record, the opponent is absolutely qualified to be on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. The only thing that needs to be determined now is what his ranking should be."

Qi Yuanli asked back, "How much do you think it should be?"

The warrior said directly: "Chu Xiu has already stepped into the Inner Astral Realm, and also destroyed the Yue family with one person's strength. With such strength and record, it is enough to rank in the top ten!"

Qi Yuanli shook his head and said, "It's enough to be in the top ten, but he can't be in the top ten."

The martial artist asked, "Why? When Nie Dongliu first entered the list, he was in the top 20, and then he was directly ranked in the top 10 in the battle of the Black Cloud Eighteen Villages. Now, what Chu Xiu does may not be better than Nie's. Dongliu Xiao, logically speaking, should be in the top ten."

Qi Yuanli patted the warrior on the shoulder and said, "Dragon Tiger Supreme Billboard, I, Feng Manlou, naturally want to be absolutely fair, but unfortunately, the world is here, and some things can't be taken too seriously.

When I Fengmanlou first set up a branch in Beiyan, Juyi Village helped a lot. This is a favor, and we need to pay it back.

The power created by Chu Xiu is indeed large enough, but when it comes to influence, it is around Yandong, not even Beiyan, let alone the entire rivers and lakes.

Moreover, the momentum created by Nie Dongliu directly shook the rivers and lakes, but in fact, the overall strength of the Black Cloud Eighteen Villages is not as strong as that of the Yue family. He can get such a reputation because he is the young owner of Juyi Village, and he is born with countless stared at him.

Xiaolin, you are the person I am more optimistic about. It is not easy to do in the field of Jianghu wind media. We know too many things, and we have more taboos.

So, even if you know something, you have to swallow it in your stomach, and you can't say it for the rest of your life.

There is no so-called fairness and justice in this arena. All we can do is to be as fair as possible.

This Chu Xiu's ranking can't make it into the top ten, but can only make it into the top twenty. Let him rank eighteenth. "

That Xiaolin hesitated: "But the eighteenth is Bai Wuji from the Snow City in the extreme north. Wouldn't this ranking push Bai Wuji down?"

Qi Yuanli said lightly: "The gang of savages in Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north are too arrogant and domineering. Last month, my people from Fengmanlou went to the site of Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north to search for information, but they were beaten back."

Xiao Lin's expression froze, he nodded quickly, and at the same time secretly said in his heart that a small list should take into account the background forces of the other party, as well as the relationship with Fengmanlou. The industry of Jianghu Fengmei is really not easy to do. .

After receiving Qi Yuanli's affirmation, Xiaolin directly used a secret method to pass the news to Dongqi Fengmanlou headquarters and Xichu's side. After the other party replied, the three parties would change the list together.

Fengmanlou's Dragon Tiger Wind and Cloud Supreme Ranking is actually three boulders erected in front of Fengmanlou's headquarters and two branch buildings.

Among them, the material used in the Supreme List is Tianwai glazed stone, which was found from Tianwai meteorites, which can be encountered but not sought after.

The top-ranking material used in the Billboard is golden light stone, which is used to make weapons. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is extremely bright, like gold, but more precious than gold.

As for the dragon and tiger list, it is a little worse. It is made of ordinary sapphire stone, but it is in good condition.

After the news was confirmed, the three families simultaneously erased the writing on the boulder and replaced it with a new name.

In front of Fengmanlou's gate, countless Jianghu wind media affiliated to Fengmanlou and some scattered cultivators watching the lively were watching Fengmanlou's disciples revising the list.

Compared with the Billboard, which is unchanged all the year round and rarely changes, the changes in the Dragon and Tiger List are a bit big, and there have even been incidents of modifying the Dragon and Tiger List twice a day.

This time, it wasn't too much attention. There were still a lot of people watching the excitement. Some people were still opening bets, betting whose rankings changed this time, or that there were still newcomers on the list.

After the revision of the list was completed, everyone couldn't help showing surprise when they saw the record of the new warrior.

Ranking in the top 20 for the first time on the list is quite remarkable.

"Name: Chu Xiu.

Nickname: 'Blood Demon'

Ranking: 18th

Affiliation: Qinglonghuitian crime sub-rudder

Blade: Baobing thin knife

Martial arts: The swordsmanship is terrifying and strange, the inner breath is deep, and he is good at grasping.

Records: Destroy the Zhang family in Shanyang Prefecture, behead four Xiantian warriors including Zhang Baitao, an inner disciple of Bashan Sword Sect with one person in Luyang Town, overthrow the Black Tiger Gang and other four forces in Hanjiang Prefecture, and behead nearly ten Xiantian people .

When Luyangshan Juetian Mozun Ruins was born, he fought fiercely with Nie Dongliu in Juyi Village and won the treasure.

In the Beiling Mansion, the Yue family was provoked by the strategy of killing hearts. In the battle, thousands of Yue family were killed and injured countless times, and all the blood of their descendants were slaughtered! "

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