Meet The Leader

Chapter 105: status

In fact, Chu Xiu's record on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings is not too much. Some of the heroes who have been on the list for several years have some records that are many times more than that of Chu Xiu.

The reason why the people present were horrified was the people Chu Xiu killed when he was on the Dragon and Tiger List.

Look at the records of other people on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings. Most of them compete with this, beat this, compete with that, beat that and so on.

Most of the murderers were also the murderers of the demonic way, but in fact, not many people were counted.

Looking at Chu Xiu's record, almost every one of them was built with human lives.

Without looking at him, they can tell just by looking at the record, this is definitely a cruel and ruthless master.

And what made them even more dreaded was the identity of Chu Xiu, who turned out to be a warrior of the Azure Dragon Society.

As a matter of fact, the killers of the Azure Dragon Society do not have to remain anonymous, they are extremely low-key. As one of the Four Spirits, the largest killer organization in the arena, the Azure Dragon Society no longer needs to keep a low profile. On the contrary, the killers also need fame, otherwise they will be anonymous. Who asked you to kill?

So over the years, there are actually quite a few killers of the Azure Dragon Society who have been on the Billboard. Now the big dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society, 'Yanyue Qinglong' Bu Tiannan is still on the Billboard.

It's just that there are very few warriors who will be on the Dragon Tiger List.

The reason is very simple. The profession of killer is a real killer. Those who can make a name for themselves and kill a lot of people are mostly old-fashioned killers. By the time they are on the list, they will no longer meet the rules of the Dragon Tiger List.

And there are still some who are lucky enough to be on the list, but as a high-risk industry with a very high mortality rate as a killer, the possibility of dying halfway is also very high, so the Qinglong Club has at least no one set foot on the Dragon Tiger list for more than ten years. Still the first time.

Originally, Chu Xiu destroyed the Yue family, and his name was only spread in the land of Yandong, but with Fengmanlou placing him on the Dragon and Tiger List, Chu Xiu's name is considered familiar in the arena. Of course, the real Those who can remember him are still from Beiyan.

Not long after Fengmanlou announced the news, Chu Xiu also returned directly from Linzhong County to the helm of the Qinglong Club in Daishan County.

As soon as they entered the sub-rudder, when the warriors in the sub-rudder saw Chu Xiu coming back, they were stunned for a moment, then they all bowed to Chu Xiu and said, "Sir!"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and nodded. The attitude of this group of people changed quickly enough. They used to be indifferent before, but now they have become adults?

On the square in the center of the Fenrudder, there were all the killers of the Azure Dragon Society, including the Ghost Hand King, and even their eyes looking at Chu Xiu had a hint of strangeness.

When Chu Xiu took on this task, no one thought that Chu Xiu would be able to complete it.

Everyone thought that Chu Xiuhui would hit a wall at Beiling Mansion, and then return to the Qinglonghui to take on other low-level tasks.

But who would have thought that Chu Xiu was really successful, and there was such a big commotion.

The Ghost Hand King came over, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Chu, congratulations, you can become a fifth-level killer with the strength of Inner Astral Realm, let alone a natural crime, even if you put your hands in the entire Azure Dragon Society countable."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "You all know the news of my mission completion?"

The Ghost Hand King smiled bitterly and said, "The Qinglong Association also has its own information, and besides, the movement you made is too big, even if you don't have to go to check it out.

You are very beautiful now. After the destruction of the Yue family, you have been listed by Fengmanlou as the 18th place on the Dragon and Tiger List. The people of Jianghu even gave you a nickname called 'Blood Demon', which is just right. You don't have to think about the code name in the Qinglong Club, just use the nickname. "

Speaking of which, the Ghost Hand King shook his head and said, "Compared with you, Brother Chu, we are really old. There are rumors in Qinglong that the fastest way to kill people is not martial arts. I have never understood what this sentence means. , now I know it."

With the news from the Yue family, the Ghost Hand King and others were indeed taken aback.

This Chu Xiu's method is very different from the methods they used to kill people in the past. They just killed people, but Chu Xiu was killing them.

With this series of methods, the Yue family was directly destroyed. If it was them, even if the strongest among them, Yan Bugui and Tang Ya, joined forces, they might not be able to complete such a difficult task.

Maybe they could kill Yue Henian or Yue Luchuan and his son, but they couldn't kill as many people as Chu Xiu did.

And Chu Xiu frowned slightly when he heard the news. Feng Manlou's intelligence power is too good. He just joined the Azure Dragon Society, and Feng Manlou dug up his identity?

To be honest, Chu Xiu really didn't pay much attention to this list, and some of the trees were big.

But now that his identity has been exposed, it doesn't matter. If the Qinglong Association can protect him, he will stay in the Qinglong Association temporarily. If the Qinglong Association can't protect him, then Chu Xiu will find another way out.

At this time, Huo Nu walked over directly and cupped his hands to Chu Xiu: "I offended Brother Chu before, please forgive me."

For other people, they were still mocking each other before, and it must be a little embarrassing to apologize now, but for Huo Nu, it is not a problem at all.

He was born in the Western Regions, where there are many small countries, which fight against each other all the year round, and ethnic groups and ethnic groups are also fighting each other. There is only one truth, that is, the strong are respected.

Chu Xiu showed stronger strength than him, let alone bowing his head now, even if Chu Xiu sneered at him again, he would greet him with a smile.

Unlike other warriors, for Huo Nu, he has no such thing as dignity at all.

In the past, when he didn't join the Qinglong Association, he was just a slave of a tribe in the Western Regions, and because that tribe had the character "Fire", his code name was Huonu.

Apologizing to a strong man and bowing his head seemed normal to him. There was nothing to be ashamed of. Can something like dignity and face be eaten?

Chu Xiu waved his hands casually and said, "It's just a small matter, it's not necessary."

On the other side, the wolf king with the wolf's head painted on the mask is a man in his thirties, with a rough face and a very bold look. He walked over to Chu Xiu and cupped his hands: "'Wolf King' Xiu Ming, still Brother Chu, please give me more advice."

"It's easy to say." Chu Xiu also bowed his hands in return.

Yan Bugui, who was called the strongest 'Remnant Sword' in the rudder of Heavenly Sin by the Ghost Hand King, also nodded to Chu Xiu and did not speak.

However, this is quite normal in the eyes of others. This guy's character is so withdrawn and indifferent, it is not easy if he is willing to take care of you.

In the end, Tang Ya, who didn't speak all the time, was the youngest of the group. He seemed to be no more than a few years older than Chu Xiu. He had a handsome face. At first glance, he didn't look like a killer, but he had the temperament of an aristocratic son.

After everyone finished speaking, he walked over to Chu Xiu and suddenly asked, "Actually, I have always been curious about one thing. If the third child of the Yue family refuses to allow you to force the palace to rebel, what should you do?"

Chu Xiu said lightly, "There are too many people in the ninth room of the Yue family who have their own thoughts. I chose the third child of the Yue family just because he has the biggest flaw in his heart.

And I can be sure that even if I don't pick the third child of the Yue family, as long as I can provoke someone to take action against Yue Henian, the third child of the Yue family will definitely not stand by.

The human heart is always the most difficult thing to control. There is no flaw in their state of mind, and my plan will not succeed. "

Tang Ya was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "You're right, it's really hard to control the human heart, it's much more difficult than martial arts."

Chu Xiu glanced at Tang Ya. The Ghost Hand King said it well before. Tang Ya's temper is a little weird, and he feels a little nervous.

However, their performance today also proves that in this Azure Dragon Club, strength is the proof of status.

When Chu Xiu didn't show his strength before, Yan Bugui and Tang Ya didn't even have any interest in talking to him, but now he has completed the fifth-level task with the strength of the Inner Astral Realm, and completed both of them. It was an impossible task, even the most withdrawn and indifferent Yan Bugui came over to greet Chu Xiu.

At this moment, the helmsman of Tiansin just happened to return to the headquarters. When he saw that Chu Xiu was back, he walked over and patted Chu Xiu on the shoulder, and said with admiration, "You did a good job in this task, it is considered a Give me the face of President After receiving your own quest reward, get three Qinglong Spirit Pills, which is an additional reward."

After praising Chu Xiu, the helmsman of Tiansin looked at Yan Bugui and the others, but his eyes darkened immediately: "What are you guys still doing here? Are you all busy? There are so many tasks piled up, you don't do it, Are you waiting for me to do it?"

Huo Nu shrugged, didn't dare to speak, and immediately ran to choose a task, as did the others.

As for those killers without code names, they waited until the figure of the helmsman of Heavenly Sin disappeared, and then came over to congratulate Chu Xiu, called an adult, and then obediently went to choose a task.

Chu Xiu turned his head and asked the Ghost Hand King, "Master Rudder Master is in a bad mood recently?"

The Ghost Hand King said in a low voice, "Lord Rudder Master is not only in a bad mood now, it can be said that he has never been in a good mood.

I told you about the rudder of our Heavenly Sins. We were almost wiped out three years ago. As a result, only the helm master was sent from the headquarters to rebuild the Heavens and Sins. This was a chore. You know the inside story. "

Chu Xiu nodded, of course he understood.

If the headquarters of the Azure Dragon Society wants people and people, and wants the resources and resources to give the helmsman of Tiansin, let him rebuild the rudder of Tiansin, that is called accepting orders in danger.

But now they only send a bare commander like them here. What is this called? Call distribution.

Either the helmsman of Heaven's Sin has offended people at the headquarters of the Azure Dragon Society, or it was because the struggle failed that he was sent here.

The Ghost Hand King laughed and said: "It's good to understand, understand it, the helm master is also very aggrieved now. He is a great master in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and he always performs some fifth-level or even fourth-level tasks. task, he himself felt ashamed."

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