Meet The Leader

Chapter 1051: 2 Demons

Lu Fengxian's progress is obvious to all, but others are not bad, such as Mei Qinglian.

Although Mei Qinglian hadn't stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm, Chu Xiu could also feel that she was only one step away from the real fire refining spirit realm.

Shang Tianliang said angrily: "Boy, if you were more aggressive last time, let me bring out all the people in the mall, maybe it won't be so difficult this time."

Chu Xiu said directly: "No problem, next time I will bring everyone from the mall out of the green capital."

Shang Tianliang glanced at Chu Xiu suspiciously, when did this kid become so generous?

Chu Xiu was not being generous, but Shang Tianliang stood on his side wholeheartedly this time and won Chu Xiu's trust.

Chu Xiu is a person with many doubts, but in turn, if someone can win Chu Xiu's trust, then Chu Xiu will also give him enough benefits regardless of return.

Wei Shuya said solemnly: "It's good to win, over the years my Demon Dao line has gone through so many ups and downs, and it's not easy to persist until now.

Although this time is dangerous, this old man knows that my demonic lineage can still survive. "

Chu Wuji teased and said, "Mr. Wei, you didn't say that before, but you're still going to risk your own life."

Wei Shuya glared at him and said, "If the demons can survive, what does it have to do with whether I die or not? Don't raise the bar here."

With a wave of his hand, Wei Shuya said, "Okay, if you have anything to do, I'll talk about it later. First, send all the injured to the Fengshen doctor for treatment."

The loss of the hidden demon lineage in this battle is quite a lot, and the casualties of the bottom warriors are close to one-fifth.

I am afraid that this kind of loss can no longer hold on to other sects. This is because of the high prestige of Chu Xiu and Wei Shuya, which has allowed them to survive until now.

At this moment, Zhao Yuanfeng came over and said very humbly: "Master Chu, this time I, Jiangshan Pavilion, don't really want to be your enemy.

But Dongqi said a lot about it, and we also know that Beiyan is using us, so this is against the water, and please forgive me, Lord Chu. "

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Gate Master Zhao, don't care, I know your troubles, people are in the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself.

I, Chu Xiu, mean what I say. I said before that if you don't hold you accountable, I won't hold you accountable.

Later, you just need to go to Beiyan, admit your mistake before Your Majesty, and this matter will be over.

Even your country, Wei, might be able to save it. "

Zhao Yuanfeng didn't expect that Chu Xiu, who has always been rumored to be narrow-minded, and who must be reported to others, would have such a generous side, and even he was ready to bleed, but Chu Xiu was so easily swept away.

It seems that sometimes the rumors are really untrue. Although this Master Chu is extremely ruthless, he is still very broad-minded.

After Zhao Yuanfeng left, everyone looked at Chu Xiu with surprised eyes.

Chu Xiu wondered: "Everyone, why are you looking at me like this?"

Lu Jianghe wondered: "When did your kid become so generous? You just let go of these two-faced guys?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Just because he is a man of two sides, I choose to let him go.

Zhao Yuanfeng, or in other words, the entire Jiangshan Pavilion only has interests and nothing else.

I killed his adoptive father, have you ever seen any sadness in him?

This kind of person is not scary, as long as I can maintain enough strength, I will never dare to mess with convenience.

Moreover, this time, Zhao Yuanfeng offended Dong Qi badly.

The anti-bone boy is hateful, but the anti-bone boy who betrayed twice in a row is even more hateful.

Beiyan did not take him here, and there was no place for him in the Jiangshan Pavilion in the entire Central Plains martial arts. "

After finishing speaking, the group did not delay any longer, and hurriedly brought everyone back to Zhenwutang and handed them over to Feng Bupo for treatment.

At the same time, Chu Xiu also heard about all kinds of things that happened recently.

Hearing that Situ Qi actually teamed up with Si Wuya and others to take advantage of the fire and dig the hidden demons, which should be said to be the foundation of his Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu couldn't help but reveal a murderous intention in his eyes.

It is necessary to be safe first, these guys really have to find a time to solve it.

In fact, when the Kunlun Demon Sect rose before, it also experienced this kind of thing.

It's just that at that time, the strength of Dugu only me and the Kunlun Demon Sect were strong enough, and the method can be said to be simple and rude to the extreme, one word, kill!

By killing all those who oppose the Kunlun Demon Sect and shouting that the holy religion will last forever, the entire Kunlun Demon Sect will naturally be unified, and naturally there will be no objection.

Now Chu Xiu also wants to do this. With his current strength, it is not difficult to solve all these guys.

But now Chu Xiu has too many things at hand, and in the hidden demon lineage, there are still neutral people like Chi Lian Mozong and Yu Moya.

Once Chu Xiu kills, they will also shoot or block if they are not in order, so Chu Xiu has to think of a suitable reason to solve them.

After hearing what they said, Chu Xiu also told everyone about his overseas itinerary during this time.

Although everyone already knew that Chu Xiu was in a big fight in the outer seas, but after hearing Chu Xiu tell the story in detail at this time, they couldn't help being horrified, and they also mourned for those warriors in the overseas land.

This time, it was obviously a fierce battle between Chu Xiu and Zhengdao martial arts, but the biggest loss was not Chu Xiu's side, nor Zhengdao martial arts side, but the overseas martial arts side, which was a bit funny.

Especially when they heard that Huo Xingzun wanted to take Chu Xiu as his adopted son, they thought that Huo Xingzun simply thought that he had lived too long, or that God felt that he had lived too long, so they let him He lost his mind at a critical moment and made such a decision to die.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly asked Lu Jianghe: "I met a warrior beside Huo Xingzun, and what he displayed was the most orthodox inheritance of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

He will be my destroyer of Sanliancheng Arrow, and so will the devil's palm of the leader of Dugu.

In the same way, he also condensed a dharma image, the dharma image has a transparent chest, but it can absorb the power of twisted qi.

I probed into his memory, but I saw two corpses full of demonic energy sitting on the bronze throne. He acquired his demonic martial arts from there.

Lao Lu, can you tell the identity of the other party from these clips? "

Lu Jianghe stood up abruptly, and his voice was slightly excited: "One of them is the Wuxin Demon Venerable! That is the unique Dharma image of the Wuxin Demon Venerable.

And if I guessed correctly, those two people must be two of the Four Great Demon Venerables.

The bronze throne is the exclusive seat of my holy religion Demon Venerable. Only the four Demon Venerables are qualified to have it. Old Man Wei should know this. "

Wei Shuya nodded and said: "It's almost like this, when the hidden demons are discussing matters now, the bronze throne seated is the one that imitated the four great demons of the past, but the real bronze throne was as early as the Kunlun Demon Sect. When it is destroyed, it has disappeared."

Lu Jianghe continued: "It's normal for them to destroy the Sanlian City Arrow. The Sanlian City Arrow was brought out by the sect master from the Daheitian Demon Sect. Anyone who is interested can go to practice.

It's just that, except for the leader, no one can comprehend the essence of Dao's World-Destroying Fire, or it is somewhat incompatible with Sanliancheng Arrow, so even if they have cultivated, they have hardly used it.

You kid is really lucky, you can even find this opportunity when you go overseas. "

Everyone present subconsciously glanced at Lu Fengxian. If it was luck, Chu Xiu really couldn't compare to this one.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "So I'm going to wait for a while. After everyone has cultivated well, I will go to the East China Sea again to find the inheritance of the two Demon Venerables."

After chatting a few more times with everyone, it is time for everyone to practice cultivation, and those who should heal their wounds to heal their wounds.

However, Chu Xiu found that Lu Fengxian did not go to practice. He couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Lu, are you not going to retreat for a while to stabilize your realm?"

Lu Fengxian scratched his head and said, "I don't seem to need to stabilize the realm. When I stepped into the realm of real fire, the fragments of Lu Wenhou's primordial spirit have completely merged with me, so now I not only don't need to practice, but I feel that I have complete control. Live the power of the real fire refining the realm of the gods."

Chu Xiu couldn't help but be speechless when he heard the words.

Just now, Lu Jianghe also said that he was lucky, and that the person who really had great luck in his body was Lu Fengxian.

"Brother Chu, this time, you seem to be careful, I can feel that the Chunyang Daomen, or the entire Zhengdao sect, will not let it go, and when they make another move next time, I am afraid that the power will not be what it is now. Lu Fengxian is not very good at this kind of trickery, but even if he is not good at it, he can still feel the threat that Chu Xiu is posing to the entire Zhengdao sect.

Intimidate the Great Bright Temple, set off killings in the East China Sea, and break the Righteous Path Alliance.

What Chu Xiu has done is no less threatening than Ye Shaonan.

When Chu Xiu didn't have the strength of Ye Shaonan, he already had a threat comparable to Ye Shaonan. If Chu Xiu reached the realm of Ye Shaonan, how terrifying would he be?

Others dare not think about this, nor dare to say it, anyway, if the next battle between the righteous and the devil starts again, it is probably the time to really divide life and death.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I also thought of these things, but when they take the next shot, I, Chu Xiu, are also not the current Chu Xiu.

They can't help me now, and they can't help me in the future! "

Seeing Chu Xiu say this, Lu Fengxian felt relieved, because Chu Xiu was not a big talker, he would only say such words if he had this kind of control over me.

Lu Fengxian has many friends, but there are very few who can know each other until the end.

Chu Xiu was a good friend who had known him since his early days, so he didn't want anything to happen to Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu has helped him a lot, but his strength is limited, and there is only so much he can repay Chu Xiu.

The next time the battle between the righteous and the devil begins, even if the threat is greater and the strength is stronger, Lu Fengxian will still rush up again with his Fang Tianhua halberd.

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