Meet The Leader

Chapter 1052: Revisiting the East China Sea

Chu Xiu stayed in Zhenwutang for three months. During these three months, Chu Xiu was not idle. After the war, as the leader of the hidden demons, Zhenwutang and other forces, there was a great There are too many things for him to handle.

The Beiyan court needed him to report. After this war, Beiyan was the winner, because once again winning against Dongqi completely wiped out the last bit of Lu Haochang's ambition, so From now until Lu Haochang's death, Bei Yan doesn't have to worry about threats from Dong Qi.

At the same time, Zhao Yuanfeng also obediently went to the Beiyan court to apologize, showing a very humble attitude.

Chu Xiu also found a time to go to the Green Capital and brought out all the people in the last mall.

In fact, Chu Xiu was also interested in other people in the mall, but he did not take action.

The reason is very simple, those people are not yet within his ability to control.

Chu Xiu was able to control the people in the mall because there was Shang Tianliang.

Now Shang Tianliang is completely on his side, and Shang Tianliang can completely control the mall.

As for the other people in the Green Capital, Chu Xiu can't guarantee it.

On Mei Qinglian's side, it only took less than a month for her to step into the realm of real fire refining.

Chu Xiu greeted her at the door, and seeing Chu Xiu standing there, Mei Qinglian smiled smugly: "I used to always be here to welcome you out of the customs, and it's rare that I have this kind of treatment now."

Chu Xiu's talent is undoubtedly very disappointing.

At least Mei Qinglian had seen him retreat a lot and break through the realm a lot, and every time Chu Xiu would surprise or frighten people.

And this time, she broke through the real fire refining spirit realm, I dare not say that she can compare with Chu Xiu, but at least she won't be hit like this every time.

Mei Qinglian, who had just stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm, had an extremely strange feeling all over her body.

Although her appearance has not changed in the slightest, her temperament has become more beautiful and attractive, incomparably tempting, and even Chu Xiu was amazed when she first saw her.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "It's okay, you'll get used to welcoming me out of the customs again later."

Mei Qinglian covered her mouth in fright: "Are you going to step into the realm of heaven and earth?"

If it was someone else, Mei Qinglian would definitely think that the other party was talking about a dream.

But with Chu Xiu, that's not necessarily true.

Chu Xiu said with a serious face: "Guess."

After saying that, Chu Xiu left directly, leaving Mei Qinglian's face full of surprise. She really didn't know whether Xiu was telling the truth or lying to her.

Three months later, everything on Chu Xiu's side was almost settled, and he was ready to go overseas.

Because this incident was related to the demon lineage, Chu Xiu only brought people from the hidden demon lineage.

There are Wei Shuya, Lu Jianghe, Mei Qinglian and Chu Wuji.

Right now, Chu Xiu and Dong Qi had just started a war, and it was not easy to pass through Dong Qi, so he went to the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect in the South China Sea as he did last time, and Guan Yiboxun borrowed a boat and sailed straight from the South China Sea to the East China Sea.

At this time, the Supreme Island in the East China Sea had changed its name to Qingfeng Island.

Bai Dong came here to win people's hearts. He knew that he couldn't compare with Huo Xingzun to take the domineering route of absolute power, so he took the route of being close to the people.

Bai Donglai openly declared that there is no Supreme Being in Qingfenghai, so Supreme Island was renamed Qingfeng Island, which means that the island shared by all Qingfenghai warriors, anyone can go to the island, but in fact, Supreme Island is still under the control of Bai Donglai and others. of.

At this time, Bai Donglai was dealing with some complicated matters on the Supreme Island.

As the actual manager of Qingfenghai, Bai Donglai also has a lot of troubles in his hands.

At this time, someone suddenly came to report that Master Chu was back, and Bai Donglai was shocked.

Yes, only surprise, not joy.

Having experienced the battle on the Supreme Island, Bo Donglai had seen Chu Xiu's terrifyingly powerful power, but at the same time, that power also made him extremely jealous.

It is enough to cooperate with Chu Xiu only once. He also attacked Dongqi according to Chu Xiu's request, and plundered a lot of resources by the way.

Originally, he thought that the connection between the two parties should be like this, including the last time Chu Xiu said that they would meet again, Bai Donglai just regarded it as a polite word from Chu Xiu, but he did not expect that he would actually come to the door Now, while Bo Donglai was at a loss, he was even more suspicious, what exactly did Chu Xiu want to do here? Could it be that he also had some unreasonable thoughts about the land of the East China Sea?

Although he was suspicious, Bai Donglai quickly adjusted his mentality and walked out with a warm smile on his face.

Seeing Chu Xiu, Wei Shuya and others in the hall, Bai Donglai was subconsciously shocked.

Wei Shuya, Lu Jianghe, Mei Qinglian, and Chu Wuji, these were the four beings in the realm of real fire refining, and there were three of them, and he couldn't tell the depth.

Is this Chu Xiu's strength in the Central Plains? Just terrifying.

Thinking of this, Bai Donglai's attitude became even more humble. He lowered his head and saluted Chu Xiu: "I didn't expect to see Master Chu again so soon. It seems that the crisis in the Central Plains has been affected by Master Chu. It's been cracked, and it's gratifying when it's true."

Wei Shuya and others were surprised when they saw Bai Donglai's attitude.

Without him, the current Lord of the East China Sea was so low-key when facing Chu Xiu, it could even be called servile.

What the **** did Chu Xiu do in the East China Sea, to actually scare people into this look?

Seeing Bai Donglai's appearance, Chu Xiu almost guessed the other party's thoughts, he smiled and said: "Mr. Bai, don't be nervous, I'm not interested in the Jianghu forces in the East China Sea, this time, I'm just looking for something. "

Bo Donglai let out a sigh of relief and also laughed: "What did Master Chu say, why should I be nervous? Whatever Master Chu is looking for, I will definitely cooperate with you."

Chu Xiu took down the pictures of the sea that the demons had taken from the shadow memory, of course it was a bit specious.

"What I'm looking for is an island in this sea area. I'm not familiar with overseas places, so I have to rely on you, Mr. Bai."

Hearing that it was just because of this trivial matter, Bai Donglai breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after Bai Donglai saw the chart, Bai Donglai frowned and said, "It's a little difficult for Lord Chu to find the place.

Looking at the approximate location of the sea, this place should be in the area between the Sea of ​​Rifts and the Sea of ​​Breeze.

However, the sea is too big and boundless, and there are fixed waterways between the Qingfenghai and the Rifting Sea.

I have visited these two places several times in the early years, but I have never seen this sea area.

Moreover, this chart is too vague, and it is a little difficult to find the location by relying on it. "

After saying this, Bai Donglai saw that Chu Xiu's eyes seemed a little gloomy, and he quickly said: "Of course there is no other way.

I can't find it here, but some people may find it, go and find Song Laosan for me. "

With that said, Bai Donglai directly instructed someone to bring in a thin, thin old man with only the strength of the innate realm. After seeing Bai Donglai, he seemed extremely frightened.

Bai Donglai pointed at the old man and said, "This person is Fu Longxiao's subordinate, the oldest helmsman in the Canglong fleet, and has been at sea since he was born. Incredibly rich.

I can't find the location on the chart, but Song Laosan might find it. "

Saying that, Bai Donglai turned his eyes to Song Laosan and said, "Song Laosan, this is your chance to help Master Chu and the others to find this place. Although the Canglong fleet is gone, my Tianyishuige fleet is still there. Now, when the time comes, I'll give you a boat and let you be the captain."

When Song Laosan heard this, he quickly patted his chest and said, "Sir, please rest assured, this old man has been drifting at sea all his life, and he knows how many trees there are on any island, and he will definitely live up to his mission."

Fu Longxiao's Canglong fleet had been cleaned up by Bai Donglai for a long time, and this Song Laosan was able to escape, thanks to him being only a small person, no one cared.

Chu Xiu threw the chart to Song Laosan and asked, "How sure are you?"

Song Laosan carefully stared at the chart for a long time and said, "I'm very sure I can't say but I have been to places adjacent to this sea area, and I can calculate the approximate location by calculation. , it's almost eight points."

Hearing what Song Laosan said, Chu Xiu didn't delay. He took Song Laosan directly and asked him to go to Split Wind Sea to find that place.

This Song Laosan is worthy of Bo Donglai's recommendation, and he still has some real skills.

The other party actually found the sea area within a month based on the vague chart.

That place happened to be a place at the junction of Rift Wind Sea and Qingfeng Sea, but it was extremely remote, and the wind and waves were raging, and the ships coming and going would not choose this place as the channel, so over the years, except for one accident who came here The shadow was hardly discovered by outsiders.

Song Laosan pointed to an island in the distance and said, "Sir, there is only one island in this sea area. If there is no problem, it should be there."

Song Laosan was relieved when he found a place.

This kind of task sent by a big man, if you do it well, you will be rewarded, but if you don't do it well, it will become a life-threatening task.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Okay, you can wait here during this time, let's go to the island."

With that said, Chu Xiu, Wei Shuya and others landed on the island.

As soon as they stepped into the island, Chu Xiu and others sensed an extremely pure magical energy.

They looked at each other, sure enough, it should be here.

Along the magic energy, everyone carefully searched, and finally found the source of the magic energy, a cave with no bottom visible.

Wuxin Demon Venerable and another Demon Venerable from Kunlun Demon Sect should have perished here.


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