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Chapter 1053: little black

In the dark cave, pure demonic energy came in waves.

Chu Xiu didn't enter it recklessly, because he remembered that Ying had entered it before, only to escape when he was dying.

Before Ying, he was a loose cultivator from Split Wind Sea. His friends should also be in the realm of real fire refining, but all of them fell here. It is conceivable how dangerous this cave is.

Chu Xiu said to Lu Jianghe: "What kind of people are the Wuxin Demon Venerable and several other Demon Venerables in the Demon Sect in the past? What means will they leave behind?"

Lu Jianghe said without even thinking: "Except for the Red Lotus Demon Venerable, there is no good thing.

Besides, you don't even think about it, you've become a Demon Lord, what kind of good person can you be? All of them are goods struck by lightning.

If they left any means here, needless to say, they must be extremely dangerous. "

Chu Xiu thought about it for a while, and that's true, the danger is certain, so you can only be careful.

It was Chu Xiu who took the lead. Among the people present, he was the strongest, and he had a rough skin and thick flesh, and he had to be stronger against any danger.

As soon as they entered the cave, everyone found a broken body in front of them.

Lu Jianghe glanced at the formation at the feet of the corpse, and sighed, "Reversing the great formation, all the true qi of the entrants will be turned into magical qi, and if they can't hold on, they will explode and die.

This great formation should have been created by inadvertent or others with the power of qi and blood. The power is more powerful, and some people have already been recruited.

However, this guy is not weak, and he can still struggle to completely tear the formation, but the person is also not holding back, but he is blocking the sword for you. "

Chu Xiu and the others walked all the way, surprisingly they did not encounter anything dangerous.

But in fact, to be precise, there are extremely sinister and vicious traps along the way. Lu Jianghe knows all of them, and they are all methods of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past.

But fortunately, these traps were almost all laid down with their lives by friends and others before the movie, but it was cheaper for Chu Xiu and the others.

However, after everyone reached the bottom of the cave, the devilish energy became stronger and stronger, and there was even a strong stench in it.

When Chu Xiu and the others walked to the end of the cave and saw what was inside, everyone gasped.

At the end of the cave was a great hall, but at this time, everyone could not see the scene inside the great hall.

Because the entire hall was covered by a huge black snake.

The black snake was incomparably huge, and its waist was several meters thick, and its length was immeasurable because it was coiled up.

The most terrifying thing was that two horns appeared faintly from the top of the black snake's head, which was a sign that it was about to turn into a flood dragon.

In Ying's memory fragment, he walked out of the cave, but he was still being chased by something. Now, it seems that it should be this thing that was chasing him.

The breath on this thing can be said to be extremely terrifying, and it can even make Chu Xiu feel a sense of oppression.

Ordinary real fire refining **** realm martial artist is really not enough to see in front of the beast that is about to turn into a dragon.

At this time, Lu Jianghe said in surprise: "It's Xiao Hei, but why did Xiao Hei grow so big?"

"Little black?"

Lu Jianghe nodded and said, "Xiao Hei is the pet of Wuxin Demon Venerable, it is said to be a giant python with the blood of an ancient black dragon.

At that time, as long as someone provoked Wuxin Demon Venerable, he would break his limbs and use it to feed Xiao Hei.

In the end, the mouth of this beast was fed to Diao, and those under the real alchemy realm were not eaten.

But at that time, Xiao Hei should not have been this big. Ferocious beasts are different from human races. Even if five hundred years have passed, it is impossible for them to grow so big. "

Lu Jianghe muttered when he suddenly saw a blood-colored mark on the black snake's forehead, and his expression suddenly changed: "Wuxin Demon Venerable uses his own blood to feed Xiao Hei, no wonder it has grown up now. To this extent."

As he was talking, the black snake seemed to sense the movement outside, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Chu Xiu and the others.

Lu Jianghe stepped forward with a smile on his face, and said hello, "Xiao Hei, do you still know me? Back then, I killed two bald donkeys from Daguang Temple to feed you, Wuxin Demon Venerable. It is said that the bald donkey in the Daguang Temple has a glutinous taste, and you like to eat it the most."

The black snake's pair of scarlet vertical pupils stared at Lu Jianghe. The next moment, it opened its big mouth and shot a jet of black venom directly at Lu Jianghe, scaring Lu Jianghe into a **** glow, and immediately dodge.

The black venom fell to the ground, and it actually corroded a huge pothole.

Chu Xiu looked at Lu Jianghe strangely: "This is the little black you said? He doesn't seem to be familiar with you."

Lu Jianghe said with a gloomy expression: "It must be because of the **** imprint of Wuxin Demon Venerable.

Even if this beast has the bloodline of the Black Dragon, there is only a trace of it.

You don't know how strong Wuxin Demon Venerable is, just Ling Yunzi's virtue, Wuxin Demon Venerable can be slapped to death with a slap.

This beast got the heartless Demon Venerable's hard work, but he couldn't digest it, it must have hurt his intelligence, and now he has become completely crazy. "

As soon as Lu Jianghe's voice fell, the huge black snake slammed over with its tail. Its might was like overwhelming a mountain. If it wasn't for the fact that the cave was too small to affect its performance, it might have been able to smash a mountain into pieces.

Lu Jianghe and the others shot one after another while dodging, but they were depressed to find that their shots had little effect.

The defensive power of this black snake's scale armor is simply too amazing.

Chu Wuji's moon blade slashed above the scale armor, but it only brought out a spark.

Wei Shuya and Lu Jianghe's offensive also couldn't cause damage to it through the scales, let alone Mei Qinglian, her concubine Dafa was useless to animals.

The Evil Moon Saber appeared in Chu Xiu's hand, and he shot with all his strength. As soon as the word-shattering sword intent came out, that invincible edge tore apart the black scale armor, causing a large amount of blood to gush out.

However, for the existence of the size of the black snake, it is obviously not very useful, but it makes it more violent.

Chu Xiu frowned. He was guarded by beasts. It was very difficult to get the things in it.

After thinking about it, Chu Xiu jumped out and jumped directly to the top of the black snake's head. The next moment, the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind him, and the Buddha's light bloomed in his hand. on the ground.

The black snake struggled uncontrollably, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Help me stabilize it!"

Lu Jianghe and others immediately took action and used their strongest strength to suppress the black snake's body.

The next moment, Chu Xiu slammed punch after punch on the black snake, but it wasn't astral energy, but extremely pure spiritual power.

This black snake has the blood of a black dragon, and it has some supernatural abilities. The scale armor is not afraid of gold and iron, and it is not afraid of Astral Qi, and it can even defend against spiritual power.

But at this time, Chu Xiu's fist fell, directly attached to the fist with the strongest mental force, and slammed into the black snake's body, causing a mental shock.

The powerful mental force continuously blasted into the black snake's body, adding up to a lot, and in the end it directly shattered the black snake's mental force completely.

The black snake finally stopped struggling and fell to the ground. Although his eyes were still blood red, he lost his fierceness and was extremely sluggish.

Although it didn't die, it became a walking corpse, and was directly turned into a plant snake by Chu Xiu.

All the people present let out a sigh of relief, and no one thought that this thing would be so difficult to deal with.

After crossing the corpse of the black snake, everyone saw the two figures sitting on the bronze throne in the deepest part of the cave.

One was tall and thin, and his face was gloomy and cold, giving people the feeling of shuddering.

Another person is an old man, his whole body is shrouded in black robes.

Although these two people are already dead, they still have a powerful demonic energy blooming from their bodies. Even if they are just corpses, they can still make people feel the power of their lives.

Chu Xiu turned his eyes to Lu Jianghe and said, "Is it the Wuxin Demon Venerable?"

Lu Jianghe nodded with a slightly complicated expression: "It's the Wuxin Demon Venerable and the Heavenly Cry Demon Venerable.

Wuxin Demon Venerable has a gloomy personality and ruthless means. Although his combat power is not the strongest among the four Demon Venerables, he is the one that the orthodox sect does not want to fight Because he is ruthless, because he Crazy, fighting is like lifeless. In his eyes, there is never the word compromise, only life and death.

Even in the Kunlun Demon Sect, most people did not dare to provoke him. It should be said that he would have no good feelings for anyone except the sect master.

The one wrapped in the black robe was the Demon Lord of Heaven Crying. He was of a very high rank. Before the leader was born, he was already a giant owl of the devil's way.

It's just that the things of the Tianchou Demon Venerable Club are very complicated. At the beginning, in the magic way, the Tianchou Demon Venerable was known as the first in the magic way of divination, the first in the deduction of the magic way, the first in the magic way of casting weapons, and the first in the magic way of making pills and refining medicine. one.

In short, he knows a lot of things. Even if he is not the best in the world, no one in the magic world dares to compare with him. Those formations in the outside world should be his masterpieces. I should have guessed it long ago.

There is no one who can lay such a powerful formation before dying.

This old man is a good guy, and he will not refuse anyone who has a problem with his weapon and asks him to fix it.

There is a habit that is not very good. I always like to chat with people. When I talk, I start to cry with compassion. I also cry when I kill someone. After crying, I continue to kill. I feel panic in my heart when I cry. "

Lu Jianghe was talking about the things that happened before these two Demon Venerables, and his mood was rare and complicated.

The Kunlun Demon Sect has been extinct for so many years, and he is also mentally prepared, but at this time, seeing the strong demons who fought alongside him in the past, at least he thinks that he is fighting side by side, rather than picking up people behind others.

Seeing the corpses of these two now, even if he doesn't care about it, he is still a little embarrassed, and there is a feeling that things are different.


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