Meet The Leader

Chapter 1054: reward

PS: Thank you for the reward of 12,000 starting coins for the card explosion server team.

Thanks to the book friend Black Bean for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

The two Demon Venerables of the Kunlun Demon Sect have both fallen here. From their current state, Chu Xiu can guess how tragic the battle was.

Lu Jianghe inspected the bodies of the two people, and he said in a low voice: "Wuxin Demon Venerable was killed by the powerful sword energy that smashed the meridians, if I guessed correctly, the shot should be the 'sword of Zuwangjianlu'. Emperor Shen Cangwu.

That one was the older generation of kendo experts in the rivers and lakes at that time. He used to be the number one kendo person in the world, but then the sword sage Gu Qingcheng was born.

Gu Qingcheng once discussed swords with Shen Cangwu, but no one knew the result. Afterwards, Shen Cangwu went to retreat and never left the arena.

Everyone in the world said that he was defeated by Jian Xin by Gu Qingcheng, and he had no face to use the sword again in this life.

Now it seems that this old man is clearly hiding his clumsiness!

Gu Qingcheng is the first person in the world of swordsmanship, but his second person is not necessarily much worse than Gu Qingcheng.

There are many injuries on Tianku Mozun's body, and it is impossible to count how many people have taken action.

Among the Four Demon Venerables, the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable is the one with the weakest combat power, but the one with the most means.

At the beginning, those people should have used up all his means, which caused him to be severely injured to the point of death.

Otherwise, with the formation method of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, the formation outside is not to mention the warriors of the real fire refining **** realm, even if the powerhouses of the heaven and earth are in the open realm, they will not be able to break the same. "

Chu Xiu glanced at the corpses of the two of them. Before they died, they still had to take out the bronze throne and sit on the throne, just like when the Kunlun Demon Sect was still there. Obviously, they even knew about it. I have no doubt that I will die, but I must preserve the dignity of the Kunlun Demon Sect before I die.

Wei Shuya and the others also had a solemn look on their faces at this time. Although they were not the descendants of these two Demon Venerables, they were also thinking about seeing the two Demon Venerables who were at the peak of their Kunlun Demon Sect fall here. Thousands.

After a long while, Chu Xiu asked: "Since Wuxin Demon Venerable and Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable have fallen here, what do they mean now? What do they want to leave behind, is it an inheritance or a trap? Where are those things? "

Ying got a lot of things from here before, with the dharma of Wuxin Demon Venerable, as well as the arrow of destroying the three cities and the palm of the sky.

But now this place is empty, and when Ying left, he was hunted down by the black snake and severely injured. No matter how you look at it, this place doesn't look like a place where the two of them deliberately left their inheritance.

Lu Jianghe smiled and said: "These two are not good goods, what they left behind is both an inheritance and a trap.

Before they fell, they would have suspected that someone would continue to chase after them, so they laid countless traps outside the cave.

The inheritance and they also stayed, but it was just a bait, and there must be endless dangers in it. "

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "Then these two Demon Venerables are hard to achieve. I never thought about it. What if a younger generation from the same line of Demon Dao finds their inheritance?"

Lu Jianghe said lightly: "According to the thoughts of these two, even if a younger generation finds their inheritance, if they can't crack these mechanisms, they are useless.

What qualifications does a waste have to inherit the inheritance of the two great demons? "

Mei Qinglian was at a loss for words, although it sounded quite reasonable, but why did she feel that something was wrong?

Lu Jianghe pointed at the bronze throne and said, "These four thrones are actually made of ordinary bronze, but some formations are engraved on them, so it is warm in winter and cool in summer, and sitting is quite comfortable.

At first, I wanted to give the leader a hand, but unfortunately the leader was stingy and wouldn't give it to me.

Those four guys are very precious to this chair. I can guarantee that the legacy they left behind is under this chair.

But you better be careful, God knows what they've left in there. "

Chu Xiu and the others looked at each other, first moved the corpses of the two Demon Venerables to one side, and then manipulated their True Qi to slowly push the two thrones away.

In an instant, the formation below the throne shone brightly, and a pungent stench came.

Lu Jianghe's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted, "It's the swallowing insect! How could the immortal undead man keep all these things? Shouldn't this thing be destroyed?"

As Lu Jianghe's voice fell, strange little bugs jumped out from the brilliance of the formation.

These little bugs are only the size of a thumb and look very evil.

The whole body is like a worm, but a large mouth occupies one-third of the entire body.

Lu Jianghe said quickly: "This thing is a swallowing worm, I don't know where the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable dug it out, it can devour everything, weapon pills, human flesh, even spiritual power.

And the evil nature of this thing is there, as long as they wake up, even if it is the vitality of the sky and the earth, they can devour and digest it.

It can be said that as long as there are enough numbers, as long as you don't kill them all in an instant, they can swallow you with no **** left!

At the beginning, the sect master seemed to have said that this thing came from Huang Quantian, but it was transformed by the evil spirit of heaven and earth.

I thought that Demon Lord Tianku had already disposed of them, but I didn't expect to keep them. "

When he said this, Lu Jianghe's eyes were still flickering with fear, obviously he had suffered from these little things before.

He just wanted to discuss with Chu Xiu how to solve this problem, when he saw the appearance of the Daheitian Demon God appearing behind Chu Xiu, and in the third eye on his forehead, the scorching fire of world-annihilation bloomed, and those who swarmed to swallow the sky The worm was completely wrapped and burned.

The swallowing worm itself has no power, its characteristic is that it can devour all power.

An ordinary person can kill a bunch of them with one foot, but as long as one comes close to you, it can devour it.

And Chu Xiu's world-annihilating fire is a manifestation of the evolution of the power of birth and death to the extreme between heaven and earth.

There is no way to extinguish the fire that destroys the world, it can only be resisted with equal strength.

So in this way, even if the swallowing insects swallowed the fire of the world, but because their own strength is very weak, they were swallowed by the fire of the world before they were completely digested.

The extremely dangerous swallowing worm described by Lu Jianghe was solved by Chu Xiu with one move.

Lu Jianghe was stunned for a moment: "Is this the end?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Otherwise, what else do you want? All birth and death in this world are in reincarnation, and there is nothing truly incomprehensible at all."

Having said that, Chu Xiu and the others walked under the throne, and there were several secret boxes in it, and the material was very unusual.

This action has been very smooth for Chu Xiu, at least nothing has happened. This is not easy for Chu Xiu.

After all, he is not Lu Fengxian, and he is not so lucky. It is not easy to get things smoothly this time.

Opening the secret boxes, Chu Xiu and others checked the contents.

One of the secret boxes contains a lot of classics. When you open it, there are a lot of classics about alchemy, weapon refining, and the calculation of heaven's secrets.

Of course, these things are of little use to Chu Xiu. These should be left by the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable. For the martial artist who has studied this art, it can be said to be a treasure, such as Master Yuan Ji, and Feng Feng. Injustice, Chu Xiu can even give it to Master Mo Yezi for the refining equipment.

The second secret box contains a lot of magic arts, which are also left by the Demon Lord of Heavenly Weeping, but the magic arts left by the Demon Lord of Heavenly Weeping are too complicated, and they tend to be eccentric and eccentric, and their power is not considered. Very strong, Chu Xiu didn't plan to practice, so he threw it to Wei Shuya and asked him to share the cultivation with those warriors of the hidden demon lineage.

This time the battle between the demons, the warriors of the hidden demon lineage contributed a lot, and many people fought to the end, and the Wuxiang Demon Sect was also firmly on his side, so why should they give them some benefits? Otherwise, who will work for you next time?

When Chu Xiu opened the third secret box, there was only one jade slip in it. After checking the contents of the jade slip, Lu Jianghe said, "This is the practice of Wuxin Demon Venerable. Are you interested in cultivating the supreme magic power of the mysterious It is estimated that if you are interested, it will not be of much use. You already have the magic pill of immortality."

Chu Xiu also took a look at that day's heart immortality formula. Its main feature is that when he is facing the battle, he forcibly absorbs the opponent's power. No matter whether it is digested or not, when he is severely injured, he can use this power to repair himself.

There are even more extreme ones. If there is no power, the power of qi and blood, the vitality of heaven and earth, etc., can be forcibly devoured and repaired, but some of the side effects are that the power of these alien species accumulates in the body, requiring additional Take the time to decompose, otherwise it may affect your own combat power.

What Chu Xiu condensed was Dugu Yu’s inextinguishable magic pill, which controlled the existence of the Great Way of Life and Destruction in the world. It was stronger than this Heavenly Heart Immortality Art, so this thing really had no effect on Chu Xiu.

However, Chu Xiu still put it away, preparing to hand it over to Lu Fengxian after returning.

Lu Fengxian's main practice now is the golden body of Jiuxiao Refining Demon. At this time, if it is combined with the Tianxin Immortality Technique, his own defense will definitely be improved to a higher level.

The fourth secret box is a bit big, about three feet high. After opening it, it turned out to be a strange statue.

The statue is a very strange being, it looks like a Buddha but not a Buddha, with a Buddha crown on its head, but with a hideous face, four arms, and a naked upper body, but it is covered with magic marks.

Judging from its style, it is somewhat similar to the style of the Da Hei Tian Demon Sect, but it is not the same.

Chu Xiu probed and found that the statue was really a statue. Except for the strange magic patterns on it, the whole thing was actually carved out of stone.

Although Chu Xiu didn't know the magic lines, he didn't know why, but he always seemed to have a very familiar feeling.


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