Meet The Leader

Chapter 1055: Supreme Divine Elixir

Although the stone statue is a stone statue, it is definitely not an ordinary stone statue, or else it would not be placed here by Wuxin Demon Venerable as his most important inheritance.

Lu Jianghe looked at the stone statue and thought for a while before saying, "I seem to have seen this thing before.

This thing seems to have been excavated from some ancient ruins by Wuxin Demon Venerable. He thought that the things above were exercises, so he showed it to the leader.

However, the leader seems to have said that the above things are exercises, but they are not exercises. To be precise, they should be called supernatural powers. "


Lu Jianghe nodded and said, "That's the word, the sect master seems to have said that supernatural powers are not exercises, they can't be practiced.

Anyway, I said a lot of twisting things, and my head hurts when I listen to it, but Wuxin Demon Venerable keeps nodding over there, as if he understands it, but I dare to say that he definitely didn't understand.

If he understood, he would not continue to put this thing here. "

Chu Xiu didn't understand what was going on with the stone statue, so he took a look at it and took it away, preparing to go back and study it slowly.

When Chu Xiu opened the last box, Lu Jianghe's eyes suddenly turned red.

He almost restrained his own greed to the maximum extent, so he didn't rush to it. Of course, there is also a reason for being afraid of Chu Xiu.

The moment the box was opened, an extremely pure magic energy burst out.

It can't even be said to be demonic energy, it's just like a flowing liquid.

It was unheard of to have such a strong demonic energy. After the box was completely opened, the original appearance of the thing in it was revealed.

It turned out to be an elixir. To be precise, that elixir was so delicate that it did not look like an elixir.

The entire medicinal pill is only the size of a thumb, but it is full of delicate golden veins, as if it was natural, and it seems to be meticulously carved.

After a while, Chu Xiu slowly asked, "What is this?"

Lu Jianghe's face showed an expression like a cry and a smile: "I want to say that this thing is just an ordinary blood-returning pill, will you believe it?"

Before Chu Xiu could answer, Lu Jianghe said with a little resentment, "If I hadn't been able to beat you, this time I would definitely have started robbing you.

what is this? This is the legendary magic pill! The Supreme Divine Pill that surpassed Rank Nine!

When my holy religion was at its peak, the old man of Tianku Mozun had a sudden idea and wanted to refine a divine pill that surpassed all the pills in the world. For this reason, he collected 80% of the good materials in the rivers and lakes at that time. The whole world is angry and resentful. If it wasn't for the peak of my holy religion, that old guy would have been torn to shreds.

The sect master didn't know what he was thinking at that time, and he even agreed with the Demon Lord of the Cry.

I don't know what happened later, and there has never been any news of the birth of the Supreme Divine Pill.

I always thought that the whim of the Demon Lord of Heavenly Weeping had failed, but now it seems that his whim has come true. "

Everyone didn't say anything this time, even Chu Xiu was horrified.

The four Demon Venerables of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past really did not have one of their peers, they were all talents.

The other party has such a bold idea of ​​the Supreme Divine Pill, and they dare to put it into practice.

Of course, this was also that era, when the Kunlun Demon Sect was still at its peak, and the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable could get whatever precious materials he wanted.

At present, it is estimated that it is impossible to refine successfully.

"Then what does this supreme divine pill do?" Chu Xiu asked.

"do not know."

"do not know!?"

Lu Jianghe said helplessly, "I really don't know.

Back then, it was just an idea when Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable refined this thing. There are all kinds of guesses. There is no finished product. How can I know the effect?

It's like a master craftsman. At the moment when the weapon has not completely become a magic weapon, how many people dare to guarantee how sharp the weapon they are fighting can be?

This Supreme Divine Pill is also a truth. If you don’t eat it, who knows what effect it will have?

However, according to the calculations of Demon Venerable Heavenly Crying, this thing should be able to extend lifespan, and it should also increase the cultivation base and enhance the spiritual power.

Anyway, it is the Supreme Divine Pill, you have to think about it, it is right, and even, it may be able to make people step into the realm of heaven and earth! "

Hearing this, the breathing of several people present suddenly became heavy.

Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, that is the legendary Xeon realm.

This time, if there is another Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan on their side, they don't have to fight so hard.

Such a medicinal pill can create a supreme powerhouse in the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, which is something they could not imagine before.

And this medicinal pill, no one thought of going over to argue with Chu Xiu.

Chu Wuji had no such thoughts from the beginning.

Back then in Guanzhong City, he was besieged by Shouzhenzi and others and vomited blood. As a result, Chu Xiu shot, and the three of them vomited blood and fled. This gap was enough for Chu Wuji to recognize the reality.

The same is true for Mei Qinglian. She has just stepped into the realm of real fire for a few days. Naturally, she will not have any unreasonable thoughts about the realm of heaven and earth.

And she is from Chu Xiu, so naturally she will not argue with Chu Xiu.

As for Wei Shuya, Wei Lao Ke has always regarded Chu Xiu as his successor, not to mention the desire to compete for the divine pill. Even if someone dares to take this divine pill from Chu Xiu, he will fight against the opponent desperately. .

Among the people present, only Lu Jianghe really had this thought.

If it weren't for the fact that the Supreme Divine Pill was too dazzling, he wouldn't be able to make up nonsense to fool Chu Xiu, but he really dared to say that this thing was just a blood-returning pill, and it was just put here because the old-fashioned and dim-witted Demon Venerable pretended to be wrong before he died.

Even as he just said, if he hadn't been able to beat Chu Xiu, I'm afraid he would have already started to grab it.

But right now, I can't beat it, so I can only admit it and don't think about it.

Lu Jianghe said sourly: "Boy, this is the Supreme Divine Pill, you can say that you are the only person in the world who has tasted this thing, and the leader does not have this treatment.

Don't rush to swallow when you swallow it, and tell me what it's like to taste first, so that this seat can have some psychological comfort. "

Chu Xiu took the Supreme Divine Pill in his hand and felt the power in it. After a while, Chu Xiu suddenly handed the Supreme Divine Pill to Wei Shuya and said, "Elder Wei, take this medicine and refine it. ."

Upon hearing this, everyone present was stunned, including Wei Shuya.

For a long time, Chu Xiu was not considered to be too big in their minds, and of course he was not stingy. As long as you could stand by his side sincerely, Chu Xiu would definitely be able to give you a lot of surprises.

But right now this is the Supreme True Pill, not something else. Can the treasure among such treasures be taken out as gifts?

Although Wei Shuya was moved, he still shook his head and said: "Chu Xiu boy, I have your heart, but now the old man I have reached this age, no magic pill can save me, you swallow refining, A hundred times better than mine.

This kind of thing does not require humility, nor can it be humbling, as long as you can reach the peak, that is the great fortune of my demonic lineage! "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Elder Wei, I'm not being humble or polite, and I don't need to be polite to you.

I swallow and refine this Supreme Divine Pill, it is really not as powerful as your swallowing and refining. "

Lu Jianghe glared at him and said, "Once you refine the Supreme Divine Pill, you have the opportunity to step into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan realm, why is it useless?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "You also said that the effect of the Supreme Divine Pill is exactly what, no one knows, even if it can help people step into the realm of heaven and earth, it is only a probability, not absolute.

Of course, the most important point is that I have not yet reached the true peak of combat power in the real fire refining **** realm. Give me a while, even if I have not stepped into the realm of heaven and earth, I will still have combat power comparable to the realm of heaven and earth. , are you credible? "

Mei Qinglian and the others nodded subconsciously, which they believed.

Although realm and combat power are closely related, they are actually two things.

For someone like Chu Xiu, his combat power obviously cannot be linked to his realm, no matter which realm.

After a Chu Xiu said solemnly again: "And one more thing, that is, I don't want to step into the realm of heaven and earth through foreign objects.

There are no shortcuts in the later stages of martial arts, and there are even difficulties and obstacles ahead, so there is no chance for you to detour.

Relying on your own strength to step forward and walk out, is your true path.

What I pursue is the perfection of power and the ultimate power, not a pure state. "

At this time, Chu Xiu looked at Wei Lao again and said, "Wei Lao, I can trust your strength and understanding, but with all due respect, the biggest obstacle that restricts you is age, because of age, you will be with the world in this life. Tongxuan realm is nowhere to be found."

Wei Shuya nodded, Chu Xiu was right, at his age, his thoughts about the next step had already been extinguished.

Chu Xiu pointed at the Supreme Divine Pill and said: "I don't know the effect of this thing for the time being, but a Supreme Divine Pill must be able to increase lifespan.

To put it mildly, this thing can increase strength and longevity, allowing you, Mr. Wei, to continue to guard the lineage of hidden demons.

Speaking of which, if you, Mr. Wei, use the power of the Supreme Divine Pill to step into the realm of heaven and earth, you can also provide greater protection for my hidden demon lineage.

I pursued the perfection of martial arts wholeheartedly, and taking this supreme divine pill would be a waste.

Therefore, I am not humble or polite. Considering the current situation of the entire Hidden Demon lineage and the general trend of the entire river and lake, it is most suitable for you to refine this Supreme True Pill, Mr. Wei. "

Everyone present was silent, not to mention whether they agreed or disagreed, just in front of this level of treasure, Chu Xiu was able to maintain such a clear mind and calculate the cause and effect of all interests so clearly, this has been Terrible.


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