Meet The Leader

Chapter 1059: hooked

Du Zhongfang had previously abolished the lifeblood of a direct disciple of the Xiahou Clan, which was a great insult to the Xiahou Clan.

Of course, the Xiahou family who was beaten in the face would not let Du Zhongfang go just like that.

The other party is just a loose cultivator of the magic way, without any backing, the Xiahou Clan has no scruples in dealing with him.

Seeing Xiahou's people coming towards him, Du Zhongfang clenched the two spears behind him and sneered: "You Xiahous are shameless, so many people besiege me alone.

Last time, that **** and I lost one-on-one, and you all came to besiege. It's shameless.

Even if you want to be on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking with this kind of virtue, I think your disciples of the Xiahou Clan are struggling to get on the Snake and Cat Ranking! "

Xiahou's people didn't entangle him with nonsense.

To be able to step into the fifth place on the Dragon Tiger list, Du Zhongfang naturally has some strength, it can be said that there are few enemies in the same rank.

However, this generation's Dragon and Tiger List is not the era when Chu Xiu's generation of Dragon and Tiger List was in the era of monsters. Almost everyone in the top five has the strength to leapfrog the real Dan realm with the level of harmony between man and nature.

Being besieged by so many people, Du Zhongfang couldn't hold on any longer, and even a long spear in his hand was cracked.

Just when Du Zhongfang gritted his teeth, he was about to burn his blood and take a life-threatening blow.

A cold sword light appeared in the alley.

In an instant, the warriors of the Xiahou clan who besieged Du Zhongfang were all stunned, and then their heads fell to the ground.

A sword light instantly killed so many powerful experts, and Du Zhongfang suddenly looked ahead in horror.

I saw a person standing on both sides of the alley. They were all dressed in black, wearing black iron hats and black iron masks. The only difference was that one was smiling and the other was crying.

Blue Dragon Club!

Du Zhongfang instantly recognized the identity of the other party. After all, in the entire Jianghu, only Qinglonghui has always been dressed like this.

"Boy, come with us." Song Xiao said.

The two martial arts masters of the Azure Dragon Society came to find him. Although Du Zhongfang did not know why, there was definitely nothing good.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Song Xiao and said, "Boy, now you have no choice.

If I didn't save you just now, you would now be dead at the hands of the Xiahou clan, so now, your life is ours.

If you are obedient, you will return your life to you. If you are disobedient, you will order me to take it away, and you will live for a while longer, which is also cost-effective.

So now, are you obedient or not? "

There was a smile in Song Xiao's tone, but the words made people shudder.

Although Du Zhongfang has a reckless personality, he is not an idiot either.

In the face of this absolute power, he is not qualified to choose.

"I choose to be obedient." Du Zhongfang replied obediently.

Song Xiao nodded and said: "It's good to be obedient, don't worry, your life is worthless, and I don't bother to ask for it.

You only need to do one thing for us. "

Saying that, Song Xiao took out a map, pointed to one of the places and said, "Have you seen this place? Remember it clearly for me, don't forget it.

Don't you like to cause trouble? What I ask you to do is your specialty, to cause trouble.

Whether it's Daomen, the Nine Great Families or other martial arts sects, you can provoke whoever you want to provoke.

But remember, after provoking, don't run around like before, you just need to bring people to this place, do you understand? "

Du Zhongfang nodded quickly, but his eyes were full of doubts.

This thing is not too difficult, but too simple, there is no difficulty at all.

But it was because it was too simple that he was puzzled.

Just when Du Zhongfang wanted to ask something, Song Xiao waved his hand directly and said, "Boy, you should know what you should know, and even if you know what you shouldn't know, you have to pretend to be confused!

Remember, don't ask, don't say, just do it to save your life! "

Du Zhongfang held back what he was about to ask, and hurriedly nodded and left.

In fact, even if Du Zhongfang asked about this matter, Song Xiao didn't know how to answer, because he didn't know why.

In this matter, Chu Xiu has done the utmost to keep secrets, and only a few people know about it.

Han Ku and Song Xiao only knew what they were going to do, but they didn't know why they did it.

But it doesn't matter. After so many years of being a killer in the Azure Dragon Society, even the talkative Song Xiao has learned to control his mouth and his curiosity.

Looking at the back of Du Zhongfang's departure, Song Xiao couldn't help shaking his head and said, "The Dragon Tiger List of this generation is really not that good, it's almost incomparable to the generation of Lord Chu.

This Du Zhongfang is also the fifth on the Dragon Tiger list, but he can only be said to have a good talent, and his personality flaws are too great.

In the past, when Lord Chu was on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, he was able to stir up the situation in the rivers and lakes. "

Han Kui said lightly: "So in this world, there is only one Master Chu."

After speaking, the two left immediately.

Their task is as simple as that, the less you know about this kind of stuff, the better.

When Du Zhongfang left, he really wanted to escape directly, ignoring the tasks of Han Ku and Song Xiao, but after thinking about it, he didn't dare.

Du Zhongfang dared to offend those righteous martial arts practitioners, and part of it was because he was born in the devil's way, so it is normal to have conflicts with those righteous martial arts practitioners.

What's more, except this time he offended Xiahou, other people in the martial arts of the right way didn't take him seriously, and those big factions didn't bother to care about him as a junior in the magic way.

But now it is something that the two martial arts masters of the Azure Dragon Society have told him. If he dares to escape, the consequences can be imagined.

The Qinglong Association is spread all over the rivers and lakes, and there is a backer behind the current Qinglong Association, who is a giant owl character in their magic way. Du Guangzhong can't afford such an existence, so he finally had to grit his teeth and complete the Han Kuang Song Xiao explained the task.

When it comes to provoking trouble and hatred, Du Guangzhong is really not bad. In less than a month, Dongqi Zhengdao Zongmen offended several people by him.

In the end, several disciples of the Zhengdao sect were even led by Zhang Fuliu, a direct disciple of the generation of Chunyang Daomen, to join forces to hunt down Du Guangzhong.

Zhang Fuliu is a Taoist priest, but he has nothing to do with the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain. He is one of the group of disciples that Chunyang Daomen accepted when he entered Beiyan. He was born in a martial arts family. Treating Zhang Fuliu badly, he has a solid foundation, and after joining Chunyang Daomen, he quickly made his mark.

This was the first time he went down the mountain, and as a result, he met Du Zhongfang and suffered some losses.

So he relied on his reputation as a direct disciple of Chunyang Daomen, and called a lot of people to find trouble with Du Zhongfang.

It's just that the other party didn't let go. They chased each other for many days, and they fled to the barren mountains and ridges, but they couldn't find a place.

Behind Zhang Fuliu, a young disciple of the True Martial Sect said, "Brother Zhang Dao, that guy ran very fast. We haven't caught up with us for so many days, or else forget it."

Zhang Fuliu snorted coldly: "No matter how fast he is, there will only be one person, if we join forces, it will kill him!

It would be a shame to let such thieves of the devil path rank with us on the Dragon and Tiger List. How can we be worthy of the teachings of our teachers if we don't kill them? "

Of course, Zhang Fuliu also has a subtext, how can he be ranked in the top ten on the Dragon Tiger list without killing Du Zhongfang?

At this moment, Zhang Fuliu suddenly felt something. He raised his head sharply and said, "There is a faint devilish energy in this deserted forest. Could it be that this is the old nest of Du Zhongfang?"

The disciples that Chunyang Daomen recruited in Beiyan are all very sensitive to the power of Chunyang, and Zhang Fuliu is naturally the same. He is sensitive to the power of Chunyang, and even more sensitive to the magic energy.

A group of people followed the place where the demonic energy emanated, and they chased all the way to a cave.

Everyone looked at each other, Zhang Fuliu tried to cut out a pure Yang sword energy, but just came to the door of the cave, in an instant, the radiance of the formation flowed, and the demonic energy rushed into the sky for more than ten miles, and the powerful pressure instantly disappeared. They frightened Zhang Fuliu and the others to sit on the ground, their faces turned pale What is the place they found?

At this time, Du Zhongfang was just outside the barren forest. He was still hesitating at this time, and he had led everyone here. Can he leave?

The next moment he saw the scene where the magic energy penetrated Jiuxiao, which made his complexion change instantly.

Du Zhongfang's complexion changed several times, and finally he turned around and left.

His curiosity is very strong, but seeing this power, no matter how big the curiosity is, it will be scared away. This is not something he can participate in.

This power was so great that it attracted the attention of half of Dong Qi.

With the strength of Zhang Fuliu and others, it is natural that the cave could not be opened, so they immediately returned to the sect to report.

But during this period of time, there has been a lot of news, saying that Dongqi has a strong inheritance of magic, some people say it is the inheritance of the ancient magic lord, and some people say it is the inheritance of the Kunlun magic religion, anyway, it is There were many different opinions, which attracted countless warriors.

Some people went to investigate first, but they were directly strangled by the formation, at least in the real alchemy realm, they were not even qualified to touch the formation.

Seven days later, the powerhouses from Chunyang Daomen, Zhenwu Sect, Xiahou Clan, Shang Shuiying Clan, and even the Eastern Qi court came to investigate the movement.

Before the cave, the scattered cultivators and those from the small sect who had come to join in the fun had all retreated to the side, while Ling Yunzi and others were standing in front of the cave studying the formation.

Originally, Ling Yunzi didn't plan to come this time, but when he heard Zhang Fuliu describe the formation outside the cave, Shouzhenzi suddenly said that it was very similar to the existence left by the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past.

It was very sensitive when it came to the Kunlun Demon Sect, so Ling Yunzi came to investigate in person.


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