Meet The Leader

Chapter 1060: acting

PS: Thanks to the book friends who are embarrassed for the reward of Baosteel's 30,000 starting point coins.

Thank you book friends for passing by and thank you for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Ling Yunzi was not good at formations, so it was not him who stepped forward to investigate formations, but Lu Changliu of Zhenwu Sect.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Changliu let out a long sigh of relief and glanced around with a hesitant expression.

Ling Yunzi frowned and said, "Master Lu, what's wrong?"

Lu Changliu shook his head and said, "There is nothing wrong with the formation, the key is the person who is setting up the formation.

If there is no mistake in my Zhenwu Sect's classics, the person who laid out this formation should be one of the four major demons of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past! "

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, and everyone was stunned there.

The reputation of the Kunlun Demon Sect is not only supported by Dugu alone, but also the four great Demon Venerables in the past.

Usually, when a Kunlun Demon Sect's hall master's inheritance appears, it will cause uproar, but this time it turned out that the inheritance of the four powerful demons was born, which is enough to shake the rivers and lakes.

"Master Lu did not read it wrong?" Ling Yunzi said quickly.

Lu Changliu smiled bitterly and said, "How could it be wrong.

In the old Kunlun Demon Sect, the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable was known as the first person in the magic formation.

In fact, with the formation of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, even if it is placed on the entire rivers and lakes, it is a first-class existence.

The formations he laid out are extremely distinctive, and they are recorded in my Zhenwu Sect's classics, and it is easy to tell them apart. "

Ling Yunzi frowned, he was still thinking about what to do with this cave right now, whether it should be banned and destroyed directly, or should he go into it first to explore.

In fact, according to Ling Yunzi's thoughts, the less magic things are born, the better. Even if they are discovered, they will be banned directly, so that they will never be able to see the light again. This is the safest.

But now, there are too many people present, and the ancestor of Shang Shuiying has been staring at the cave all the time, looking very interested.

There was also Helian Changfeng from the White Tiger Hall, who was more interested in what was in the cave.

Although Baihutang is not a lineage of the magic way, it is clear that Helian Changfeng does not resist the practice of practicing the magic way.

At this moment, a peaceful voice came slowly: "Headmaster Ling Yunzi is worried about the inheritance of Demon Venerable? It's better to block it, you can block it today, and someone will be able to unblock it in the future. Why don't you go check it out, divide the demonic beasts equally, take them back to your own sect, and then ban them."

Ling Yunzi looked up and saw that Rama had also arrived, and there were a lot of forces coming from Xichu.

The old Tianshi of Tianshifu did not come, but Xuanlongzi and Zhang Daoling came.

Zuowang Jianlu and Fengyun Jianzhong also sent people to come, and Chen Qingdi, who had not been out of Western Chu for a long time, even came in person.

Of course, other people came for the inheritance of Demon Venerable, Chen Qingdi, he just stayed in the land of Western Chu for too long, and came out to join in the fun.

Taking a look at Rama, Ling Yunzi nodded and said, "That's fine. As long as these evil things are not allowed to appear in the world, it will be a great achievement for Jianghu."

In fact, there are quite a lot of demonic things banned by the major factions, including classics and weapons.

It stands to reason that direct destruction of some things is easier than banning, but as a martial artist, even if it is magic martial arts, there are things that can be bypassed, and some things cannot be destroyed, but can only be banned.

These things were sealed in the deepest part of the sect by them. As long as the sect was not destroyed, these things would not be born.

At this moment, a voice came coldly: "What you don't use in your righteous sect is evil, and it will be banned. It's all up to you to co-author?"

As the voice fell, Chu Xiu took Shang Tianliang and others to appear from the periphery, and the crowd of onlookers immediately moved away subconsciously.

The last battle between the righteous and the devil was also the battle between Beiyan and Dongqi. Chu Xiu took action at a critical moment and turned the tide. His momentum was even more famous.

Ling Yunzi couldn't win Chu Xiu when he was in the real fire refining spirit realm. Now that he has reached the realm of harmony between man and nature, he has not been able to win Chu Xiu. There are even rumors in the rivers and lakes that Chu Xiu, He is Ling Yunzi's nemesis.

Seeing Chu Xiu appear, Ling Yunzi frowned slightly, as if he did not expect Chu Xiu to come so quickly.

In fact, this was still deliberately slow by Chu Xiu. In order not to reveal any flaws, he estimated that everyone else had already arrived, so he came here unhurriedly.

"Haha! That's right! Although this seat has nothing to do with the Kunlun Demon Sect, I still admire the four great demons of the past. The inheritance they left behind, I would also like to get it from the Moon Cult, and worship by the way. some time."

The righteous martial arts sects in the land of Western Chu have all come, and naturally the worship of the moon is also indispensable.

But this time Ye Shaonan didn't come, only Donghuang Taiyi came.

Perhaps in Ye Shaonan's view, even the Four Great Demon Venerables were inferior to him when they were in the past. In this case, what value does he have?

Seeing that most of the sect powerhouses in Jianghu appeared here, both Rama and Ling Yunzi frowned.

Chu Xiu's side was difficult to deal with. Although Ye Shaonan didn't come from the Moon Worship Sect, it was also difficult to deal with, but with their strength, they could still suppress them.

However, neutral forces such as Chen Qingdi and Shang Shui Ying Clan are all very interested in the cave of this Demon Venerable, and if they forcibly ban it, these people will also be dissatisfied.

Rama waved his hand and said, "Turn on the formation."

It is impossible to stop it, but if there is really some evil monster in the cave, then just **** it.

It doesn't matter if it falls to the winner and others, as long as it doesn't fall into the hands of Chu Xiu and other people in the devil's way.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "These formations are all left by my ancestors of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Of course we are the most familiar, why don't we break the formation first?"

Lu Changliu snorted softly: "These formations were all created by the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable himself. He didn't leave any inheritance back then. Where did your Hidden Demons come from to break the formation? Do you want to seize the opportunity? ?"

Seeing that Lu Changliu and others had already preconceived that this was the heritage of the relics left by the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, Chu Xiu smiled in his heart, what he wanted was this effect.

But on the surface, Chu Xiu sneered: "I don't know good people. Since you are not afraid of casualties, then come on by yourself. The formation left by the Demon Venerable Heavenly Cry is not so easy to solve."

At present, these formations are all created by Chu Xiu and Master Yuan Ji in strict accordance with the inheritance of the formations left by the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable.

In the cave in the East China Sea, the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable was seriously injured and on the verge of death, and all kinds of materials were insufficient, so the array formed was actually not as powerful as the one restored by Master Yuan Ji.

Lu Jianghe and a group of warriors from the True Martial Sect set up a formation in front of the cave, using a lot of energy to finally break the formation.

After the group entered the cave, all they encountered along the way were all kinds of dangerous traps and formations. After the identification and judgment of Lu Changliu and others, they were all the handwriting of the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable.

From the very beginning, everyone didn't have any doubts. Everything they encountered along the way at this time made them firm. It must be the relic left by the Demon Venerable Heavenly Cry.

After everyone finally broke those vicious formation traps, seeing the giant python Xiao Hei entrenched in the hall, everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In the current rivers and lakes, there are very few things like beasts, and only a few hundred thousand mountains are still entrenched, but as soon as they are born, they are besieged by a group of warriors as a mobile treasure house.

Right now, they have never seen the giant python that is about to turn into a flood dragon.

Chen Qingdi even touched his chin and muttered: "Isn't the snake gall of such a big guy very nourishing?"

The people around cast a glance at Chen Qingdi, this person's brain circuit is really different from normal people.

At this time, Shouzhenzi said with a solemn expression: "I have seen it in the ancient books in the sect, it is said that in the old Kunlun Demon Sect, the Wuxin Demon Venerable once kept a black giant python as a pet.

They are cruel and easy to kill, and they do all kinds of evil. They often kill the warriors of my righteous sect to feed the giant python. If I guess correctly, the giant python in front of me should be the pet of the Wuxin Demon Venerable.

Here, I'm afraid it's not just the remains left by the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable! "

Everyone present took a deep What is the place left by the two Demon Venerables of the Kunlun Demon Sect?

While everyone was still amazed, Chu Xiu let the demons quietly disperse a force and attached to Xiao Hei's mind.

Xiao Hei had been shattered by Chu Xiu's mental power before, and completely turned into a plant snake.

And the power of the inner demon is very strange, not spiritual power, so it will not be noticed by other people.

Moreover, it still has a spiritual existence, which can just control the giant python.

When Chu Xiu brought Xiao Hei back with great effort, it was actually for this scene.

Under the control of the inner demon, Xiao Hei slowly raised his head, opened his eyes, and roared at the crowd, and a large stream of venom spurted out of his mouth.

With a wave of Rama's hand, a 10,000-character Buddha seal appeared, which easily blocked the jet of venom.

At the same time, ten thousand rays of light bloomed on the pure Yang sword in Ling Yunzi's hand, slashing towards Xiao Hei, and the entire bottom of the cave was shrouded in sword light in an instant.

Countless scales flew, and Xiao Hei rolled over and howled miserably.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, Heart Demon is worthy of being a professional, and his acting skills are really good.

Right now, it's controlling a walking corpse, and it doesn't feel pain at all. As a result, it's the same as the real thing being played by him now.

Over there, a Buddha Dharma image appeared behind Rama, holding the seal of the aquarium in his hand, and the boundless Buddha's light shrouded the snake's head. As the seal fell, the aquarium shrank, and in an instant, the snake's head shattered directly!

The mental power of the demon returned to Chu Xiu's mind, and he muttered in his mouth: "This monk is really ruthless, what about the monks who promised to be merciful? There is no professional ethics at all."


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