Meet The Leader

Chapter 1062: Reincarnation of the leader

Xiao Mohe held the slate, but now there was a little divine light in his eyes that were originally godless.

An extremely mysterious breath poured into the slate, and in an instant, the light above the slate flourished, and an even more mysterious breath burst out.

Although this breath seems mysterious, it is actually the power of the emperor's qi technique, but it is not a deduction of anything, but the pure and ultimate power of cause and effect, which is integrated into the power formed in this world.

This kind of deduction involving the power of cause and effect, most of the people present did not understand.

After a long while, Xiao Mohe stopped, the light dissipated, he smiled bitterly: "I don't understand, I don't understand, this power involves the karma of heaven, the realm is stronger than me, the result deduced by the God of Crying Devil himself. , is not something we can see through at all, unless there is a person who is proficient in causality and divination, it is possible to see through it.”

Hearing Xiao Mohe say this, the hearts of everyone present sank, including Donghuang Taiyi.

It should be said that in this arena now, apart from the hidden demons, no one wants Dugu and I to reappear, because that means that there will be a powerful existence that dominates the entire river and lake above their heads.

Destiny is undefeated, and the devil does not die.

No one doubted that Dugu and I was defeated. In fact, until now, everyone believes that the most likely outcome of the battle five hundred years ago is that Ning Xuanji sacrificed himself and died in a fight with Dugu and I.

But how to explain the undead master? Is it possible that only me alone is still alive? Where is he?

Rama frowned slightly and said, "Can't you read any piece of news?"

Xiao Mohe shook his head and said, "I can't see it."

At this moment, Xiao Mohe suddenly said: "There is something down there!"

With a wave of his hand, two zhenqi pushed away the bronze throne, revealing the things that Chu Xiu had hidden below.

For the sake of authenticity, Chu Xiu threw a lot of good things below, and there were even some original versions of Wuxin Demon Venerable and Heavenly Cry Demon Venerable in it.

Those exercises and books and so on are buried under the throne, but no one moved while everyone was jealous, but their eyes stayed on a piece of silk cloth at this time.

There is no power on this silk cloth, but because of this, they feel puzzled.

On the one hand, ordinary silk cloth that is not even contaminated with demonic energy is put together with a bunch of powerful demonic arts, and anyone who sees it will doubt it.

With a wave of Rama's hand, his qi moved the silk cloth to unfold, revealing the handwriting on it in front of everyone. It was a sentence left in the tone of the Heavenly Weeping Demon Venerable.

"The destiny is undefeated, the devil is not dead!

This is the future of the Holy Religion that the old man deduced with his last ounce of effort.

Five hundred years later, in the Jiashen year, the leader's magic pill is immortal, and the true spirit is reincarnated and returned after ten thousand calamities.

The inheritance of this place is left to the descendants of my magic way. Those who have obtained my inheritance should follow the sect master, go to Kunlun again, and open the foundation of my holy religion for eternity!

The Holy Fire will never be extinguished, and the magic will last forever! "

After reading the words left on the silk cloth, everyone present was silent, but their hearts were like a surging tide, and they could not calm down.

Dugu only I did not die, but he was reincarnated successfully. For them, this news is like a nightmare come true.

There is a trace of fear in everyone's eyes. Even if they have not experienced that era, they have also felt the fear of being dominated by the power of the magic flame from the ancient books of the sect.

Even Rama, who had always been calm in the ancient well and his mood was calm, frowned tightly at this time, and his thoughts were already very chaotic.

Shouzhenzi said with a trembling voice: "The Jiashen year, which year is it?"

Ling Yunzi's mouth twitched and said, "If we start from the year when the Kunlun Demon Sect was destroyed, the Jiashen Year in five hundred years will be eighteen years ago."

Hearing Ling Yunzi say this, everyone present shuddered.

Eighteen years ago? Doesn't that mean that when they were fighting to death here, there were a pair of eyes on the rivers and lakes, watching them all the time, maybe at some point, a monstrous magic flame would bloom, covering the entire rivers and lakes again. In the magic power?

It's not that no one in the audience doubted the authenticity of this matter. After all, reincarnation is a bit too mysterious.

However, this person is alone and only me, and everything is possible.

The powerful people of the Indestructible Magic Pill have only heard of it, but now, they have seen it.

Last time, Chu Xiu and the old monk at Subhuti Temple were all dead together, but he was still able to reshape his body. Isn't this amazing enough?

The most important thing is that it was only Chu Xiu who did this, and the difference between Chu Xiu and Dugu only me was almost the difference between clouds and mud.

Even a Chu Xiu can do this, why can't Dugu only me?

Moreover, this kind of thing would rather be trusted than not, even if it is only one in ten thousand, it is enough to make the whole river and lake incomparably panic.

Everyone present was full of thoughts, and some people looked at Chu Xiu subconsciously, but found that the situation on Chu Xiu's side was very interesting.

Shang Tianliang looked indifferent, Chu Wuji, a warrior from the hidden demon lineage, was excited, but Chu Xiu was expressionless, as if he was not very happy.

All the people present came out of the intrigue of the rivers and lakes, and they had already guessed Chu Xiu's 'mind'.

Although Chu Xiu is now the leader of the hidden demon lineage, in fact, he is not born in the direct line of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

The direct descendants of the Kunlun Demon Sect called the Kunlun Demon Sect a holy religion, but this word was rarely heard from Chu Xiu.

The reincarnation of Dugu Only Me was definitely a happy event for other Kunlun Demon Sect members, but not for Chu Xiu.

Because that means that he is no longer the orthodox demon way, and even the hidden demon lineage will definitely change hands.

As usual, they are still very interested in things like infighting in the magic way, but now the news of the reincarnation of Dugu only me is in front of them, but these have no interest in them.

The deterrent power of the words Dugu only me, Chu Xiu is simply incomparable.

At this moment, Chen Qingdi suddenly said: "I said, do you still want the contents here? If you don't want it, I will take it."

Although this time, Chen Qingdi did not intend to seize the treasure, but seeing that everyone present did not do anything, wouldn't it be a waste to put it here like this?

After such an interruption by Chen Qingdi, Ling Yunzi and the others started to divide up the contents, and according to the previous agreement, the bodies of the two Demon Venerables and the bronze throne were handed over to Chu Xiu. .

In the past, many sects of the right way still regarded Chu Xiu as an enemy, and some people even said that if Chu Xiu did not suppress it as soon as possible, when he grew into the next Dugu and I, it would be too late to regret it.

The result is good now, the real Dugu is the only one who appears, who cares about him, Chu Xiu?

After coming out of the cave, everyone present didn't even have time to chat, and they hurriedly returned to the sect to discuss this matter.

This matter is even more terrifying than the rise of Ye Shaonan and the rise of Chu Xiu in the past.

No one knows what the reincarnation of Dugu Yume looks like, whether he has any memory, whether his strength has recovered or not, and so on.

A few days later, the news broke out completely, which instantly caused panic in the whole arena.

Although Rama and others wanted to hide it, they secretly went to find clues about the reincarnation of Dugu.

But there were too many people who entered the cave at the beginning, and there were some loose cultivators who followed behind them, so it was impossible to hide it.

Although they didn't even see the shadow of Dugu only me, but just relying on the words Dugu only me, they have already shrouded the entire river and lake in the shadow.

In the Zhenwu Hall, Wei Shuya was still in retreat, and the other core figures on Chu Xiu's side were all there.

They knew about Chu Xiu's plan, and now seeing that Chu Xiu actually used a fake news, it almost turned the whole world upside down, and they were all shocked.

That's right, the current world is turning upside down.

After the people of the major forces returned to the sect, the first thing they did was to send the disciples of the sect to search for the warriors born in the Jiashen year eighteen years ago.

When they think about it, since Dugu Wei I has been reincarnated for 18 years, but he has not appeared, there are only two possibilities, one is that his strength is not and the other is that after reincarnation, he And did not return to the previous memory.

No matter who it is, if you find him now, there is still a chance for Zhengdao Zongmen, otherwise, there will be no second Ning Xuanji in the current Jianghu to block Dugu Weiyi.

It's just that what they do is just looking for a needle in a haystack.

There are countless warriors born eighteen years ago, how do they check? And who stipulated that the reincarnation of Dugu only me must be born in a family of warriors, what if it is an ordinary person? What if it was the royal family? What if you are overseas? These are all unspeakable things.

It's just that everyone is panicking now, and can only temporarily use such a stupid method to stabilize people's hearts.

On Rama's side, contact the Daguang Temple directly, and let Xiao Maha, Xu Jing, Daomen, and several great masters proficient in divination to deduce the immortal slate to see if there are any clues.

Anyway, in the whole arena now, all eyes are attracted by the words Dugu only me, and no one has come to pay attention to what happened to him, Chu Xiu.

Mei Qinglian asked, "Everyone's eyes have been drawn to the past. Can we consider going back to Kunlun Mountain now?"

Thinking of this, even Mei Qinglian couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In Kunlun, the inheritance of the demon sect is still there, but these descendants of the demon sect have never been to Kunlun Mountain in their entire lives.

And now, with this opportunity right in front of them, how could they not be excited?

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said: "No hurry, there is still some heat, and they must think that I am 'my own' to minimize the influence of my reopening of Kunlun Mountains.

And don't forget the guys from Situ Qi. Before going to Kunlun Mountain, these bug-like guys should also be solved. "


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