Meet The Leader

Chapter 1063: turn over

To fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. Chu Xiu had been displeased with Situ Qi's group of guys for a long time, and he just took this opportunity to solve them all.

Mei Qinglian asked: "Become a 'one of your own'? What do you want to do?"

Chu Xiu turned his gaze to the chair, who was paralyzed on the chair, and said to Chu Wuji, who was playing with a jade wrench: "In this matter, I have to trouble Senior Chu to take action."

Seeing Chu Xiu suddenly mentioning him, Chu Wuji was stunned for a moment, but he still didn't react.

In fact, Chu Wuji has a very lazy personality.

In the past, Chu Wuji was from the royal family of the Wei Kingdom. Although he spent most of his time hanging out in the rivers and lakes, he also had some royal habits.

Later, because of the annihilation of Wei State, he joined the line of Demon Dao. That time was also the craziest time for his cultivation, and it was also at that time that he was valued by Wei Shuya.

But after all his enemies were dead, Chu Wuji returned to his previous lazy appearance.

It's not that he doesn't have a competitive spirit, it's just that this kind of thinking is not very strong.

So when Wei Shuya regarded Chu Xiu as his heir, Chu Wuji also did his best to help him, and he didn't have any jealous thoughts.

On the contrary, in his opinion, if Chu Xiu could carry the banner of the hidden demon lineage, he would be the one who would be more relaxed.

Otherwise, if there is no Chu Xiu, then the next generation of Wei Shuya will be the one who will carry the flag. Although he is unwilling, but because of the kindness of old Wei in the past, even if he does not want to carry it, he will carry it. Now with Chu Hugh, everyone is happy.

Therefore, for a period of time after that, Chu Wuji lived a very nourishing life. Most of the time, he followed behind Mr. Wei. When he had something to do, he would take action and hang out when he had nothing. It made him feel more like retirement than Wei Shuya.

Seeing Chu Xiu mentioning him at this time, Chu Wuji sat up straight and said, "How do I need to take action?"

Although he is lazy, Chu Wuji will not refuse when he needs to take action by himself.

Chu Xiu said: "It's very simple, I need Senior Chu to turn your back on me."

"Turn your face with you?" Chu Wuji had a look of astonishment on his face.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "I just turned my back on me.

The news of the reincarnation of the leader has been recognized by the entire river and lake. If there is an infighting in the Demon Dao at this time, they must be happy to hear it. "

"What's the reason? I'm just turning my back on you for no reason, and they won't believe it." Chu Wuji spread his hands.

"The reason is because of the reincarnation of the leader."

Chu Xiu pointed to himself and said, "Now I am the leader of the hidden demon lineage, and Elder Wei also regards me as his successor.

The reincarnation of the sect leader is bound to affect my status, so at this time, I went to Kunlun Mountain again. In the eyes of others, this is my Chu Xiuli's desire to prove my status.

As for Senior Chu, you turned your back on me because you didn't like my actions, and you were also jealous of me, dissatisfied with Wei Lao's preference for me, a latecomer, and regarded me as the heir of the hidden demon lineage, so you brought some hidden demons with you. The warriors of the demon lineage turned their faces and split with me. "

Chu Wuji touched his chin and smiled bitterly: "It's the same as the real thing, but to be honest, I've never had this kind of thought.

At the beginning, Mr. Wei chose you as his successor, but I agreed with both hands. I really can't sit in such a troublesome position. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Of course I know this, and everyone here knows it, but most people in Jianghu don't.

So we just need to let them see a broken line of hidden demons. My occupation of Kunlun Mountain is not a threat. In their view, it is a hidden danger of the division of the magic path, and an obstacle to the reincarnation of the leader. "

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "Then Situ Qi and the others, what are you going to do with them?"

There was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes and said: "If they know this news, do you think they will go to Senior Chu and offer to join forces?

Will the problem be solved by then? "

"What if they don't come?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said with murderous aura, "If they don't come, I'll take the initiative to find them and kill them!"

In fact, when he learned that Situ Qi and others dared to take advantage of the fire last time, Chu Xiu had already made plans to kill.

But at that time, he had just experienced a war, there were too many things to sort out, and there was an urgent need to investigate in the East China Sea, so Chu Xiu did not act for the time being.

Otherwise, Situ Qi and the others would not be able to live now.

After arranging everything, Chu Xiu directly took some of the elite of Zhenwutang and set off openly to West Kunlun, and also released the news of restoring the orthodoxy of the magic way, but he never mentioned Dugu and I.

As soon as this happened, the rivers and lakes shook.

Since the demise of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the place in Kunlun Mountain has been a taboo among taboos. No demonic faction dares to go around Kunlun Mountain, not even the Moon Worship Sect.

As a result, now Chu Xiu dares to do this, is he crazy?

In Dongqi Chunyang Daomen, in addition to the people of Chunyang Daomen, there are also Lu Changliu and Han Jiusi of Zhenwu Sect, Zhang Daoling and Xuanlongzi of Tianshifu.

The news of the reincarnation of Dugu and I was too shocking, so Sandaomen also changed its indifferent appearance at this time, and joined together to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Daoling frowned and said, "What is Chu Xiu thinking about? Why did he join the Kunlun Demon Sect at this time? Is he preparing to welcome the reincarnation of Dugu only me? If so, should we stop it?"

Because the Tianshi Mansion was in Western Chu, it had the least dealings with Chu Xiu, and didn't know much about Chu Xiu's character.

Ling Yunzi shook his head and said: "Don't stop, Chu Xiu is going to West Kunlun at this time, I am afraid that he has already panicked, but it is a good thing for us."

"Oh why?"

Ling Yunzi said in a deep voice, "Chu Xiu's wolf ambition is also a rare hero, and he is no less than the older generation of demon giants.

A person like him can never be subservient to others.

In the past, he betrayed the Qinglong Association and joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but he was actually digging the foundation of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and finally took advantage of Guan Siyu's death at the hands of the Tianmenluo God, occupying the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Then he joined Beiyan to set up Zhenwutang, but he did not listen to the propaganda. After the death of Emperor Xiang Long of Beiyan, he abolished his chosen prince and supported his own puppet as emperor.

This has been the case several times over and over again. Do you think that Chu Xiu would be willing to bow down and be a small person?

Moreover, he was not a direct descendant of the hidden demon lineage at the beginning, and he was not so awe-inspiring to the Kunlun Demon Sect and Dugu Solitaire.

Therefore, his move this time has only one meaning, that is, before Dugu Wei I was born, he would occupy Kunlun Mountain first, get the orthodox position of the magic way, and take the lead. "

Zhang Daoling said: "What if Dugu and I really appear again?"

Ling Yunzi sneered: "Then it depends on the situation, everyone has heard of reincarnation, but never seen it.

If Dugu Wei I was reincarnated and became the demon lord who oppressed the world, he would most likely offer himself to Kunlun Mountain, saying that he was fighting for the demon sect.

If something happened to Dugu Yume after his reincarnation, he lost his memory or didn't have the power of five hundred years ago, then he would probably occupy the Kunlun Demon Sect and take himself as the orthodox demonic way. "

Ling Yunzi had played against Chu Xiu several times, and every time he shriveled, he studied Chu Xiu's way of doing things. He thought he knew Chu Xiu very well.

In fact, if Chu Xiu didn't take the initiative to arrange the incident this time, but there was such a thing, Chu Xiu would really go ahead and occupy Kunlun Mountain as Ling Yunzi said, and then decide whether to forbear or what to do depending on the situation.

Zhang Daoling hesitated: "Even so, we can't turn a blind eye to this matter. Kunlun Mountain has been banned for 500 years, and now the news of Dugu's reincarnation has been spread all over the world. Going to the Kunlun Mountains is a very serious blow to my righteous lineage."

Ling Yunzi said in a deep voice, "It's up to you, but not now, but last.

The latest news has been sent, Chu Wuji turned against Chu Xiu, and left Zhenwutang with a group of the most senior hidden demon warriors.

Before Chu Xiu appeared, Chu Wuji was the one with the strongest potential in Wei Shuya's lineage, and he would definitely be the successor of his lineage in the future. UU Reading

But since Chu Xiu appeared, Wei Shuya changed his fair style and tried his best to protect Chu Xiu. It was normal for Chu Wuji to be dissatisfied.

Coupled with the fact that Chu Xiu insisted on going to Kunlun Mountain this time, it will definitely make some people in the direct line of Hidden Demons dissatisfied, and splitting is inevitable.

We haven't found the reincarnation of Dugu and I, and we don't care about the hidden demon lineage and the Moon Worship Cult.

Now that they have split up and fought within each other, let them fight first.

And don't forget, there is more than one Kunlun Demon Sect on the Kunlun Mountains, and there is also a Kunlun Tianmen.

Chu Xiu killed the **** general of Tianmen, and he had already forged a great feud with Tianmen. This time he went to Kunlun Mountain again, and Tianmen might also take action.

With so much resistance ahead, we are not in a hurry to take action, just watch the fun first, and then take care of it after watching the fun. "

Hearing Ling Yunzi say this, Lu Changliu and Zhang Daoling didn't say much. After all, for them, finding the reincarnation of Dugu and I is the most important thing, and everything else can be postponed.

But they also sighed in their hearts, Chu Xiu really made Ling Yunzi miserable.

Ling Yunzi was the headmaster of the Pure Yang Taoist Sect, a supreme powerhouse in the realm of dignified and dignified heaven and earth, but it turned out to be so meticulous to collect Chu Xiu's information, to speculate on the mind and thinking of such a junior martial artist, Chu Xiu felt sad when he thought about it.

Of course, Ling Yunzi was really forced by Chu Xiu too badly.

After several fights, if it was a one-on-one life-and-death fight, how could he be defeated by the supreme powerhouse in the realm of dignified heaven and earth? But every time at a critical moment, he was forced to retreat by Chu Xiu's means, which made him feel extremely aggrieved, and only then did he start to study Chu Xiu's character methods in detail.


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