Meet The Leader

Chapter 1064: Situ Qi on the road to death

It is crazy to go back to Kunlun Mountain. If it was changed to the past, it is estimated that before Chu Xiu took people to West Kunlun, he would be blocked by piles of righteous powerhouses halfway.

And now, although some people feel that it is wrong to let Chu Xiu climb Kunlun Mountain so safely, but the news of the reincarnation of Dugu only me has shocked the whole river and lake, where do they have time to take care of Chu Xiu?

In particular, it was mixed with the news that Chu Wuji and Chu Xiu had turned against each other, which made some Zhengdao sects even more lazy to care about this matter.

Most people agree with Ling Yunzi.

Dugu only me is the catastrophe of the entire river and lake, Chu Xiu? It used to be a threat, but in front of Dugu and me, it was just a disease of ringworm and scabies.

Right now, their hidden demons and hidden demons are turning their faces on their own, so let them bite the dog first, and when they are done biting, free up their hands and deal with them.

At this time on the border of Wei County, Situ Qi and Situ Wuya and other warriors who went to Zhenwu Hall and fell to the ground were gathered here, and some of their disciples and grandchildren were also there, which was almost all of their strength.

During the recent period, Situ Qi and others were very difficult to get along with.

In the Hidden Demon lineage before, they were all boss-level figures, no matter how much power they had, they still had status.

But as the three of them turned against Chu Xiu, and even Li Qiudi was killed by Chu Xiu, Situ Qi and Kun Mo became more and more difficult to get along.

Being slapped by Chu Xiu over and over again, it was a shame and lost home. The power of the two of them in the hidden demon lineage was also completely lost.

By now, the entire Hidden Demon lineage has actually been completely split.

Most of them were on Chu Xiu's side, and he was already a veritable leader of the hidden demon lineage.

Wei Shuya's lineage, Phaseless Demon Sect's lineage, as well as a large number of scattered cultivators and backbones in the Hidden Demon lineage, all stood on Chu Xiu's side.

Of course, there are some people who remain neutral, such as the solitary cultivators such as the Earth Demon's scattered people 'Yu Moya', and the forces such as the Chi Lian Demon Sect, they are in the minority.

As for Situ Qi and others, almost all of them have been excluded from the hidden demon lineage. Except for their poor disciples and grandchildren, almost all of them have no one.

That's why when Si Wuya approached them, they seemed to have found a way out, united with him, took advantage of the fire, and dug the roots of Chu Xiu.

Standing in front of the gate of the Wei County Great City Acropolis built by Jiangshan Pavilion, Si Wuya said solemnly, "Is Chu Wuji here at this time?"

Situ Qi nodded and said, "Chu Wuji was a member of the imperial family of the Wei Kingdom before. After he turned against Chu Xiu, he brought people to Wei County."

Si Wuya looked at the gate of the city, and his thoughts were all over the place for a while.

There were many masters and powerhouses who were trapped in the primitive devil's lair, but they were the only ones who were different from the righteous ones.

The righteous people, even after 800 years, they can still find their own sect.

But what about them? It's hard to see the sun again, but when I look back, my sect has long since disappeared, and I have become a loner. Who can bear this?

Si Wuya and the others used to be the suzerains or elders of various demon sects. Of course, they couldn't stand this situation, so last time they wanted to dig the foundation of Chu Xiu and occupy part of the power of the hidden demons. , As a result, who would have thought that the hidden demon lineage has already reached that point, and they still haven't compromised.

Right now, Chu Wuji has turned against Chu Xiu and the others, which just gives Si Wuya a chance, a chance to regain control of the power of the hidden demons!

Situ Qi on the side was a little hesitant at this time and said: "Brother Situ, why don't we just forget this time, the news of the reincarnation of the sect leader has been spread, and it is better to wait patiently and see To see if the reincarnation of the leader really appears, we will wait for the opportunity."

Situ Qi shriveled in Chu Xiu's hands twice and three times. To be honest, he already had a feeling of fear for Chu Xiu.

At this time, let him oppose Chu Xiu again, and Situ Qi resisted a little.

But he is also a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining, and one of the former demon masters. His plan is to remain unchanged and respond to changes.

If Dugu Weiyi really appeared, he would immediately turn to the sect leader and prepare to speak ill of Chu Xiu in front of the sect leader.

If Dugu Yume never showed up, and Chu Wuji turned against Chu Xiu again, then he would find another chance to deal with Chu Xiu, and now he will act, it's too early.

Si Wuya frowned and said, "Wait patiently? Time waits for me, I missed this opportunity, how long will I wait?

Brother Situ, you have to know that before Chu Xiu's subordinates were monolithic, it was very rare to encounter such a split among his subordinates.

If this opportunity is missed, it will be regrettable. "

For Situ Qi, Si Wuya looked down on him.

The warriors of his generation were born in turbulent times, fighting in the rivers and lakes and temples, and the power in their hands is enough to rival the current head of the great faction.

In the end, Situ Qi and the others were obviously not weak, but they were mixed up like this, and they were so bullied by a junior like Chu Xiu. He naturally disdain them.

Moreover, Si Wuya did not have a direct understanding of the existence of Dugu and I.

Since leaving the original demon cave, Si Wuya and others naturally found many channels to learn about the current arena, mainly the magic way.

The four words about Dugu and I are the ones they hear the most.

Although the rumors describe how powerful and unbelievable Dugu Yume is, one is that Si Wuya has never experienced that era, and the other is that he is not like Situ Qi and others. Big, so he feels a little exaggerated about Dugu only me.

So now Si Wuya won't put his own interests on an illusory reincarnation.

Seeing that Situ Wuya was so determined, Situ Qi didn't say anything else.

Since the last time he and Si Wuya joined forces to dig the foundation of the hidden demon lineage, he and the hidden demon lineage have completely broken.

Even the previously neutral Qin Chaoxian and others were reluctant to contact him afterwards.

Although Qin Chaoxian and others didn't help at that time, after all, everyone is from the Hidden Demon lineage.

"Go into the city."

Si Wuya waved his hand, and a group of people entered the Acropolis.

The Acropolis is a new city. It was built at a high cost when Jiangshan Pavilion first entered Wei County, and used it as its own capital.

Now, Wei Kingdom is gone, and Wei County has become Wei County again, and this so-called capital city has become a joke.

In fact, Beiyan did not have any resistance to the existence of Weiguo. Chu Xiu had already given Xiang Li the news. If Jiangshan Pavilion was willing to admit counsel, then it would be business as usual.

However, after Zhao Yuanfeng went to Beiyan, he was uneasy in his own heart, so he took the initiative to erase the name of Wei State, and became the Weijun of Beiyan.

At this time, it was in a palace in the Acropolis. Of course, it was originally a palace, but now Jiangshan Pavilion has removed some of the taboo decorations.

Zhao Yuanfeng looked at Chu Wuji, who was sitting opposite him, and smiled bitterly. The other party had been in the Acropolis for a long time, and he stayed here with a group of warriors from the Hidden Demon lineage, as if he wanted to settle down here.

He knew about Chu Wuji's affair with Chu Xiu, so he really didn't want Chu Wuji to stay here, it was just a ticking time bomb.

But the crux of the matter was that he didn't dare to chase Chu Wuji away.

Jiangshan Pavilion has suffered heavy losses before, an elder died, and a large number of other disciples also died. Whether it can match the people brought by Chu Wuji is really unknown.

The most important thing is that at the moment, he doesn't know what is going on with Chu Wuji and Chu Xiu.

As the most prestigious one in the hidden demon lineage, Wei Shuya, who also personally picked up Chu Xiu and Chu Wuji, is currently in retreat.

What if Wei Shuya used his prestige to convince Chu Xiu and Chu Wuji to reconcile the two after Wei Shuya was out of the customs, but he ended up offending others for nothing, then it would be a sad reminder.

So Zhao Yuanfeng had to say cautiously: "Brother Chu, it's just some small issues between you and Lord Chu, you don't need to be so tense, right?

It's not the same thing that you always take it with you in Wei County, why don't you go back to and talk about it, maybe the matter will be solved? "

Chu Wuji glanced at Zhao Yuanfeng and snorted softly: "Why, is Pavilion Master Zhao trying to drive me away?

You must know that this Wei County was the Wei State of my Chu family before. Strictly speaking, this is also the territory of my Chu family.

Now Pavilion Master Zhao, you occupy this place, I didn't say anything, but you chased me up instead? "

Zhao Yuanfeng smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Chu is joking, how could I drive you away, I'm just..."

Before he could finish his words, a voice came from outside: "Wei Jun can't hold you, brother Chu, there is always a place in this world that can hold you brother Chu.

Moreover, the foundation of the hidden demon lineage is now, but in the past, Brother Chu, you and that Chu Xiu fought together, why should you go out of the house, brother Chu, and give it to Chu Xiu for nothing?

Brother Chu, wait with me and take back what you lost. "

As the voice fell, Si Wuya and the others walked straight into the hall.

Zhao Yuanfeng's expression was gloomy, these guys came in without passing the pass, obviously they were forced to break in.

With the background of their Jiangshan Pavilion, they hurriedly created such a palace, and they didn't even have a formation.

But they came in so swaggeringly, making it clear that they were not going to give him Jiangshan Pavilion face.

When Chu Wuji saw that Si Wuya and the others really came, he also frowned.

This time, Chu Xiu asked him to act mainly to attract the attention of those sects of the right way, to create the illusion of infighting in the magic way, and to create an opportunity for Chu Xiu to climb the Kunlun Mountains.

In the end, who would have thought that Si Wuya and the others were really hooked, and that they really found him here. It seems that he has no time to spare, so he should play more for himself!


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