Meet The Leader

Chapter 1068: exterminate

Si Wuya overestimated himself, or in other words, he underestimated Chu Xiu.

For example, Situ Qi and others, they have all played against Chu Xiu, and they know the horror of Chu Xiu. It can be said that when they are one-on-one, they don't even have the courage to challenge Chu Xiu. They only rely on many people. , they can hold up the courage to besiege.

In the past, when he was overseas, even Baili Pobing, who was known as the No. 1 general in the East China Sea, could not stop Chu Xiu's few moves, let alone Si Wuya, who had already been severely injured by Chu Wuji's sneak attack.

How dare you fight against Chu Xiu one-on-one? Si Wuya might as well burn his blood and escape for his life.

As Chu Xiu said, it's gimmicky and useless at all.

Killing Si Wuya with one knife, everyone else was already frightened.

Before, they thought that with the advantage of the number of people, they might be able to wrestle with Chu Xiu.

Until now, until Si Wuya paid the price with his life, they didn't know that some people couldn't be measured by numbers.

The difficulty of dealing with Chu Xiu is really not much easier than dealing with a powerhouse in the realm of Heaven and Earth.

Chu Xiu put away the knife and turned his eyes to the Taoist Blood Flood Dragon.

In an instant, the Blood Flood Daoist shivered in fright at Chu Xiu's unfeeling gaze.

He even shouted: "Master Chu spare my life! It was that Si Wuya who bewitched me here. In fact, I really don't want to be your enemy, Master Chu!"

It is a bit humiliating to beg for mercy in the face of battle, especially for some martial arts experts. Most of the time, even if they choose to go all out or flee in the face of battle, it is better than begging for mercy from their opponents.

But this Blood Flood Daoist doesn't care about that.

Eight hundred years ago, he did not come from a great faction, but a loose cultivator, and he has cultivated all the way to the present.

This kind of face has been lost as early as 800 years ago, and begging for mercy is nothing.

Chu Xiu glanced at him expressionlessly, and the one who responded to the Daoist Blood Flood Dragon was the world-annihilating fire that bloomed in the Daheitian Demonic Law.

Seeing that Chu Xiu had already made up his mind to kill them all, Daoist Blood Flood roared, "Chu Xiu! Daoist, I will fight with you!"

As Daoist Xuejiao's voice fell, his whole body was filled with blood energy, his body was bulging, and his blood energy was condensed into scales and horns. His appearance was like a monster, and the breath on his body was also like a monster. The burning of the anti-world fire rushed towards Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu stepped out, and the situation suddenly changed. The ground under his feet was cracked a little because he couldn't bear his powerful strength.

With one punch, I am the only one in the sky and the ground!

The punch with the ultimate power seemed to detonate this side of the world, making a deafening explosion.

The Blood Flood Daoist let out a whimper, but one of his arms was directly blasted into a cloud of blood by Chu Xiu's punch!

The second punch fell, and a dragon roar roared from the mouth of the blood dragon, and the dragon scales condensed with blood around the body became more solid, but it was still useless!

Chu Xiu's punch directly slammed the opponent's qi and blood, and the blood spurted out.

Just when Chu Xiu wanted to deal with the opponent with another punch, Lu Jianghe appeared out of nowhere, and hurriedly said, "Let me go!

The qi and blood on this old boy has the smell of a monster. I haven't tried the mixed blood yet, so let me swallow his qi and blood to taste it! "

As Lu Jianghe's voice fell, blood lights flashed across his body, shrouding the Blood Flood Daoist in it. Almost instantly, the Blood Flood Daoist was emptied of the blood all over his body and turned into a mummified corpse and fell to the ground.

Lu Jianghe pouted, and although he didn't say anything, it was clear that Daoist Xuejiao's blood was not as powerful as he imagined.

Chu Xiu did not continue to shoot, because the warriors brought by Si Wuya had already been killed by Chu Xiu's men.

They thought that they had brought Qin Chaoxian and others to occupy the numerical advantage, but in fact, these people under Chu Xiu, even Lu Fengxian and Mei Qinglian, who had just stepped into the real fire refining spirit realm, were not easy to match. .

At the end, only Situ Qi and Kun Mo were present.

Seeing the fate of Situ Wuya and others, Situ Qi's heart was already cold.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Master Chu, this old man has admitted defeat and is willing to retire directly to the mountains and forests. From now on, he will leave the rivers and lakes and spend the rest of his life."

After fighting with Chu Xiu so many times, he lost every time. Now he is really scared and doesn't dare to continue fighting with Chu Xiu.

Kun Mo also said on the side: "The old man is also willing to retreat in the Western Regions and never step into the Central Plains martial arts again."

At this time, Qin Chaoxian and others also persuaded: "Master Chu, otherwise, let's just forget about it, the two of them already look like this, and they are not qualified to compete with you, Master Chu in this life, so you forgive me. Let them do it this time."

In the battle just now, Qin Chao did not take action first, but just watched from the sidelines.

He wasn't an idiot either. Naturally, he knew that Si Wuya and others were also using them, so when Si Wuya was killed, no one said a word.

But Situ Qi and others are different. They are old people of the hidden demon lineage. Regardless of whether they have a good or bad relationship with Qin Chaoxian and others, they have known each other for decades or even hundreds of years. Of course, they should be treated differently.

Besides, the ancestors of Qin Chao and others still had a subconscious idea in their hearts, that is, they didn't want to see Chu Xiu slaughtering their hidden demons here, which would make them feel sad.

Chu Xiu shook his head indifferently and said, "Everyone, you still haven't understood a truth, it's not that I, Chu Xiu, don't want to forgive others, but that people are always responsible for what they do.

If you have to forgive people, let them be forgiven, what a light sentence, just like the monks in the Daguang Temple said, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground, it is a fart! "

There was a murderous intent on Chu Xiu's face: "When did I become as hypocritical as those monks? I want to quit the arena? Leave my life behind first!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the Buddha's magic image rose up behind him.

The Great Sun Tathagata squeezed the colorless Ding Mudra in his hand, completely sealing Situ Qi's figure in it.

In the third eye of the Daheitian Demon God's Dharma Phase, the boundless fire of world-annihilation bloomed, completely wrapping Situ Qi's figure in it.

Between life and death, Situ Qi roared angrily, his whole body was burning with countless qi and blood, and he wanted to fight Chu Xiu for his life.

But before he started to fight for his life, he was horrified to discover that the burning qi and blood in his body began to spread out of his control, and merged into the fire that destroyed the world. The fire burned more intensely.

Lu Jianghe on the side pouted, feeling a little unhappy.

Because he found out that Chu Xiu was even stronger than him in the achievement of Gorefiend.

To be precise, it should have even surpassed him in a certain aspect of attainments.

Just like Fang Cai, he didn't even find out when did Chu Xiu integrate the power of the Blood God Demon Art into the fire of destroying the world.

In less than three breaths, Situ Qi had already been burned into a mass of flying ashes by the fire that destroyed the world.

And at the moment of the shot, Kun Mo immediately wanted to escape.

A black-purple flame bloomed all over his body, and his entire body actually merged into the flame, and the strangeness began to dissipate.

But Shang Tianliang sneered directly, waved his hand, and he was directly imprisoned within a radius of several miles. Kunmo's figure was directly pulled out of this space by him, and then he punched it!

Seeing that Situ Qi and Kun Mo were beheaded by Chu Xiu's side in front of his eyes, Qin Chaoxian and the others all looked sluggish.

Perhaps only now did they know that Chu Xiu was already a person of two realms compared to them, both in terms of martial arts and power.

Before, they still acted according to the previous rules of the Hidden Demons, but now it seems that the Hidden Demons have to change the rules, or even change the world!

Chu Xiu turned his gaze to Qin Chaoxian and the others, and said with a cold expression, "Sect Master Qin, you have been bewitched this time, so I don't blame you.

However, now that the times have changed, and I, the hidden demon, will also change!

Five hundred years ago, the Holy Sect was destroyed, and my demonic way was suppressed for five hundred years!

Feng shui turns, and now is the time for my magic way to rise.

What era is it now? Talents come forth in large numbers, and the strong gather, but it is a world of turbulent battles!

If you don't fight, you will die, and there is not much time left for my hidden demons.

As before, everyone fought their own battles, thinking about their own interests, their own survival, and a loose alliance, even the Moon Worship Cult couldn’t compare, so what was there to compare with the right path? "

Chu Xiu pointed at the peak of Mount and said solemnly: "Now, Chu Xiu, I want to raise the Heavenly Demon Flag of Creation on the top of Mount Kunlun, reopen the rootless holy fire, and let my holy religion join me. Re-stand the rivers and lakes.

So right now, the entire Hidden Demon lineage can't hold half the voice of denial.

I give you two choices, either, just like the old holy religion, you will return to the enchanted religion, respect me, and listen to my orders.

Or, from now on, become a loose cultivator, don't act in the name of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and next time we meet, it's a matter of life and death! "

Under Chu Xiu's gaze, Qin Chaoxian and the others instantly felt the pressure greatly increased, and at the same time they were also scolding in their hearts, is this a choice?

If they choose to become loose cultivators, it would be equivalent to severing their relationship with the Kunlun Demon Sect.

When they meet next time, as long as they have a conflict with Chu Xiu, then Chu Xiu will kill 100%.

Just look at the appearance of Situ Qi just now, Chu Xiu has never been soft on them, and his attitude is even more ruthless than the enemy.

Unless they choose to join the Moon Worship Cult after leaving and find a backer stronger than Chu Xiu, otherwise, they can only withdraw from the arena.

Qin Chao first showed a bitter smile, bowed his hands to Chu Xiu, and said solemnly, "I'm here... I see you, Your Excellency!"

Qin Chao chose to give in first, because he didn't know that the Moon Worship Church would not accept him, and he couldn't find a stronger force than Chu Xiu and the Moon Worship Cult.

However, Qin Chaoxian only called Chu Xiu an adult, and did not call him the leader.

The current Chu Xiu may be the leader of the Kunlun Demon Sect, but he is not yet the leader. He, Chu Xiu, cannot replace Dugu and I.


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