Meet The Leader

Chapter 1069: The holy fire does not go out, the magic will last forever!

Chu Xiu didn't care about Qin Chaoxian's name.

Dugu Yume's influence is too great, and with Chu Xiu's strength now, he wants to replace Dugu Yume and become the new leader of the Demon Sect. Even if he says so himself, it will be laughable and generous.

But in the future, Dugu only I did not appear, and he also reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. At that time, when he was called the leader of the Demon Sect, how many people would dare to laugh at him?

The title is something that is typed out, not called out by others.

As Qin Chaoxian was the first to concede defeat and surrender, the others present bowed their heads one after another and said they were adults.

The Chi Lian Demon Sect can be said to be the strongest among the neutral forces in the entire Hidden Demon lineage. Although there are not many people, they are all elites among the elites.

So now seeing that the Chi Lian Demon Sect has already conceded defeat, they naturally chose to follow.

As for what they think, whether they are convinced or oral, it doesn't matter.

As long as they choose to surrender now, as long as they have a slight change in the future, Chu Xiu will never tolerate it.

All he wants is obedience, and only obedience, even if they can't wait to swallow Chu Xiu alive, as long as they can obey orders, that's fine.

Looking at the snow-covered Kunlun Mountains, Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Go to Kunlun!"

Everyone present was staring at Kunlun Mountain, stepping on the ruined Longmen Pass, step by step, to climb Kunlun Mountain.

With the strength of Chu Xiu and others, they can reach the top of the mountain within a dozen breaths at the fastest speed.

But at this time, they all climbed the stairs step by step. Everyone was silent, but they were full of emotions.

Here, it used to be the holy place of their demon religion, and their most glorious moment in the magic line.

In the rivers and lakes at that time, whether you were an abbot of a Buddhist temple or a Taoist teacher, as long as you came to Kunlun Mountain, you had to take this road step by step and respectfully.

But five hundred years ago, they also joined forces to attack the Kunlun Mountains, and the entire Kunlun Mountains were covered in blood.

Even after five hundred years, you can still see the traces of the fight in the old war, and even the black scars on the stairs seem to be condensed after the blood has dried up.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Old Lu, why do you think the former sect master used Kunlun Mountain as the base camp of my holy religion?"

Everyone else present also looked at Lu Jianghe.

Don't say that Chu Xiu is confused, they are actually very confused.

Because the location of the Kunlun Demon Sect is not very good.

Although Kunlun Mountain is the place where the dragon veins gather, Feng Shui is very good, but Kunlun Mountain is too far from the Central Plains, and there are no people around, information transmission or reinforcements, etc., are extremely inconvenient.

Therefore, when the Kunlun Demon Sect existed in the past, most of the entire Kunlun Demon Sect only established the main hall on the Kunlun Mountain, leaving some people to guard it, and most of the people established branches on the entire rivers and lakes, so usually the strength of the branch halls, It is stronger than the main hall on Kunlun Mountain. Hall masters like Lu Jianghe sometimes spend more time in the branch hall than in the main hall.

There is no way to do this. If everyone stays on Kunlun Mountain, if something happens on the rivers and lakes, people are urgently needed to deal with it. Even if the news can be sent quickly through the formation, people can't come quickly.

Lu Jianghe laughed and said, "Don't say it, I really know something about this. The reason is absolutely unimaginable to you."

This time, Lu Jianghe didn't give a shit, and said directly: "The reason is very simple, because Kunlun Mountain is the highest peak in the world.

The sect master said, stand tall, see far, the most important thing is that the sect master can't stand it, someone stands taller than him! "

Everyone present was silent. When other people said such words, it was arrogant and arrogant, and when they came out of Dugu Weiwei's mouth, it was domineering.

While speaking, everyone also walked to the top of the mountain.

Although the entire Kunlun Mountains are covered by snow, the top of Kunlun Mountains is as warm as spring, and it should have looked like a fairyland on earth five hundred years ago.

Of course, now, the entire Kunlun Mountains is only a piece of ruins.

The battle five hundred years ago completely destroyed the Kunlun Demon Sect. The major sects evacuated all the valuable things of the entire Kunlun Demon Sect, and even the formation was directly destroyed.

On the top of the entire Kunlun Mountains, the only remaining formation is the Six Path Buddha Rebirth Formation in Subhuti Temple, which is used to block the rootless holy fire.

"Where is the rootless holy fire?" Chu Xiu asked Lu Jianghe.

Lu Jianghe pointed to the top of his head: "The highest peak on the Kunlun Mountains."

Everyone came directly to the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain, and what caught everyone's eyes was a large formation exuding golden Buddha light, a powerful formation that was hundreds of feet in size, surrounded by countless Sanskrit characters.

At the very center of the formation, a gray-white flame swayed, only the size of a thumb, as if it was about to go out the next moment.

Chu Wuji was behind Chu Xiu, his face was a little ugly and said: "This six-path Buddha Rebirth Great Array is the supreme formation method of Subhuti Chanyuan. In order to set up this great array, Subhuti Chanyuan paid a person from the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm. Ascetic monks, and the price of the six ascetic monks in the real fire refining realm, they set up this formation.

The formation is directly rooted in the dragon veins at the bottom. As long as the dragon veins are still there, it can provide a steady stream of power to the formation.

It can be said that this formation is to use the power of the rootless sacred fire to ban the rootless sacred fire. "

Hearing Chu Wuji's explanation, Chu Xiu was also slightly moved.

The Subhuti Temple is so afraid of the Kunlun Demon Sect, that it has paid such a huge price in order to ban the rootless holy fire.

Subhuti Temple does not have as many complicated locations as Daguang Temple. Except for the abbot, everyone else has equal status.

But those who can become ascetic monks are all those old monks with great perseverance and extraordinary strength. They used their cultivation base to completely waste the price just to ban the rootless holy fire, but Chu Xiu simply didn't know how to describe it.

"Yuan Ji."

"Subordinates are here."

Master Yuan Ji immediately gathered in front of Chu Xiu from the crowd.

"Can you break this formation?"

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Master Yuan Ji almost didn't cry.

Haven't you heard of it, the old man? This is a powerful formation that Subhuti Chanyuan used a Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan plus six True Fire Refinement Realm powerhouses to complete their cultivation. If I can break it, It is estimated that he has already become the first Dao master in the world.

However, under Chu Xiu's gaze, Master Yuan Ji still nodded and said: "Among the ancient texts of the formations left by the Demon Venerable Heavenly Cry, there are quite a few formations for Buddhist formations. You can try it.

However, the strength of the subordinates is not enough, and the adults will be needed to help at that time. "

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "You can do it."

Master Yuan Ji nodded, took out a lot of materials for breaking the formation from the space secret box, and began to set up the formation.

Chu Xiuke would never treat his subordinates badly. The array materials in Master Yuan Ji's hands were all of the highest quality, and there was no shortage of any of them.

After all, with so many people under Chu Xiu, Master Yuan Ji is the only one who can handle the formation.

After a long while, Master Yuan Ji directly arranged three formations, and the divisions were located in three directions of the Great Array of the Six Paths of Buddha Rebirth.

After starting the formation, Master Yuan Ji immediately said: "Master Chu, take out the Heavenly Demon Banner, and use the magical energy of the Heavenly Demon Banner to provide strength to compete with the power of the dragon veins!"

Chu Xiu nodded, stretched out the banner of the monstrous demonic energy, and stood in the formation. In an instant, the monstrous demonic energy collided with the Buddha's light, and the entire Kunlun Mountain was turbulent and mighty!

"Master Chu! Let's all take action together and pour strength into the formation!"

As Master Yuan Ji shouted out, Chu Xiu, Shang Tianliang, and Chu Wuji waited for the warriors who were in the real fire to refine the spirit, and quickly poured their power into the formation.

This kind of thing is not always permanent, at least the materials of the array will be broken.

Five hundred years have passed, and the formation base of the Six Path Buddha Rebirth Formation has been damaged to a certain extent.

Under the powerful strength of Chu Xiu and others, the formation began to crack little by little, the Sanskrit of Buddha Light was weakening, the demonic energy was dissipating, and finally, with a bang the formation was completely shattered!

The rootless holy fire originally shrouded in the formation was just a thumb-sized gray-white flame, which was extremely fragile.

But after the Six Paths Buddha's death formation shattered, the rootless holy fire re-extracted the power of the dragon veins, but it began to change.

From the size of a thumb, it became a towering fire pillar of more than ten feet, and its color was not gray-white, but a strange silver color, which looked extremely pure. There are some similarities.

Lu Jianghe sighed, "I saw it again.

In fact, the rootless holy fire has contributed a lot to my holy religion.

In the past, all the formations within my holy religion were built on the basis of the power of the rootless holy fire.

There are also weapons, all of which are made by Tianku Mozun with rootless holy fire. Although I don't need weapons, but in line with the principle of not wanting it for nothing, I let Tianquan Mozun help create a magic weapon, but unfortunately I don't know how to lose it. where is it. "

Qin Chaoxian and the others had heard of Lu Jianghe's name, but they had never really come into close contact with him.

Now it seems that the legendary Gorefiend Hall Master, who was second only to the Four Great Demon Venerables five hundred years ago, is a bit cheap. He doesn't need weapons and is built by others. If the Heavenly Cry Demon Venerable doesn't turn his face, it is considered a temper. OK

Chu Xiu didn't care about Lu Jianghe talking nonsense there.

He displayed the Heavenly Demon Banner of Creation and stood beside the rootless holy fire. Instantly, the powerful demonic energy impregnated the rootless holy flame.

"From today onwards, I, Chu Xiu, will re-establish the Demon Sect, the holy fire will not be extinguished, and the demon will last forever!"

At this moment, including Lu Jianghe, changed his normal appearance, followed the crowd and shouted with awe: "The magic will last forever!"


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