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Chapter 1070: Jianghu vibration

PS: Thanks to book friend Mo Xiaoxuan for the reward of 50,000 starting coins, congratulations on becoming the twenty-fourth leader of this book ^_^

The rootless sacred fire takes root in the dragon veins and affects the general trend of the world. At the moment when the rootless sacred fire was lifted, it was already noticed by many people.

The first thing I felt was the people at the Subhuti Temple.

The Six Path Buddha Rebirth Great Array was set up by the Subhuti Temple, and they also had some kind of mysterious and mysterious connection with it.

In the stone forest on the back mountain of Subhuti Temple, a statue suddenly moved, and withered arms stretched out from the statue. It was not a statue, but a monk who sat there cross-legged for an unknown number of years.

The dust shrouded his whole person, and as time passed, a hard shell was formed, like a statue.

Rama's figure had appeared in front of the old monk whose body was covered in gray, and he bowed and said, "Master Bukong, you are out of the gate."

As the abbot of the Subhuti Temple, even though Rama was of a very small rank in the Subhuti Temple, there were not many people who could make him bow.

As a result, now Rama is taking the initiative to bow, and one can imagine how high the status of this old monk named Bukong is in the Subhuti Temple.

The monk Bukong poked out his ears, shook out a pile of dust, and said in a weird voice: "The six-path Buddha reincarnation formation has been untied, and the rootless holy fire has rekindled the world. It is Dugu and only me, have you come back?"

Rama shook his head and said, "No, it's a bit complicated to say."

Having said that, Rama told the monk Bukong everything that happened from the collapse of the Kunlun Demon Sect to the present, from noon until it was dark.

That's right, Rama spoke from the collapse of the Kunlun Demon Sect to the present, because this is not an empty monk, but it existed five hundred years ago!

Now in the world, it is recognized that the oldest existence should be the God of Heaven. When he was young, the Kunlun Demon Sect was at its peak, and he also witnessed the battle in which the Kunlun Demon Sect was destroyed.

However, even when the Kunlun Demon Sect was destroyed, the old Tianshi didn't have the strength he has now, and he was far from the top of the Tianshifu.

As for this monk Bukong, he really participated in the battle to destroy the Kunlun Demon Sect, and even fought against the four great demons at the beginning, and the Great Array of the Six Paths of Buddha was created by him.

At the beginning, Subhuti Temple paid the price of one Heaven and Earth Tongxuan and six real fire-refining powerhouses in order to set up a great array of six Buddhas to die.

The six warriors who were in the realm of real fire had died shortly after the formation, and only monk Bukong, he practiced a very special secret method of the Subhuti Temple, called immortality Zen.

Immortality Zen is not the real immortality, but at the moment of dying, the last trace of vitality and true spirit of oneself are sealed away, one hundred years of meditation, the bathing of wind, frost, rain and dew, irrigated by the power of heaven and earth, to restore vitality.

So theoretically, as long as a hundred years have passed, the vitality can be reunited, but the problem is, because the vitality of the Zen practitioners has been sealed, the chaos is chaotic, and they don't know the time and have no consciousness. How can they wake up? Disturbing by outsiders will also make the Zen practitioners fall short, and their vitality will be lost.

Therefore, over the years, 90% of the warriors who practiced this so-called immortal Zen have actually become real 'vegetable people' and will never be able to wake up.

Monk Bukong has been practicing immortality meditation for five hundred years, and even the people of Subhuti Temple thought that he would continue to sleep like other warriors of Subhuti Temple.

This time he was able to wake up, in fact, he also had to thank Chu Xiu.

If Chu Xiu hadn't broken through the great formation of the six pagodas that he had set up by himself, which made his mind vibrate, it is estimated that he would still not be able to wake up.

After hearing Rama's words, the monk Bu Kong sighed and said, "The holy fire is rekindled, and the devil's way is also rekindled. This river and lake is not peaceful.

The poor monk would rather sleep for the rest of his life than see the troubled rivers and lakes shrouded in magic power. "


In the Tianshi Mansion, the old Tianshi, who was basking in the sun, shuddered, suddenly sat up, and looked to the west.

Beside him, Zhang Chengzhen, who was meditating, was surrounded by Taoism, and there was even a trace of the power of thunder flashing in the void.

Feeling the movement of Laotianshi, Zhang Chengzhen opened his eyes and said, "Laotianshi, what's wrong?"

The old Tianshi stared at the west, shook his head lightly and said, "I'm afraid this river and lake is not very peaceful.

Old man, it is not easy for me to live so long. Do you want me to see the emergence of two generations of Kunlun Demon Sect? Hey, why can't we save some snacks? "


In the Moon Worship Cult, Ye Shaonan, who was refining the Innate Demon Seed, obviously felt something. He opened his eyes and looked towards the west, but the next moment he closed it again and continued refining the Demon Seed.

For Ye Shaonan, the Kunlun Demon Sect is just a symbol, it doesn't mean anything.

He admires Dugu and I's achievements, but he also has confidence that in the future, he also hopes to reach the level of Dugu and I.

So Kunlun Demon Sect is just a symbol in his opinion. What does Chu Xiu or who lit the rootless holy flame have anything to do with him?

For the current devil, Kunlun Mountain is the holy place of the devil, but maybe five hundred years later, he will worship the moon, and it will also become the holy place of the devil!


Because of the fact that the rootless holy fire was re-ignited, almost all the powerhouses in the entire river and lake were aware of the aura.

The rootless sacred fire was born in the dragon veins, and the dragon veins are the product of the power of heaven and earth, so it will cause a deep induction to the powerhouses in the realm of heaven and earth.

They had heard the news that Chu Xiu was going to go back to Kunlun Mountain, but they didn't expect that Chu Xiu really successfully ignited the rootless holy fire.

A few days later, the news about Chu Xiu's side has come, some good and some bad.

The inner turmoil of the hidden demon lineage directly killed several strong people in the real fire refining **** realm, as well as a number of other warriors.

It can be said that these Demon Dao warriors who died in the hands of Chu Xiu were even more than those who died in the hands of Zheng Dao martial arts in these years.

Even most people are secretly amazed, this Chu Xiu is really ruthless.

Both belong to the same line of Demon Dao, and even belong to the same line of Hidden Demons. As a result, he is ruthless in his attack. As long as he stands on the opposite side of him, even if he has already opened his mouth to beg for mercy, he will still kill him.

And thinking about it carefully, Chu Xiu was so ruthless when he killed his own people, one can imagine his attitude towards other orthodox sects.

Even because of the recent news of the reincarnation of Dugu and me, some people still think of Dugu and me.

You must know that in the past, Dugu was the only one who used to unify the magic way before the Kunlun magic sect dominated the arena.

At that time, no second voice was allowed in the entire Demon Dao. Even a first-class demon Dao sect like the Moon Worship Cult in that era could only raise Gu insects in the Miao Border cautiously, dare to speak out, or Choose to surrender to the Kunlun Demon Sect, or be slapped to death.

Chu Xiu's behavior is very similar to Dugu Wei I. In fact, when everyone thinks about it carefully, they have been looking for the reincarnation of Dugu Wei I for so long. It seems that Chu Xiu is the most like Dugu Wei I in the world.

But everyone just thinks about it, everyone knows that it should be impossible.

One is that Chu Xiu's age is not right. Dugu is the only one who reincarnated. He should only be eighteen years old now.

There is also Chu Xiu's death-like behavior, if he is really Dugu and only me reincarnated, it is estimated that he will lose his memory.

Even if Dugu Wei I really has a reincarnation body, it is impossible to be as high-profile as Chu Xiu, but to endure dormancy in secret, and then consider other things after the strength is restored.

But in any case, the magic line has lost a lot of warriors, which is a good thing for the righteous martial arts.

But there are also bad things, that is, Chu Xiu occupied Kunlun Mountain, ignited the rootless holy fire, erected the banner of the devil's way, and rebuilt the Kunlun Devil's Sect.

If it were changed to normal times, they would never allow this kind of thing to happen.

But now, with the news of the reincarnation of Dugu and I, the matter of Chu Xiu can be ignored.

Kunlun Mountain is only a symbol of the magic way, and Dugu and I is the existence that can make the whole river and lake shrouded in the shadow of the magic way.

It's not too late to find the reincarnation of Dugu and I, and then deal with Chu Xiu.

Anyway, in the eyes of all Jianghu people, Dugu is the only one who is a big problem. Chu Xiu, although it is troublesome, as long as they work together, they are still able to solve it, but they need to be a little behind.

These were all expected by Chu Xiu. He climbed Kunlun Mountain and others would not be unresponsive. It was only because the reincarnation of Dugu and I was ahead that no one came to trouble him.

As for how long this game could last, Chu Xiu didn't know, and he wasn't sure.

So he has to raise his strength to a sufficient level before the sect of the righteous way can react.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, beside the rootless sacred fire, Chu Xiu stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the place further west of Kunlun Mountain.

There is the western end of the Kunlun Mountains, and there is also the strongest sect in the world, the West Kunlun Tianmen!

Although both Tianmen and Demon Sect are in Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Mountain is really too big. The entire Kunlun Mountains stretches for thousands of miles. Kunlun Demon Sect is located near the east.

And Tianmen is the westernmost part of Kunlun Mountain, which is the tail of dragon veins.

It is said that in the past, the heights of East and West Kunlun were actually the same, but since Dugu was the only one who went to Tianmen, he flattened the top of Tianmen by a hundred zhang, just because no one could stand higher than himself.

Of course, this was what Lu Jianghe said. Chu Xiu felt that the other party was making things up. In his opinion, Dugu Wei I should not be so boring.

But for the current Chu Xiu, the Heavenly Gate, which was once trodden by Dugu and I, was a great catastrophe for him.

I will not talk about the grievances between him and Tianmen. In the past, Dugu was the only one who could not tolerate Tianmen. Now that he has entered Kunlun again, can Tianmen tolerate him?

After Jun Wushen was slapped back by Zhong Shenxiu last time, it seems that there has been no **** general of Tianmen in the rivers and lakes for a long time. Chu Xiu also hopes that there is something wrong with the other party.

Chu Xiu turned his attention to the rootless holy fire behind him. Now he can't care about so much. Improving his strength is the most important thing.


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