Meet The Leader

Chapter 1071: Holy fire knife

PS: Thanks to the book friend seminole for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Whether Tianmen will come to trouble him, Chu Xiu can't tell now.

He worked hard and worked hard to climb Kunlun Mountain, of course, not for the reputation of a demon master, but to preemptively improve his strength and prestige.

Therefore, the first thing Chu Xiu did after climbing Mount Kunlun was to arrange for everyone to restore the Demon Sect, not to mention the state it was in 500 years ago, at least to look like it.

And for the second thing, he was going to sacrifice the blade embryos he got from the primitive devil's cave.

Although weapons are not the most important thing in martial arts, a sufficiently strong weapon can affect the situation of the battle.

For the current Chu Xiu, ordinary magic weapons can't even satisfy him, only those legendary powerful weapons can.

As an ancient demon soldier, although the Xieyue Sword is strong enough, it is not his own weapon after all. The tool spirit cannot recognize the master and can only suppress it for a period of time with the help of the inner demon. The fit between it and Chu Xiu is very low.

When he was comprehending the meaning of breaking the word, Chu Xiu saw the scene when Dugu Yu I used Ting Chunyu's shot in an illusion. That was truly hearty and invincible.

Right now, if he can use the rootless holy fire to incubate the blade embryo, it is a natural magic blade produced in the primitive magic cave. Even if this blade embryo is not as good as listening to the spring rain, the power must be similar.

So Chu Xiu directly came to Lu Jianghe and asked, "Old Lu, how should we use the rootless holy fire to temper the blade embryo?"

Lu Jianghe looked at Chu Xiu with a very complicated look: "Do you think I am the kind of person who can refine weapons?"

Chu Xiu looked at Lu Jianghe with bad eyes: "Then you told me last time that this blade embryo can only be refined with rootless holy fire?"

Lu Jianghe spread his hands innocently and said, "There is nothing wrong with what I said. It is indeed possible to refine it with rootless holy fire. As for how to refine it, how do I know?"

Seeing that Chu Xiu was about to explode, Lu Jianghe said quickly, "Although I don't know how to refine this blade embryo, it's still a good guess.

This thing is in the shape of a knife, and it is born of heaven and earth.

The rootless holy fire is also born from heaven and earth, otherwise you can try it, throw this thing in, pour it into your own power, maybe you can refine it? "

"Can this thing be tried?"

Lu Jianghe laughed and said, "Anyway, that's what the sect leader should have done in the past.

In the entire Holy Religion, the strongest weapon refiner is the Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable.

But when the sect master was refining Ting Chunyu, he didn't look for the Heavenly Weeping Demon Venerable, but he did it himself.

The leader is also not good at refining weapons. Since he can succeed, why can't you succeed? If you don't try, how do you know? "

With a dark face, Chu Xiu waved Lu Jianghe aside.

This guy is almost never reliable.

But at the moment, Chu Xiu had no other choice but to give it a try according to what Lu Jianghe said.

Beside the rootless holy fire, Chu Xiu threw the blade embryo in his hand, and in an instant, the boundless holy fire began to burn violently.

Chu Xiu hurriedly poured his Astral Qi into it, and it seemed like adding fuel to the fire in an instant.

Lu Jianghe on the side quickly shouted: "Look, it works, I said it must be the right thing to do."

The blade embryo was wrapped in the rootless holy fire, and the stone-like thing outside had begun to gradually melt.

"To shut up!"

After a few words from Lu Jianghe, Chu Xiu poured his true energy into it.

Chu Xiu didn't know how to refine weapons, but it seemed that he didn't need to know now.

The rootless holy fire reacted with the blade embryo, melting all the stone skin outside, revealing a bright silver edge. It looks like a goose ling sword.

The blade body was covered with bizarre natural veins. Chu Xiu tried to condense his strength to the bottom, and he actually stretched out a blade handle.

By the end, the sharp edge of the knife had already shot into the sky, causing the entire Kunlun Mountains to stare at the sky in astonishment, not knowing what was going on.

Chu Xiu closed his eyes slightly, and he could feel a breath coming from the blade. It was an extremely agile feeling, which was in line with Chu Xiu's mind.

This knife is giving birth to an artifact spirit.

Because it was created with Chu Xiu's power, the artifact spirit born in the knife is very close to Chu Xiu, and it has begun to recognize the master since birth.

The fit of something like a weapon is a very mysterious thing. No matter what your strength is, the weapon spirit recognizes the master only by feeling.

Just like Ling Yunzi, he is clearly the strongest in Chunyang Daomen, but there is only one Yuyunzi who can freely use the magic weapon Chunyang.

Now, Chu Xiu's fit with this knife is extremely high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have the same mind.

At this time, the holy flame converged and poured into the long knife. With a wave of Chu Xiu's hand, the long knife with endless brilliance fell into Chu Xiu's hand.

In an instant, Chu Xiu's body erupted with boundless sharpness, and that power even made Lu Jianghe unable to help but retreat.

At this time, Mei Qinglian and others also appeared beside Chu Xiu. Seeing the long knife in his hand, they said in surprise, "This is the natural magic weapon? Was it made so easily?"

Chu Xiu touched his nose and said, "It's really easy. Maybe refining something born with something born is the most correct way to use it."

Shang Tianliang said on the side: "Boy, what is the function of your magic knife? The level of the natural magic knife is probably beyond the level of the nine-turn magic weapon."

When Chu Xiu heard the words, he just slashed forward lightly, and everyone felt a fierce edge passing by, but after that, there was no vision Chu Xiu, and even the blood moon twisted the void when the evil moon knife was unsheathed. The power is not as good.

"This is the end?" Chu Wuji asked in surprise.

The others were a little confused, but Shang Tianliang's expression changed slightly, and he said solemnly: "Wherever this sword has passed, the space has been cut open, and the direction of the sword beam, everything is extinguished and dissipated, including the vitality of heaven and earth. It is so.

At this time, if I were to fight against the enemy with Chu Xiu, and control one of the worlds with the realm of heaven and earth, then his sword would be enough to cut out a loophole in my side of the world.

This knife is simply the nemesis of the powerhouses in the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm! Even the world can be annihilated, what kind of power is this? "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No, it's not the power of annihilation. I just cut through it with a knife, and it didn't kill any power. To be precise, this power should be called Guiyuan."

"Return to Yuan?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "All things return to their origin, all the power in this world comes from the two forces of yin and yang. The yin and yang of heaven and earth are the most initial forces in this world. After that, whether it is earth feng shui fire or pure yang evil, They are all transformed by the two forces of yin and yang.

My knife just now actually returned the power that had evolved between the heaven and the earth to the original power of the cathode.

Because the change in power was too small, you didn't notice it. After the knife was cut out, the power of the cathode between the heavens and the earth rose a bit. "

Shang Tianliang's expression changed slightly when he heard the words: "If you say that, your sword is even more terrifying than the invincible force of annihilation.

If other people are against you, as long as their power is hit by your sword, the power will immediately be returned to the pure and extreme cathode power.

At the end of the battle, the power of the negative pole is prosperous. If you can step into the realm of heaven and earth, control the world, and understand the power of the realm, you can completely evolve the surrounding area into the boundless demon realm, and the power is even more powerful. "

Chu Xiu nodded, and he also thought of what Shang Tianliang said.

This knife is worthy of being the ultimate magic soldier generated between heaven and earth, and this power is powerful.

Even compared to the previous Dugu Yui who listened to the spring rain, in fact, it is not much less.

It's just that the two are not the same property.

"Can you name this knife?" Shang Tianliang said suddenly.

Chu Xiu thought about it and said, "This knife can return all power to Yuanyuan, so it's called the Yuanyuan Blade."

Mei Qinglian's beautiful eyes rolled her eyes: "It's such a powerful magic sword, but it was named by you. Are you worthy of the spirit of this sword?"

Chu Xiu held the knife in his and said in surprise: "What's wrong with this name? It's very vivid, and the artifact spirit has the same mind as me, so how can I object, and an artifact spirit needs a name?"

Lu Jianghe patted Chu Xiu on the shoulder and said, "Forget it, I can see that you have no talent for naming names, so let that girl from the Yin Demon Sect come.

By the way, your kid is very similar to the leader. When the leader named Ting Chunyu, guess what name the leader named?

Listening to Chun Yu's incomparable sharpness, capable of severing all things in the world, the sect leader simply called it a slashing sword, which meant that nothing could withstand it. "

Chu Xiu shrugged and said indifferently, "Well, think of a name."

Chu Xiu really didn't care much about things like names.

It's just a name, weapons are used to kill people, as long as they are sharp enough to kill people, that's enough, women are hypocritical.

Mei Qinglian thought for a while and said, "The sect master's magic sword is called Ting Chunyu, and the blood of murderers falls like spring rain. This sword of yours can return all the power of Yuanyuan, and it is unparalleled. Why don't you call it a time?"

It's just a name, Chu Xiu was too lazy to think about it, and nodded directly: "Okay, that's it, the magic knife has been broken for a while."

Lu Jianghe, who was beside him, was suddenly in a trance at this moment, how similar the current scene is.

More than 500 years ago, Dugu Wei I got the knife embryo from the primitive devil's cave, refined Ting Chunyu, and gave it a lame name. It was also the Red Lotus Demon Venerable who rolled his eyes and changed it for him.

At that time, he watched and snickered. Now that five hundred years have passed, this scene has been repeated again, but things are different, but Lu Jianghe suddenly felt a pain in his heart.


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