Meet The Leader

Chapter 1087: The cause and effect of Chu Xiu

PS: Thanks for the reward of 10,000 starting coins for the monkey who stole bananas

This battle experienced by the Kunlun Demon Sect was not actually a battle. After all, only Chu Xiu fought.

But its cohesion to the entire Kunlun Demon Sect is even greater than a fierce battle.

After all, the Demon Dao has been suppressed for five hundred years. During these five hundred years, the whole Jianghu has been decided by the sect of the righteous way. Most of the demonic warriors have actually been instilled with a feeling that they are inferior to the righteous way.

Even in the hidden demon lineage, there are many people who have this kind of thinking and think that they are not as good as the righteous sect.

Now almost all the righteous paths of the rivers and lakes have united to besiege Kunlun, but they still failed to win them. This kind of confidence is extremely rare for them.

Chu Xiu glanced at the pale Lu Jianghe, and said to the others, "Take Lao Lu down and let the Fengshen doctor treat him."

Speaking of which, Lu Jianghe couldn't blame others, he could only blame himself for being cheap.

Before Jun Wushen's goal was only Chu Xiu, and even Ye Shaonan, who had the will to fight, ignored it, so naturally he wouldn't care about an ant character like Lu Jianghe.

However, the lethality of Lu Jianghe's mouth is not ordinary. He specially exposed the shortcoming, and said to the pain point of Tianmen, which finally completely angered Jun Wushen.

He didn't have the powerful Primordial Spirit cultivation that Chu Xiu had, and completely relied on his own willpower to forcibly break free from the power of the six reincarnations.

So this time, Lu Jianghe was the only one who was 'gloriously' under Chu Xiu's command, although his injury was meaningless.

Shang Tianliang sighed beside Chu Xiu: "There are people outside people, there are heaven outside the sky, the strength of these two people, I am afraid that they have already touched the sky, right?"

While being helped down, Lu Jianghe snorted coldly and said, "Rare and strange, where is this?

If you see the sect master take action, but then you will know what the real heaven is! "

Shang Tianliang glanced at him, and when he was completely helped away, he said, "It's a miracle that this fellow was not beaten to death five hundred years ago."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "So he should thank Sect Master Dugu, otherwise he may not even live the day the Kunlun Demon Sect is destroyed."

Now that the biggest crisis is lifted, everyone under his command is relaxed, including Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu had this idea after discovering the relics of Wuxin Demon Venerable and Heavenly Crying Demon Venerable, but he actually knew that his idea was quite risky. To be precise, it should be quite risky.

But the opportunity is rare. He will come to this step sooner or later. It is better to go early than to go late. This time, not to mention the future crisis will be relieved. The orthodox sect will not come to trouble him for a while.

"What should we do next?" Mei Qinglian asked aside.

"Are you interested in rebuilding the Yin Demon Sect?"

Mei Qinglian was stunned at first, and then her beautiful eyes flashed with excitement: "Is it time?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "It's almost time, during this time, neither the righteous path nor the Tianmen will come to trouble us, so if we don't take advantage of this time to rapidly develop our holy religion, when will we wait?

A month later, I summoned all the forces under my command to come to Kunlun Mountain to discuss the matter. It's time to discuss the structure of my holy religion. "

Being able to rebuild the Yin Demon Sect is not Mei Qinglian's dream, but the responsibility she has always shouldered.

When this responsibility is completed, she can breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this time, Mei Qinglian hesitated again.

"It's not like you don't know what level I am. It's okay to let me take care of some chores, but that's an entire sect, so what do I take care of."

Chu Xiu said: "I am going to restore the structure of the Holy Sect five hundred years ago. At that time, the Yin Demon Sect will still be a vassal of the Holy Cult, but it is not necessary to build a gate outside the Holy Cult. .

At that time, you can do whatever you want. You just need to recruit disciples and pass on the exercises of the Yin Demon Sect. As for the management of the sect, naturally I will help you check and select a few reliable people. , Basically, you don't have to worry about anything, and the Yin Demon Sect can also establish and operate normally. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Mei Qinglian also let out a sigh of relief.

Being able to pass on the sect, even if she is worthy of her master and the elders of the sect.

Chu Xiu decided to re-plan the framework of the Demon Sect, but in fact, he didn't want to change anything, and he still followed the rules of five hundred years ago.

In the past, the rules set by Dugu Yume are actually very suitable for the Kunlun Demon Sect.

People in the magic way have their own personalities, and they are not so easy to discipline.

So Dugu Yui only asks for one thing and it is enough, there are only two words: obedience.

The halls in the Kunlun Demon Sect are directly under the jurisdiction of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and these people are also cultivated by the Kunlun Demon Sect.

And like the previous Yin Demon Sect and Wuxiang Demon Sect, although they have inherited it before, as long as they join the Kunlun Demon Sect, they are also vassals of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Being named a demon envoy is exactly the same as the direct line head of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and there is no difference between the two sides.

The advantage of this is that the Kunlun Demon Sect does not need to accurately control everyone. They only need to control the demon envoys of these vassal sects. As long as they can guarantee obedience, the entire sect will obey. status.

This trick is very useful. Just look at the current Hidden Demon lineage. In fact, most of the people in the entire Hidden Demon lineage are not from the Tangkou line of the former Kunlun Demon Sect, but from those vassal sects.

But even after five hundred years, there are still some people who remain loyal to the Kunlun Demon Sect, which is not easy.

At this time, Chu Xiu's subordinates also had a lot of forces in their bodies. Although everyone recognized Chu Xiu as the master, they each had their own thoughts and inheritances, much like the old Kunlun Demon Sect.

If Chu Xiu integrated all of them into the Kunlun Demon Sect, it would be unrealistic, so he might as well follow the rules of five hundred years ago.

Just when Chu Xiu was thinking about these things, in the West Kunlun, above the Tianmen, countless clouds were densely covered, and the momentum was dignified as if water was about to drip.

That is the momentum that Jun Wushen subconsciously blooms, and it is so powerful that it is terrifying.

All the Heavenly Sect gods, including some other Heavenly Sect warriors, hid in their palaces silently at this time, for fear of touching the sect master's bad head.

They don't know what's going on, and they don't dare to ask, it's safer to just watch the formation and get banned.

In the main hall, Jun Wushen was expressionless, but everyone could see the extent of the anger in his heart at this time.

The fifth Chisong sits under Jun Wushen, and among the nine gods in Tianmen, only the fifth Chisong can stay with Jun Wushen in such a state of rage.

Frowning, the fifth Chisong puzzled: "This is unreasonable, why did Zhong Shenxiu get together with Chu Xiu?

cause and effect? Why does this Chu Xiu also have cause and effect? Even if Zhong Shenxiu can personally protect him, what is the cause and effect of him? "

"Go, call Zhu Tianxiao." Jun Wushen suddenly said.

Zhu Tianxiao is the only one who can do all-night divination among the gods of Tianmen. The fifth Chisong can already guess what Jun Wushen wants to calculate.

However, he persuaded: "Sect Master, the seven calculations of heaven and man and the three questions of gods and ghosts are reserved for dealing with the outbreak of the ban.

In more than a year, the gods will be ranked. At that time, the ban will break out once. With all the heavens and the seven calculations and the three questions of the gods and ghosts, we can also know in advance which ban will break out, okay. Reinforce it in advance to save time.

At this time, after more than a year, Zhu Tianxiao will definitely not be able to recover. "

Jun Wushen didn't speak, just glanced at Fifth Chisong.

Just at this glance, the fifth Chisong understood what Jun Wushen meant, and had no choice but to call Zhu Tianxiao.

The Heavenly Gate God will know all the heavens, and is known as the one who knows all the heavens.

His combat power is almost the weakest among the **** generals in Tianmen, but every time he ranks as a **** general, he can survive, not relying on his but his accomplishments in the way of divination .

Under the back and forth calculation, even if his combat power is insufficient, he will not be eliminated.

Moreover, his ability is special, and he will definitely receive some preferential treatment from Jun Wushen, unless there is another person in Tianmen who has the same ability as him and can even replace him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a chubby white man in a fancy dress with a warm smile on his face was brought in by the fifth Chisong, and he was the dawn of the heavens.

Seeing Jun Wushen there, Zhu Tianxiao hurried over and said, "Sect Master, are you looking for me?"

Jun Wushen said solemnly: "Help me deduce that Chu Xiu, I want to see what is unusual about him, so that Zhong Shenxiu can protect him for the sake of cause and effect!"

Zhu Tianxiao nodded, and immediately took out all kinds of divination things, as well as a huge gossip plate, in which he calculated and deduced back and forth.

Only Chu Xiu's name, nothing else, this is almost the most difficult kind of deduction.

In the past, when Master Yuan Ji deduced Chu Xiu, he still needed something related to Chu Xiu and with the breath of Chu Xiu to deduce it, but now it is Zhu Tianxiao, he can calculate it out of thin air, and it is not so troublesome. , sometimes even without a name.

After a while, Zhu Tianxiao frowned and said, "There's nothing wrong, this Chu Xiu is very ordinary.

The only thing wrong is that, if I'm not wrong, Chu Xiu's fate looks like a mediocre and short-lived ordinary fate, and it can even be said to be very bad.

But he can live to this day, and still have such achievements, this is simply unreasonable, God, is this kidding me?

and many more! Some things are wrong, there is no problem, it is the biggest problem! "


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